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Tekkit 1.2.8e is newest Recommended build


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This fixes a Java 1.7 requirement from Ender Storage by reverting all CodeChicken mods to their previous Java 1.6-compatible versions.
This should have no impact on your existing games, but as always BACK UP YOUR SAVES.
The server is available for download here.
For server owners needing to upgrade, simply replace the previous versions of the following files with the versions included in the server zip:
- ChickenChunks
- codechickencore
- EnderStorage
- notenoughitems
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1.2.8 e put Modular Power Suit back in the crapper. The MPS mod has never been solid, but ever since the MC 1.6.2 tekkit conversion, even more so. The wrench is not working appropriately on Thermo Ex RF cells among other things, hotkeys not sticking, etc... Tekkit 1.2.8 c had it working. I don't understand did we take a few steps back for ender storage? I would much prefer to have a Safe reliable Power Suit than ender storage. If that's the case why the preferential treatment for Ender Storage its holding up our future, carry yo stuff around in a Big Backpack that come in an assortment of colors like a big boy?

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