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IGN: Zeita
What do you want to be: would like to be an admin/ or can do mod
Why do you want to be a (admin/mod)(need to apply for mod first): I like helping those who ask nicely for help.
Do you have any experiance as a mod/staff on other server: I do not, but I am quite helpful to beginners.
Are you a Good builder: yes, at least I think so and have been complimented on my builds.

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Ok so a new update to the server (btw im the CoOwner):


if the ip: thrill-craft.servegame.com isnt working for you guys,then thrill will change it back to 120.blablabla(as it says on the first post)

and then ill go put thrill-craft.blablabla on and disable 120.blablala


I do this cause thrill-blablabla has more ram for the server

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xD are u really gonna ask why are u banned lol


Ik u are aa2maui one of the guys that hacked Ender-Land so,it was a ban at first sight


U and ur friends are banned Xephire

Edited by EnderKingHD
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