eladd Posted February 28, 2014 Posted February 28, 2014 1. How old are you? 16 2. Where do you live? OKLAHOMA, USA 3. Are you new to mods? [Yes or no] no[almost] 4. What do you plan on doing on the server? helping the people of the server and doing a project 5. How much do you play? ALL TIME[except on school days] 6. Do you record for youtube? nope[maybe] 7. What is your Skype name? [this is a requirement] dont got skype BUT i got raidcall: danisaiah 8. Have you been banned from a server before? If Yes, why was you banned? no 9. Why do you want to join my server? cause i want to help with the server 10. Do you accept the rules? yes 11. What is your minecraft name? eladd
cshields15 Posted February 28, 2014 Posted February 28, 2014 1. How old are you? 17 2. Where do you live? In the Eastern United States of America 3. Are you new to mods? [Yes or no] No 4. What do you plan on doing on the server? I might start a lets play. Thats why I was looking for a small server such as this 5. How much do you play? Everyday that I can. 6. Do you record for youtube? Im starting 7. What is your Skype name? [this is a requirement] chris.shields515 8. Have you been banned from a server before? If Yes, why was you banned? I have never been banned from a server. I respect the rules and people on this server that is in question 9. Why do you want to join my server? Like I said, I wanted to start recording for my channel with others but I haven't found any other servers where other people are annoying me. I just want to play 10. Do you accept the rules? I accept these rules 11. What is your minecraft name? celticboy15 Thanks for your time
Giizzmooo Posted February 28, 2014 Posted February 28, 2014 How old are you? 14 where do you live? sweden are you new to mods? no what do you plan doing on the server? I want to explore this new modpack and just have some fun how mutch do you play? almost everyday do you record for youtube? no, my computer is to bad for that whats your skype? x_treeburge_r have you been baned from servers before ? yes i have, but the reason is that owners on publik servers ban u for nothing or I have wanted to be band why would ypu joina my server? I whant to join because, it's more fun to explore a modpack online with people. and maybe get some help if I dont get somthing do you accept the rules? yes ofcourse what's youre minecraft name? davve353
101122356 Posted February 28, 2014 Posted February 28, 2014 1. How old are you? I'm 15 years old. 2. Where do you live? I live in the Netherlands. 3. Are you new to mods? Yes. 4. What do you plan on doing on the server? Building a highly defensive and nice base. 5. How much do you play? At most 4 hours a day, but really depends. 6. Do you record for youtube? Nope. 7. What is your Skype name? ug_snowman101 8. Have you been banned from a server before? If Yes, why was you banned? I haven't 9. Why do you want to join my server? Because I feel lonely when I play singleplayer. 10. Do you accept the rules? Yeah. 11. What is your minecraft name? 101122356.
AwesomeAggron Posted February 28, 2014 Posted February 28, 2014 1. How old are you? I'm 13 years old. 2. Where do you live? I live in Canada in Alberta. 3. Are you new to mods? Yes. 4. What do you plan on doing on the server? Building a really Advance Base, that looks Awesome! 5. How much do you play? At most 4 hours a day. 6. Do you record for youtube? Well not yet but if I can join the Server I plan on recording. 7. What is your Skype name? AwesomeAggron or for some ppl Tanay Soni 8. Have you been banned from a server before? If Yes, why was you banned? I haven't 9. Why do you want to join my server? Because I feel alone when I play singleplayer plus I want to record it and singleplayer isn't the best for recording. 10. Do you accept the rules? Yeah. 11. What is your minecraft name? AwesomeAggron
dirtylemonz Posted February 28, 2014 Posted February 28, 2014 1. How old are you? 18 2. Where do you live? Cornwall Ontario Canada 3. Are you new to mods? Pretty Much Only used some haven't got to try them all yet 4. What do you plan on doing on the server? Building a little city with shops and everything 5. How much do you play? around a hour or two every 3 dats 6. Do you record for youtube? I can haven't yet but would like to start a lets play 7. What is your Skype name? dirty lemonz 8. Have you been banned from a server before? If Yes, why was you banned? No I haven't ever 9. Why do you want to join my server? So I can build without the thought of going off and being griefed 10. Do you accept the rules? I do accept the rules 11. What is your minecraft name? destroy562
jezero Posted February 28, 2014 Posted February 28, 2014 1. How old are you?:20 2. Where do you live?:australia 3. Are you new to mods? [Yes or no]:no 4. What do you plan on doing on the server?:explore build and help 5. How much do you play?:as much as posible 6. Do you record for youtube?:i record but im to afraid to post 7. What is your Skype name? [this is a requirement]:jezero0112 8. Have you been banned from a server before? If Yes, why was you banned?:no 9. Why do you want to join my server?:to have fun playing on multiplayer so i dont feel alone 10. Do you accept the rules?:yes 11. What is your minecraft name?:jerryw1
Badkidzz2013 Posted March 1, 2014 Posted March 1, 2014 To join please answer these questions and I will let you know if you have been accepted 1. How old are you? 15 2. Where do you live? New York 3. Are you new to mods? [Yes or no] no 4. What do you plan on doing on the server? building and playing with the mods 5. How much do you play? daily 6. Do you record for youtube? no 7. What is your Skype name? [this is a requirement] Jamie.Plaisted1 8. Have you been banned from a server before? If Yes, why was you banned? no 9. Why do you want to join my server? Ive been looking for a server mainly like this 10. Do you accept the rules? yes 11. What is your minecraft name? Badkidzz2012
marvalodre Posted March 1, 2014 Posted March 1, 2014 1. How old are you? 16 2. Where do you live? Adelaide, South Australia, Australia 3. Are you new to mods? [Yes or no] New to 'Attack of the B-team' modpack, but not to mods in general. 4. What do you plan on doing on the server? Building and exploring the mods in the modpack 5. How much do you play? Most days, sometimes have things to do however. 6. Do you record for youtube? No 7. What is your Skype name? [this is a requirement] marvalodre 8. Have you been banned from a server before? If Yes, why were you banned? No 9. Why do you want to join my server? I am trying to find a place to explore the mods involved in the B-team modpack and wish to do so in a friendly community 10. Do you accept the rules? Yes 11. What is your minecraft name? marvalodre
Garkesh Posted March 1, 2014 Posted March 1, 2014 1. How old are you? 15 2. Where do you live? Central US 3. Are you new to mods? [Yes or no] No. 4. What do you plan on doing on the server? be a part of the community and explor the mods 5. How much do you play? normaly every day 6. Do you record for youtube? No 7. What is your Skype name? [this is a requirement] Garkesh 8. Have you been banned from a server before? If Yes, why was you banned? No 9. Why do you want to join my server? im tired of the lag and griefing of public servers 10. Do you accept the rules? Yes 11. What is your minecraft name? lordjohn2000
Austinthemighty Posted March 1, 2014 Posted March 1, 2014 1. How old are you? 15 2. Where do you live? Arizona,usa 3. Are you new to mods? [Yes or no] No 4. What do you plan on doing on the server? What bdubs and gennyb wants me to do with the mod pack, Have Fun 5. How much do you play? a tone 6. Do you record for youtube? Not at the moment by have dxtory and have been trying to do some minecraft videos 7. What is your Skype name? [this is a requirement] AustinChopra if you can not find me, becaus i do not know it of the top of my head, email me at [email protected] and i will send it to you 8. Have you been banned from a server before? If Yes, why was you banned? No 9. Why do you want to join my server? Because i want to go out meet people and try to start doing youtube 10. Do you accept the rules? Yes 11. What is your minecraft name? Austinthemighty
HecticTactic Posted March 1, 2014 Posted March 1, 2014 1. How old are you? 16 2. Where do you live? NY 3. Are you new to mods? no 4. What do you plan on doing on the server? Exploring all the new mods 5. How much do you play? quite often. Mostly during night time. 6. Do you record for youtube? Yes, but now MC videos 7. What is your Skype name? Hectic Tactic 8. Have you been banned from a server before? Never had a problem with a server 9. Why do you want to join my server? Yes 10. Do you accept the rules? Yes 11. What is your minecraft name? Astrolance
Gekeh Posted March 1, 2014 Posted March 1, 2014 1. How old are you? 20 2. Where do you live? Port Richey FL 3. Are you new to mods? [No] 4. What do you plan on doing on the server? Start working on witchery/Thermal expansion. 5. How much do you play? Every day 6. Do you record for youtube? No 7. What is your Skype name? [xBurchx666] 8. Have you been banned from a server before? If Yes, why was you banned? No 9. Why do you want to join my server? So i can play some minecraft! 10. Do you accept the rules? Yes 11. What is your minecraft name Christmaskitty
Enderwitch Posted March 1, 2014 Posted March 1, 2014 1. How old are you? 18 2. Where do you live? Australia 3. Are you new to mods? [No] 4. What do you plan on doing on the server? Start working on witchery/Thermal expansion. 5. How much do you play? Every day 6. Do you record for youtube? Sometimes 7. What is your Skype name? Enderwitch 8. Have you been banned from a server before? If Yes, why was you banned? No 9. Why do you want to join my server? So I can play a server with mod pack 10. Do you accept the rules? Yes 11. What is your minecraft name EnderwitchMC
shlushe10 Posted March 1, 2014 Posted March 1, 2014 1. How old are you? 15 2. Where do you live? New York City 3. Are you new to mods? [Yes or no] No 4. What do you plan on doing on the server? I plan on having fun with the mods and players on the server. 5. How much do you play? Mostly every day unless something comes up. 6. Do you record for youtube? No 7. What is your Skype name? [shlushe10] 8. Have you been banned from a server before? If Yes, why was you banned? Yes, My friend owned a server before and i used to play on it but we got into a argument so he banned me from his server. 9. Why do you want to join my server? I think minecraft is not fun if you dont play on a server with friends and Im looking for a server similar to Mindcrack which exactly the type of server your trying to recreate. 10. Do you accept the rules? Yes 11. What is your minecraft name? xTFTDxShLuSh3x I hope you consider me to be whitelisted on your server it sounds perfect
crusader_x Posted March 2, 2014 Posted March 2, 2014 1. How old are you? 13 2. Where do you live? usa 3. Are you new to mods? [Yes or no] no 4. What do you plan on doing on the server? build and help people out 5. How much do you play? alot 6. Do you record for youtube? going to 7. What is your Skype name? [this is a requirement] crusader1121 8. Have you been banned from a server before? If Yes, why was you banned? no 9. Why do you want to join my server? i want a nice small server where everyone is accepted and no one is treated poorly 10. Do you accept the rules? ya i hate sensless violence 11. What is your minecraft name? crusader_x
maxokej Posted March 2, 2014 Posted March 2, 2014 1. How old are you? 15 2. Where do you live? Sweden 3. Are you new to mods? [Yes or no] Yes 4. What do you plan on doing on the server? playing having fun with friends, meet new friends 5. How much do you play? I atleast play once a day 6. Do you record for youtube? Sometimes I can make a trailer for your server! 7. What is your Skype name? [this is a requirement] maxokej 8. Have you been banned from a server before? If Yes, why was you banned? I got banned for griefing once but I will never do it again 9. Why do you want to join my server? Same thing on the 4th question 10. Do you accept the rules? Ofcourse, finally I found a server where there is no Grief 11. What is your minecraft name? maxokej Willewolf and linnart 2
Willewolf Posted March 2, 2014 Posted March 2, 2014 1. How old are you? 14 years 2. Where do you live? Sweden 3. Are you new to mods? [Yes or no] NO! 4. What do you plan on doing on the server? i plan on building things and going to the moon 5. How much do you play? a lot 6. Do you record for youtube? i did, some time ago 7. What is your Skype name? [this is a requirement] Willewolf 8. Have you been banned from a server before? If Yes, why was you banned? no 9. Why do you want to join my server? Cuz it looks fun, and stuff 10. Do you accept the rules? yer 11. What is your minecraft name? Willewolf linnart and maxokej 2
linnart Posted March 2, 2014 Posted March 2, 2014 1 How old are you? 14 2 Where do you live? Sweden 3 Are you new to mods? No 4 What do you plan on doing? I plan on using galacticraft and tinkerersconstruct. 5 How much do you play? Almost everyday. 6 Do you record for youtube? No 7 What is your skype name? Linnea.Nilsson99 8 Have you been banned? Once for 1 week 9 Why do you want to join my server? It seems like a good server that is calm. 10 Do you accept the rules. Yes 11 Linnart maxokej and Willewolf 2
rcmaehl Posted March 4, 2014 Posted March 4, 2014 Hey! I have made a new attack of the b-team server that is whitelisted and is looking for people to join it. I want my server to be like Mindcrack or Hermit craft so we will be making shops/games at spawn.To join, you need to fill out these questions but first are the server rules [if you don't follow the rules you WILL BE BANNED!] Rules: 1. Don't grief 2. Don't abuse any other players 3. PVP is enabled but don't go round killing people for fun as it is annoying! 4. Don't spam 5. Don't ask people for items/ ask to live with them 6. You can prank but don't be too extreme! 7. No items are banned but if there is a problem let me know Application form: To join please answer these questions and I will let you know if you have been accepted 1. How old are you? 2. Where do you live? 3. Are you new to mods? [Yes or no] 4. What do you plan on doing on the server? 5. How much do you play? 6. Do you record for youtube? 7. What is your Skype name? [this is a requirement] 8. Have you been banned from a server before? If Yes, why was you banned? 9. Why do you want to join my server? 10. Do you accept the rules? 11. What is your minecraft name? Hey, just letting you know that the server rules REQUIRE that you list the server IP in your original post.
joshiboy2402 Posted March 4, 2014 Posted March 4, 2014 1. How old are you? 14 2. Where do you live? Scotland 3. Are you new to mods? [Yes or no] no 4. What do you plan on doing on the server? teaming up with others on an ADVENTURE! 5. How much do you play? about 2 hours a day... maybe more 6. Do you record for youtube? no, i will when my voice breaks. 7. What is your Skype name? [this is a requirement] joshiboy2402 8. Have you been banned from a server before? If Yes, why was you banned? i don't often get banned. once i got banned for correcting an admin and once was a mistake. 9. Why do you want to join my server? i need a reasonably quiet server that has a good community. 10. Do you accept the rules? i sure do! 11. What is your minecraft name? EnternalBright and my other account is joshiboy2402. (please whitelist both if possible!) P.S. I love quiet servers where i can team up and have fun! im not new toand of the mods, i have used each mod at least a tiny bit so i'm not new to the modpack.
Absolute1515 Posted March 4, 2014 Posted March 4, 2014 1. How old are you? 16 2. Where do you live? WI,USA 3. Are you new to mods? [Yes or no]. I'm new to most computer mods, but also quick learner 4. What do you plan on doing on the server? Having fun and learning new things 5. How much do you play? I'm available to play daily, but I play ps4 some days 6. Do you record for YouTube? I could but haven't had a reason to yet 7. What is your Skype name? [this is a requirement] [email protected] (I use windows sign in) 8. Have you been banned from a server before? If Yes, why was you banned? Nope 9. Why do you want to join my server? I've been looking for a fun server to play on that has a good group of people and can help me learn more about modding 10. Do you accept the rules? Yep 11. What is your minecraft name? AbsoluteMayhem15
MuteJazz121 Posted March 5, 2014 Posted March 5, 2014 (edited) 1. How old are you? 20 2. Where do you live? Australia 3. Are you new to mods? Fairly 4. What do you plan on doing on the server? I plan on building magnificent things (I have both big and small plans). 5. How much do you play? at least once a week 6. Do you record for youtube? I may 7. What is your Skype name? jazzmann121 OR JazzMann121 (not sure which will work) 8. Have you been banned from a server before? If Yes, why was you banned? No 9. Why do you want to join my server? The public servers are kind of sketchy on the connectivity and up-time, hoping this being whitelist might make a difference. I also want to share my creations with a community rather than just be by myself. 10. Do you accept the rules? Yes 11. What is your minecraft name? MuteJazz121 Edited March 5, 2014 by MuteJazz121
Musker_ Posted March 5, 2014 Posted March 5, 2014 I am 13 Puerto Rico no going trough all the mods some days on the week and and friday, saturday at night and sunday A lot no I dont have skype but i have gmail and we can chat there no I was looking for a small server with people that could be friendly and i found it thats why i want to join yes Musker_
gooberfoob Posted March 5, 2014 Posted March 5, 2014 1. How old are you? 27 2. Where do you live? Philadelphia, pa 3. Are you new to mods? [Yes or no] No 4. What do you plan on doing on the server? Making epic builds, and be apart of a community. 5. How much do you play? 2 hours a day, 4 on the weekends. 6. Do you record for youtube? Eventually 7. What is your Skype name? [this is a requirement] brandon.flax 8. Have you been banned from a server before? If Yes, why was you banned? NO 9. Why do you want to join my server? I had my own server for awhile, and it was too much on my own to keep up and running. I want to join your server to make awesome builds and be apart of a good attack of the b team server community. 10. Do you accept the rules? Yes 11. What is your minecraft name? gooberfoob
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