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[1.1.10] GlobalNetwork [Survival][Whitelisted][20 Slot][Community Based]

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The GlobalNetwork


Welcome to the Global Network. Who are we? We are a small community of individuals that has come together over the years and is now looking to expand our community. We are located all over the world, from places like Germany to Brazil to United States. Our mission: Bring together other Minecrafters and gamers into a network that will have a life that extends well beyond the prime years of Minecraft, however, that is our primary medium of gaming at this time. Currently we are running Tekkit 1.1.10. We are not vanilla.

-Where did we come from?-

In short, we came from a server called Steamtekk. Originally that is where most of us found each other, but over the years we have slowly added on more people. More individuals who have shaped us into what we are today.

-Who are we looking for?-

We would like to extend an invitation to you, yes you. We are looking for individuals to join and grow inside of our community. That does not mean we are looking for just anyone. We are looking for mature and open minded individuals who are willing to allow change to occur. We are not looking for members, not numbers, but those who we can call friends. Most of us are in college, have jobs, or lives that make our availability low, so do not worry if that’s you, because that’s all of us too. You do not need to devote 30 hours to gaming time a week, just pop your head in and chat up with the group every once in a while.

-Can anyone join?-

Yes and no. We are going to consider every person who takes interest in us, but that does not mean everyone will be invited to join. This is not because we want to be a closed community, but it is because we want to be a good thriving community. We need to be careful who we let in because as everyone one here can attest to, there are some people out there that are only interested in destruction.

-How can I join?-

It is pretty simple; all you need to do is leave a post on this forum page. What you include in this post is up to you, but if you want to be accepted, you should try to give us a window into who you are. Once we read your application and like you, one of us will send you a private message on the forums giving you the instructions on how to join.

-Okay, but really, what should I say?-

Things you should include: Minecraft name so we can whitelist you and your age.

That’s pretty much all that is required. But seriously, be creative; come up with something that will catch our eyes. We are not looking for you to impress us; we just want you to give us some information for us to make a decision off of. Do we discriminate against age? Well, we do not try to, but generally we are looking for older individuals.

That's Cool, But really, do you have a preferred format?

Okay, Okay. Fine here take your formatted nonsense:




Favorite Tekkit Mod:

What is your favorite activity besides minecraft?

Tell us a little about yourself: (3-5 sentences is preferred)

Tell us about something you like about yourself:

Tell us about something you don't like about yourself:

-There are requirements-

Yes, sadly, there are a few requirements. We do require you to have TeamSpeak 3. This is our primary form of communication. Not Skype or in game chat. We also require that you at least have a computer that can run Tekkit or FTB decently. We currently are using Tekkit as it is a lighter mod pack and is a little easier for us to maintain, but we are an ever changing server.


Here are some pictures of what our server looks like right now. We currently are on a map that was custom built:


Here is something that took way to long to build:


This is where we are building right now:


Final Thoughts:

We would like to thank you for taking the time to read and consider us. We look foreword to reading your posts and potentially play with you!

IP: MC.MCGlobalNetwork.com


Name: Yes, true believers, my name really is Fang.

IGN: Le_Joueur (I don't speak French, but it means 'the gamer'.)

Age: 47 and I have two teenagers who prefer vanilla

Favorite Tekkit Mod: It's a toss up between Buildcraft and Modular Power Suits.

What is your favorite activity besides minecraft? Homeschooling my kids.

Tell us a little about yourself: My wife and I, as well as our kids, are all autistic. As primary caretaker, I can be away from my computer for days at a time. I'm also a spoken word game designer and theorist (some of my work was cited in a paper from Finland).

Tell us about something you like about yourself: I'm diligent and generous to a fault.

Tell us about something you don't like about yourself: The depression brought on by my autism.

Right now, my personal challenge is to make a self-sufficient, self regulating supermarket which does not leak or slow down the server. Next up: modular housing!


Name: Pedro

IGN: crysomemoor, but i prefer to be called cry

Age: 15

Favorite Tekkit Mod: Railcraft and the power suits (i forgot the name)

What is your favorite activity besides minecraft? I like to play my bass and listen to music, but I'm also a good writer and reader.

Tell us a little about yourself: I'm a actually very lonely, so when I do make a friend i never let him go. I'm not form US or UK, so I learned English as a second language (apologize for any grammar mistakes). I love watching series, as a matter of fact I watched all 7 seasons of Doctor Who in a week, but I can handle myself in conversations. I love reading and I love playing games, some of my favorite games are RPG. I'm young, but that doesn't mean i'm childish, my asperger helps a lot with that. Like i said, i am from Brazil so i had to learn good english.

Tell us about something you like about yourself: I am a good writer

Tell us about something you don't like about yourself: I am not very good with small talk, i like to go direct to the point


Name: Thomas Ansell

IGN: tomrobans

Age: 16

Favorite Tekkit Mod: i actually have two favourite mods: Mysticraft because of multi-dimensional travel and Galacticraft because you get to go to the moon :D

What is your favorite activity besides minecraft? Sports and Computer Programming

Tell us a little about yourself: (3-5 sentences is preferred) Im a friendly and nice person to know, i prefer to not pvp or grief as those things are kinda not for me essentially.

Tell us about something you like about yourself: I like the fact that i can help people out with something they dont know or struggle with knowing.

Tell us about something you don't like about yourself: The fact that many people say im too geeky and too much of a gamer.


Hey! My name is HockeyPowwa97. I am a 16 years old guy from northern Sweden. On my spare time I play games, hang out with my friends and train track and field. The games I play are of course minecraft, but also Civilization V, Heroes and Generals, and every once in a while Team Fortress 2.

I have been playing modded minecraft pretty much since the first launch of the technic pack. Throughout the years I've been through various FTB as well as both technic pack and tekkit classic(when it was just tekkit), and voltz/ampz. I've just recently jumped over to the new tekkit, and I'm so far enjoying it. So now it's time to find a server!

From experience I know that I have the most fun on smaller servers where you get closer to the other players, and that's why I thought this server would be great when I first saw it in this list!

That's pretty much it for me, hope to see you in game soon! :)


Name: Andrius

IGN: Sinhunter

Age: nearly 24

Favorite Tekkit Mod: Computer craft ( previously Redpower)

What is your favorite activity besides minecraft? work, work and play few other games.

Tell us a little about yourself: (3-5 sentences is preferred) I am interested in computes for very long time, my gaming days started from Transport tycoon old version. i am living in Lithuania, Kaunas city and at the moment i am working in IT field.

Tell us about something you like about yourself: I can read a lot about different games :) and remember allot of facts :)

Tell us about something you don't like about yourself: My room looks messy all the time whit different pc equipment on the floor , table, and chairs and even on piano :)


Name: Colin

IGN: ShadowKilla29a

Age: 15

Favorite Tekkit Mod: Buildcraft, but idk if thats in the new one. I wanna learn galacticraft a lot.

What is your favorite activity besides minecraft? Football, racing

Tell us a little about yourself: (3-5 sentences is preferred) uhm? i race during the rest of the year and im a freshman in high school. I play console games but want to get into pc. I live in Pennsylvania, USA.

Tell us about something you like about yourself: I learn easily

Tell us about something you don't like about yourself: I dont have the money for a really good PC yet ):


Name: Cole

IGN: Platinum_Spinaz

Age: 25

Favorite Tekkit Mod: MineFactory Reloaded-- I hope it doesn't sound boring but I just love that rednet cable so so much.

What is your favorite activity besides minecraft? recreational reading. (I like to live dangerously.)

Tell us a little about yourself: (3-5 sentences is preferred) I live on the west coast of the continental United States, in a place that stays soggy year-round. I love hiking and one of my dreams is to find a mountain that I can hike uphill both ways (I know, it's impossible.) I am a terrible cook, my favorite food is *anything wrapped in a tortilla* and my best friend is a malamute.

Tell us about something you like about yourself: My expressive eyebrows.

Tell us about something you don't like about yourself: My very real fear of mountain lions.


Name: Christian

IGN: HierarchOfOld


Favorite Tekkit Mod:

What is your favorite activity besides minecraft?

Tell us a little about yourself: (3-5 sentences is preferred)

Tell us about something you like about yourself:

Tell us about something you don't like about yourself:


Name: Christian

IGN: HierarchOfOld

Age: 16

Favorite Tekkit Mod: Buildcraft

What is your favorite activity besides minecraft? Mostly composing music and hanging out with friends

Tell us a little about yourself: (3-5 sentences is preferred) I enjoy deathcore metal. I have an IQ of 147. I enjoy creating wildly complex contraptions in my spare time.

Tell us about something you like about yourself: My ability to remember anything and everything I do.

Tell us about something you don't like about yourself: Sometimes I become a little asshole and yell at everyone, then seclude myself for a couple of hours till I'm better.


Name: Aaron

IGN: Extort713

Age: 20

Favorite Tekkit Mod:

Applied Energistics, is without a doubt a deal breaker for me; if the mod-pack doesn't have it, I wont play it.

What is your favorite activity besides minecraft?

Besides gaming in general, I love working on computers and networks. Building, maintaining, and fixing them pretty much.

Tell us a little about yourself: (3-5 sentences is preferred)

I grew up in a small town in Florida, was a pretty old way of thinking in that town, which made growing up hard for me. I'm a freshman right now at the Thomas Edison state college. I'm also a father to my son who is 2 years old, so you might hear him over the mic sometimes. >.<

Tell us about something you like about yourself:

I like the person that I have become, I wouldn't change the nerd that I am, and I wouldn't change the life I'm living.

Tell us about something you don't like about yourself:

I might have a few lbs I wouldn't mind working off.








Favorite Tekkit Mod: Galacticraft but thats just one of my favorites

Tell us a little about yourself:

I like gaming and hanging with my friends, I play DDR once a week. I graduated from high school at the beginning of this year, and i'm gonna be starting College next year.

Tell us about something you like about yourself:

I like how i am a fast learner and can grasp new ideas quickly.

Tell us about something you don't like about yourself:

How shy i can be instead of being outgoing with new people.


Name: Jean-François (JF)

IGN: Sios2010

Age: 26

Favorite Tekkit Mod:

Applied Energistics, who would want a hundred chests to store everything ? =p

What is your favorite activity besides minecraft?

Developping softwares, gaming, dancing, I have a few hobbies.

Tell us a little about yourself: (3-5 sentences is preferred)

I'm a french Canadian and a software developer. I've been working ever since I've been out of school. I'm a mature and hardworking guy.

Tell us about something you like about yourself:

I don't feed trolls or create drama. It's something I don't like others doing either, drama and gaming doesn't make a fun experience.

Tell us about something you don't like about yourself:

Well, my English could be better and I definitely have an accent, but I like working on it while skyping.


Name: Evan

IGN: diamondeye83

Age: 15

Favorite Tekkit Mod: Thermal Expansion

What is your favorite activity besides minecraft? Legos, soccer

Tell us a little about yourself: (3-5 sentences is preferred): Well, I'm a 10th grade high school student and have been playing minecraft for a little over 2 years now. I have seen many mods come and go(RIP redpower), and i am fairly skilled in using all of them.

Tell us about something you like about yourself: I like how I can map out complex structures in my head and them build them with minimal issues.

Tell us about something you don't like about yourself: My designs are practical, but they aren't very creative.


Name: Greg

IGN: SpartanBlood11

Age: 21

Favorite Tekkit Mod: Buildcraft

What is your favorite activity besides minecraft?: Helping out on my school's Formula SAE team

Tell us a little about yourself: (3-5 sentences is preferred): 21 year old college student studying mechanical engineering. As stated above I'm helping build a formula car for my school club that we'll compete with in the spring and I'm stoked about that. I taught myself to play the drumset back in high school and have just recently come back in to playing minecraft, which hasn't proven productive toward my college work :P

Tell us about something you like about yourself: I like my ability to set up some complex (in my opion) buildcraft set ups and love automating things.

Tell us about something you don't like about yourself: I am the worst builder you'll ever meet



IGN: goldenleader01


Favorite Tekkit Mod: Buildcraft

What is your favorite activity besides minecraft? Cross Country, and hanging out with friends.

Tell us a little about yourself: (3-5 sentences is preferred) I am very lonely and I like to get stuff done by myself. I really have a few core friends because I am very "choosey". I love cross country because I just like to run. I am very crazy with nuclear power on tekkit... That is about it.

Tell us about something you like about yourself: Hard-working

Tell us about something you don't like about yourself: Procrastinator



IGN:Honeydew_1999 (it was a gift)


Favorite Tekkit Mod:buildcraft

What is your favorite activity besides minecraft? Playing the drums.

Tell us a little about yourself: (3-5 sentences is preferred) I have played most of the main mod packs for minecraft and I'm comfortable using them all. I prefer to only use one server at a time and can get quite addicted.

Tell us about something you like about yourself:I can easily remember facts and work well with other people.

Tell us about something you don't like about yourself:I'm a terrible builder. I go for function not ascetics but if I'm accepted il work on that.


Name: Trent

IGN: 123tmaniac

Age: 19

Favorite Tekkit Mod: BuildCraft or Red Power 2 from Tekkit classic (If Tekkit classic counts for that)

What is your favorite activity besides minecraft? Hunting or anything outside that is outdoorsy

Tell us a little about yourself: (3-5 sentences is preferred) Well I work full-time and am going to start college this year, I spend about 50% of my down time playing minecraft, the other half I'm outside shooting or hunting. I can get crazy on projects that I'm working on in MC designing and developing very in-depth and advanced machines/factories/buildings

Tell us about something you like about yourself: I like my ability think of anything and then find a way to create it.

Tell us about something you don't like about yourself: I lose track of time when I'm caught up in something that I've been working on or planning for a while, which tends to shift the 50% of time on minecraft to about 70%. XD


Name: Max Rokke



Favorite Tekkit Mod:Galacticraft

What is your favorite activity besides minecraft? Swimming

Tell us a little about yourself: (3-5 sentences is preferred)I enjoy building large, complicated factories in regions where it is easy to get to, so i like to showoff a bit. i may be quiet at first but when i warm up to the members i will be more out going. i also ave a good friend ill get to apply if can

Tell us about something you like about yourself:I can create good looking buildings

Tell us about something you don't like about yourself:I over think everything and often end up botching it because of that


  "crysomemoor said:
one question dexterpain, how are you telling people if they are or not accepted, i imagine it is by private messages?

If you read my original post, then you know.

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