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Problems with machinery?


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So I've been playing Tekkit for a while (before the Lite/Classic split), and I am typically well versed in how to play, but ever since I downloaded 1.0.6 I have been unable to get quarries, pumps, macerators, etc. to work. I have been attempting to use redstone engines as well as solar panels (which I can't place anywhere) and other forms of power, but none of those will work either. I did put levers next to the redstone powered items but they still didn't work. Any suggestions?

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Redstone engines only work on wooden transport pipes. Use a real engine for real machines. Also, pretty sure there are no solar panel blocks currently in, most likley the solar panel you have is a component for something else like the MPS.

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and may I recommend steam engines, magmatic engines, or combustion engines as opposed to stirlings? Maybe I'm just bitter, but I had so many of those blow up on me because I got distracted and left them unattended. Steam and magmatic don't blow up (though magmatic will seize on you if they max out and can't distribute power -- smack them with a wrench), and combustion won't if you keep them cooled with water (haven't tried that yet, but that's my understanding). And all (I believe) produce more power than stirlings.

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Are you placing at least two landmarks with the same y axis, and the same x or z axis? If your quarry is a square, and your landmarks make up the corners, you need to have them all on the same y coordinate, and the lasers won't fire until you have at least 2 down.

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You said youve been playing tekkit for awhile but are this unfamilar with quarries? What did you do before? Mine by hand? *Shudders*

As Dash said dont place them with any block beside them, just the block they sit on. Make sure they are exact height, maximum of 64 blocks away horizontally there are no blocks in their path to the next landmark, and then right click on them. Also the quarry has to be placed against one of the landmarks, not the laser.

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You said youve been playing tekkit for awhile but are this unfamilar with quarries? What did you do before? Mine by hand? *Shudders*

No I've just never used landmarks before. My friend told me how to use them but they still don't work, I put three them along the x and z axis to make an L shape but the lasers don't fire, do I put them in a square or rectangle or do I need to add a y-axis marker.

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From IC2? TE stuff like pulverizers. Pulvs were actually already in tekkit iirc, its just they are slower and need more infastructure to work and can't be upgraded, so people just used macerators. Check out the thermal expansion stuff, it replaces IC2 pretty completely.

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Pulverizers are like macerators, but slower, not upgradeable, much greater control of which side feeds to which slot, and automatic outpt. Basically they are easier to automate, but you need more to achieve the same volume per time.

You can just place a quarry and use the default dig zone without landmarks if they just will not work.

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ummm, what? Macerators turn ore into ore dust allowing you to make more metals from less ores.

Energy condensers are from EE2, not IC2, and are out. EE2 isn't updated anymore and EE3 dropped them because they were way too strong. Nothing really replaces condensers because most of the major mods don't like them, too op.

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Can pulverizers make new items like the macerator? Unless i'm thinking of the wrong machine. I thought macerators turned resources into new items right? Like soil into diamonds.

What? Are you sure youve played tekkit before? Anyway check out the lite wiki, it's more complete than the new one but not entirely up to date. And good for people who want to learn the basics http://tekkitlite.wikia.com/wiki/Tekkit_Lite_Wiki.

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