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Hey guys, I've started an Attack of the B-Team server with only 6 slots because if there is a lot of players it kind of ruins the fun. Anyways the server is a fun, friendly and chill server, so I welcome you to join me and have some fun.



1. No Stealing From Other Players (ask them if you can borrow)

2. No Hacking On The Server (Will be banned)

3. Please Don't Grief Other Players (Will be kicked)

4. Try To Be Active So It Doesn't Make The Server Boring

5. Pranks Are Allowed (Attempting To Kill Them Is Not Allowed)

6. Please Don't Spam!

7. Have Fun, Be Friendly! 



IRL Name: 

In-Game Name:


Age: (14-18, no longer accepting people who are above 20 sorry)

How Active Will You Be?

Why Have You Chosen To Join This Server?:

How Experience Are You With The Modpack: (Rate: 1-10)

What Are You Wanting To Do On The Server?:






Sort of depends on school work load

Looking for a server that is white listed to just play in a small community so yeah


I want to discoer more and play with friends

Posted (edited)

id rather not say


i don't have one but i am planing on getting one

13 but vary mature

i play minecraft like all day every day

I'm getting bored of playing single player

idk maybe ?

play this awesome mod pack with real ppl (instead of my villager friends in my single player world)

Edited by bear100000
Posted (edited)

IRL Name: David

In-Game Name: RaspberryCraft

Skype: RaspberryCrafting

Age: (14-18, no longer accepting people who are above 20 sorry) 16

How Active Will You Be? Ill properly be fearly active 

Why Have You Chosen To Join This Server?: I want to join a B-team server for some time and none were realy good  lots of greifing

How Experience Are You With The Modpack: (Rate: 1-10) 8

What Are You Wanting To Do On The Server?: Get into tinkers and dip a bit into witchary and advanced genetics :)

Edited by RaspberryCraft

IRL Name: Devin

In-Game Name: Slime_on_speed

Skype: devsgraphics

Age: 14

How Active Will You Be? Most of the day every day

Why Have You Chosen To Join This Server?:because i want to be able to do a attack of the b-team youtube series

How Experience Are You With The Modpack: 8

What Are You Wanting To Do On The Server?: everything so i can record



IRL Name: Justin

In-Game Name: justinman2207

Skype: itryxgamer

Age: 14

How Active Will You Be? 3-4 hours a day

Why Have You Chosen To Join This Server?:to do a series with devin and to not get grifed and raided

How Experience Are You With The Modpack: 6

What Are You Wanting To Do On The Server?:alot so i can record


IRL Name: Blake


in-Game Name: Boo12345man


Skype Mr.MCbuilder


Age: 14


How Active Will You Be? 1-4 Hours daily!


Why Have You Chosen To Join This Server?: Because I love to pay smp and like to meet new friends and learn different mods from people who know about that mod.


How Experience Are You With The Mod Pack?: 8.5


What Are You Wanting To Do On The Server?: Do lots of tinkering and practice with all the mods and learn how to make advance genetic thins and just have fun doing pranks and being pranked! :)


IRL Name: Lukas

In-Game Name: MrBeaTGamer

Skype: lukas.saridis

Age: (14-18, no longer accepting people who are above 20 sorry) 15

How Active Will You Be? 2+ hours a day ish

Why Have You Chosen To Join This Server?:I like small servers to join to chill out and have fun

How Experience Are You With The Modpack: (Rate: 1-10) 7

What Are You Wanting To Do On The Server?: Make a home and help the community :P


IRL name: George

In-Game Name: Smith24

Skype: Georgewm1

Age: 16

I will be active about 5-6 days of the week if not all seven

I chose to join this server because it looks like a lot of fun and I want to experience this mod pack (my favorite mudpack) with more people

I am about an 8 with this server I know lot about it but as always there's still more to learn

I am wanting to experience this mod pack with a group of people who know each other without grief but we all still have a fun time. I really am excited about working on group and community projects


IRL Name: zack

In-Game Name: muteplay

Skype: blindman621 (not actually blind its just my skype name)

Age: 16

How Active Will You Be? ill be on alot 

Why Have You Chosen To Join This Server?: because i want to meet new people and build and most of all have fun

How Experience Are You With The Modpack: (Rate: 1-10) 8

What Are You Wanting To Do On The Server?: build meet new people talk and all around have fun :)

Posted (edited)

IRL Name: Derek

In-Game Name: wildmountian1

Skype: wild_mnt1

Age: (14-18, no longer accepting people who are above 20 sorry) 16

How Active Will You Be? most likely at least an hour a day

Why Have You Chosen To Join This Server?: looking for a place where i can play with a small group and play every day

How Experience Are You With The Modpack: (Rate: 1-10) 5

What Are You Wanting To Do On The Server?: get to meet new people, have some fun and get some more expierence with the modpack

Edited by wildmountian1

IRL Name: Lily

In-Game Name: FishLiveInPonds

Skype: lilyanneteeter

Age: 14

How Active Will You Be? Probably not too often until the beginning of summer when my school releases. Until then I'll say about an hour a day (?)

Why Have You Chosen To Join This Server? Playing single player is a tad lonely, and I think this would be a good chance to play on a small community server.

How Experienced Are You With The Modpack? Probably a 2.

What Are You Wanting To Do On The Server? Learn more about the modpack and all I can do with it.


IRL Name: Matt for short my real name is so long lol




How active will you be: pretty active, i am record for youtube so i will be on alot. couple hours a day

Why have you choosen to join this sever? playing singler player is lonly

How experiencd are you with the modpack? Mostly likly a 5

What are you wanting to do on the sever? Record and make friends


Name: Cole

In Game Name: Herobrine4ever1

Skype: Currently don't have one

Age: 14

Activity: Usually everyday or every other day

Choice of server: I enjoy friendly servers where i can't be griefed or not get bored.

Experience: 8

What to do on this server: Have fun and play with friendly people.


IRL Name:Jake

In-Game Name:Stupdity1993

Skype:None sorry if its required

Age: (14-18, no longer accepting people who are above 20 sorry):15

How Active Will You Be?:I will join the server everyday for 3-7 hours  but during the week i have school so that affects my schedule

Why Have You Chosen To Join This Server?:Because i want to join a AOTB servers

How Experience Are You With The Modpack: (Rate: 1-10):4-5

What Are You Wanting To Do On The Server?:Mainly build a big base in space and get some cool machines going 


IRL Name: Omar

In-Game Name:Snoker18

Skype:its my e-mail so its halo4-007@hotmail.com


How Active Will You Be?:Well Even That School Ends I Will Be Not That Active But I Will Be Like Monday-Thursday Will Be Like From 4:00pm-7:00pm And Friday-Sunday Almost The Hole Day :D

Why Have You Chosen To Join This Server?:Well its boring playing single player and most of the AOBT servers are full so there is like no space to build and mess with stuff i want to join a whitelisted server.

How Experience Are You With The Modpack: Well Not The Hole Modpack But Some Like:Witchery=10 Tinker=10 Necromancy=6 or so Enchanced Portals=7 But Mostly Witchery I Know Much (Beucase Of Chim :D)

What Are You Wanting To Do On The Server?:Witchery Witchery Wichery!!!! And some tinker :3 xD (Some pranks too with witchery :3)



IRL Name: Devin

In-Game Name: bocci12

Skype: beeposaur

Age: (14-18, no longer accepting people who are above 20 sorry) 16

How Active Will You Be? Hopefully one hour a day, but I might be able to play bit more on weekends and days that I'm free :).

Why Have You Chosen To Join This Server?: Well, I have an SP map this pack, and ha e gotten a little lonely. This seems like a nice, low-key server that I think would be awesome to play on.

How Experience Are You With The Modpack: (Rate: 1-10) About a 7, because I have played with mods for quite a while.

What Are You Wanting To Do On The Server?: Maybe build a skyscraper that has basics of mod on each level, so that new players will know how to approach mods they want to get in to.

Thanks for considering application!



IRL Name: crae toia

In-Game Name:craezy16



How Active Will You Be?every day and night

Why Have You Chosen To Join This Server?:i get bored playing single player

How Experience Are You With The Modpack: (Rate: 1-10) 9

What Are You Wanting To Do On The Server?:everything



IRL Name: Wyatt

In-Game Name: wyatt_02

Skype: wyatt_bair

Age: (14-18, no longer accepting people who are above 20 sorry) : 18

How Active Will You Be? Very

Why Have You Chosen To Join This Server?: becasue i am looking for a mature server.

How Experience Are You With The Modpack: (Rate: 1-10) 8

What Are You Wanting To Do On The Server?: Build, Witch, Chat


IRL Name: Ronnie

In-Game Name: RonnieWestSide


Age: 15

How Active Will You Be? Every day or every other day

Why Have You Chosen To Join This Server?: I don't want a large server because like you said, whats the fun in that. I also think playing alone would just get boring. 

How Experience Are You With The Modpack: 6.5

What Are You Wanting To Do On The Server?: I want to really get into this modpack, but i'd also love to make friends with most or all of the people on the server. I don't really have minecraft friends D:



IRL Name: Isaiah

In-Game Name:Green_Stomper

Skype:Dont have one

Age: 14

How Active Will You Be?As Active as i can because my computer not that good

Why Have You Chosen To Join This Server?:Need a server to join and need to see what others are doing on the Bteam

How Experience Are You With The Modpack: 3

What Are You Wanting To Do On The Server?: As much as possible i mean i have never been to mars or been to the tropics or gotten cobalt


IRL Name: Tony

Skype: xNexusBoltx

Age: 14

​How Active Will You Be: As Active As Possible

Why Have You Chosen To Join This Server: I Got Bored Playing Alone

How Experience Are You With This Modpack: 5

What Are You Doing To Do On The Server? Go Explore, Build, And Go To The Mars


IRL Name: Luke

In-Game Name: FatAlbert8MyKFC

Skype: lucpas23

Age: (14-18, no longer accepting people who are above 20 sorry) 16

How Active Will You Be? Very active, i was accepted into your old server, but it does not work anymore :( i had alot of fun.

Why Have You Chosen To Join This Server?:Because i love being in communities. I love helping people out.

How Experience Are You With The Modpack: (Rate: 1-10) 8

What Are You Wanting To Do On The Server?: Do tons of automation


IRL Name: Tyler

In-Game Name: FragMaster27

Skype: FragMaster27

Age: (14-18, no longer accepting people who are above 20 sorry) 17

How Active Will You Be? Everyday

Why Have You Chosen To Join This Server?: Cause i want a small but fun server to be apart of and devote most of my time too

How Experience Are You With The Modpack: (Rate: 1-10) 7

What Are You Wanting To Do On The Server?: Get to work on galaticcraft and work on witchery


IRL Name: Connor

In-Game Name: Connor67

Skype: connor.waddell773

Age: (14-18, no longer accepting people who are above 20 sorry) 15

How Active Will You Be? ill be on as much as i can 

Why Have You Chosen To Join This Server?: i really love minecraft but even more so i love mods so im just looking for a server to play on it's not very fun to play on servers that have like 50 rules

How Experience Are You With The Modpack: (Rate: 1-10) 9

What Are You Wanting To Do On The Server?: if i do get on the server i well try to do every mod i love witchery but alos i love thermal expansion so im going to try to mix the two


hope to see you soon thanks for reading!


IRL Name: Not sharing publicly, PM me if you want it

IGN: DrOfAwesomeness

Skype: I don't use Skype.

Age: Not sharing publicly, PM me if you want it, but I am between 14 and 18

How Active will I be? Really active

Why Have You Chosen To Join This Server?: Because I love Attack of the B-Team but I'm so lonely in my Single player world :(

How Experience Are You With The Modpack: (Rate: 1-10) 7.5

What Are You Wanting To Do On The Server?: I just want to play around, build an awesome base with a Tinker's Construct smeltry and possibly some witchery stuff. I'll also be playing with Thermal Expansion and Project Red.


Sorry I didn't give more info about myself in the post, I don't like sharing that publicly, but if it's important that you know it you may feel free to PM me!

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