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Posted (edited)

Current version: 0.0.1-InDev

Very important note
This program is dependendant on OpenPeripherals so you might want to install that mod or ask to your server admin to add to the server modpack sorry for the inconvenient

Some days ago i posted an idea on this forum (http://www.computerc...post__p__178043)
(if you dont want to see the post maybe you want to see this video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gW0LUueZVdM)
Tonight (00:07 here) im releasing the first dev version of this idea and citing some of what i said, this program its mainly focused for smp servers but if you want let your ssp world opened and then go to school/work/party ... well ...you can
For now, my main problem is the time, but i hope it can be working (the program) in a few weeks, but i do really want to know what do you think about it

Instructions for instalation:

  • If its disabled, enable (ask to your server admin to enable) the http api of computercraft (just go to the config its very easy)
  • Install on your computer the CCWP Installer copypasteringo ► pastebin get w4DZjPR3 installer
  • Run the installer
  • The installer program will automatically update a file called "installer" with the last version of it and will create/update a folder called CCWP wich contains all the codes to work with CCWP DONT DELETE IT.
  • If you choosed to not have an startup file, you can run the main program with this command: "CCWP/webcontrol"
  • When running it will throw a 10 alphanumeric code that is your "ComputerKey", copy and save it in a safe place
  • Login to http://ccwp.herobo.com/ write your ComputerKey in the input box and click "Get Status" to see all your items in the web page!

Every computer running the program will throw a different Key, so you may need multiple windows if you run multiple instances of the program

I hope to continually update this project, but i'll always welcome your reviews, suggestions, comments or whatever

Feature List:

  • Online view of connected chests
    • Current Mods supported for storage view:
      • Iron Chests
      • Better Storage
      • Applied Energistics (must connect via cable to a ME Controller)


  • 20/10/14 0.0.2-inDev
    • Changed (again) the web server to a brand new one
    • Changed web side login system to a simple key asking system, you only need the computer key to access the info
    • Changed a bit the code so it won't overload the web server
    • Still only allows visualization of inventories
    • Edited install instructions on the main post
  • 19/05/14 0.0.1-InDev
    • First dev version of the app
    • Features:
    • Online view of storage
      • Current Mods supported for storage view:
        • Iron Chests
        • Better Storage
        • Applied Energistics (must connect to a ME Controller)


  • More mods compatibility
  • Energy net view

TO-DO list

  • Web-side rs signals toggling
Edited by TrovaGamer

I think this is a really awesome idea! :D Do you really think this can be done using only what ComputerCraft has to offer? Something like this would be very helpful and great to have! The only suggestions I have is to add a bit more organization to the webpage because if someone is monitoring 20 to 50 items it would take them a while to find exactly which one! Perhaps a search box of some sort would be helpful :) and what mods do you plan to support in this system?


From the webside Im using just a script to "decode" a json into a table, but the idea is to have jquery menus to nav, on the other hand, to send all the info to the web, im using a very very basic node server, but i hope i can found a free node server on the web, otherwise i will need to change to php+mysql or something like that


This is really cool. I've heard this sort of stuff was possible, but I've never seen it done before. I look forward to seeing where this goes!

Your English is fine, by the way.

  On 5/13/2014 at 8:26 PM, TrovaGamer said:

From the webside Im using just a script to "decode" a json into a table, but the idea is to have jquery menus to nav, on the other hand, to send all the info to the web, im using a very very basic node server, but i hope i can found a free node server on the web, otherwise i will need to change to php+mysql or something like that




This sounds like it will be really useful, especially for those who have school/work taking up their time and so can't afford to be monitoring their base in-game all the time.  I can't wait to get my hands on the program when it's finished.

  On 5/14/2014 at 8:31 PM, ThePagan said:

Would the server have to enable a port for something like this to work?

No way! everything is handled via http api


  On 5/15/2014 at 10:32 PM, Doomzzday01 said:

Will there be a way to send signals to computers?  This would be extremely useful, so that one could turn off an overheating reactor or whatever.

Actualy, the main idea was born when creating a HUD for a computer controlled reactor array so, one of the main concepts that i want to introduce in the program is the capability of toggling the state of one (or many) reactors

BTW i could be releasing a beta at the end of the week, but it will only support the abiity to see the actual storage, and a few list of mods iron chests, better storage and maybe anothers)

  On 5/18/2014 at 5:33 PM, Doomzzday01 said:

Where can we find the beta when it's released?

its gonna be in the first post of the thread the beta/alpha/indev (whatever) of the program, and ill post every update on this thread too


I've released an alpha/indev (warning: noob at the keyboard) of the program/app (whatever you want to call it) the instructions are in the main post, I welcome your reviews, suggestions, or comments


There are lots of companies that specialize in vanilla and modded Minecraft servers.  Could one be adapted to work as a 'website' for this program?  I don't know anything but the bare, dry bones of HTTP, so this might be impossible.

Posted (edited)

Actually yes, most mc hosts offer php+mysql hosting in their packages, and by now im using php+mysql due to the fact that im pretty new on node.js coding and git repositories, but im gonna try hard to take this project forward


Edit: Maybe when i can set up my openshift account or my cloudnode account got aproved ill rewrite the whole server to node.js

Edited by TrovaGamer

I can't connect to the gamersparadise site either.  I don't know if this is just me, or if everyone is having this problem.


Keep trying, you're bound to find something that works eventually!


Just got to set a node.js running server, tomorrow i'll be coding to link computercraft, a db and a web client. hope i can finish all in my few free time

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