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Help With Ram...


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I do not want help with a sever i just want Hexxit to use more ram. In the launcher settings, i can allocate more ram but that only works for the max amount of ram, i can't change the least amount of ram so it still lags, i have an Alienware MX14R2 from 2012 with 16 gb of ram and windows 7. Please help, thank you in advence if you help.

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If I'm understanding your problem correctly, your solution would be to just make sure you have no other programs running so the launcher is free to take however much you tell it too. Keep in mind that too little RAM can cause lag, but too much can as well.

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How should i put it... XMX- 8gb XMS - 256 mb xmx is the max of ram xms is the minimum i want to change the minimum because minecraft uses the minimum and maybe a little bit over, for some reason, it tries even with max fps on, it still just uses about 600 mb of ram, i dont want that because it still lags, i want to play it very smooth but with good graphics,the only way to make that work is by changing the minimum amount of ram and i have no way of doing that... i would create a .bat file, but i cant open hexxit.exe without the technic launcher, at least i don't think i can...

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