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  • Discord Moderator
  • You have the incorrect version of ChickenShed. You have the 1.5+ version and you need the 1.6.4+ version.
  • You have the Atomic Science API installed. This is unneeded and should be removed.
  • You have two different versions of Atomic Science installed.
  • You have two different versions of BuildCraft installed.
  • You have two different versions of CodeChickenCore installed.
  • You have two different versions of Dimensional Anchors installed.
  • You have two different versions of Galacticraft installed.
  • You have two different versions of immibis core installed.
  • You have two different versions of Mystcraft installed.
  • You have two different versions of Not Enough Items installed.
  • You have two different versions of Project Red installed.
  • You have the Resonant Induction API installed. This is unneeded and should be removed.
  • You have the Universal Electricity API installed. This is unneeded and should be removed.
  • You have two different versions of Universal Electricity installed.
  • You have a number of mods that are old versions with known bugs and instabilities.

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