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Craftfind: Searching for the next Minecraft


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I got around 3 FPS out of Terasology on my computer (which isn't exactly a gaming machine). I think I'll stick to Minetest.


I wonder if a Forge mod to let Minetest mods be loaded in Minecraft would be possible.

Perhaps a CC add on with lua?
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Perhaps a CC add on with lua?

It'll probably look a bit like CC under the hood (I'm using the same Lua implementation), but it's not going to expose functionality to CC. It won't be able to define blocks/items at runtime (at least not right off the bat) so you'll need to distribute modpacks containing everything pre-installed to the clients.

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  • 3 weeks later...

It'll probably look a bit like CC under the hood (I'm using the same Lua implementation), but it's not going to expose functionality to CC. It won't be able to define blocks/items at runtime (at least not right off the bat) so you'll need to distribute modpacks containing everything pre-installed to the clients.


Any progress updates? ;)

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  • 2 months later...
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  • 3 weeks later...

How about freeminer?http://freeminer.org/ . Freeminer is a opensource fork of minetest. It is availble for Mac, windows, linux, android, freebsd, and openinidaina in binary or source packages. The game is also compatable with both minetest and freeminer servers. also you can't install the deb on ubuntu 14.04 with out both the main .deb and the freeminer data deb, there is also a server deb file you should install. Please not you can't install freeminer and minetest at the same time as you will wander into a dependacy issue with minetest-data. This does not effect the mac/windows verson. also if you are running android for your main desktop please note most voxal open world games on the google play store are pirated illegal forks of minetest that violate the GPL so it is best to stay away from them. also how about voxelands http://voxelands.com/ and terasology http://blog.movingblocks.net/blockmania/, voxelands is another game like minetest and I think it is a fork of minetest, but don't quote me on it, and is an opensource voxal game for mac, windows and linux. Terasolaogy is another minecreaft like game and when people see it they often think it is just a texture mod at first. Both are good games to be on this list. And of chorse there is minetest its self http://minetest.net/, minetest is updated regulerly and it is worth installing their ppa to get the latest verison of minetest. As you know minetest has a decent amount of mods for how big it is and unlike minecraft all the mods mostly work as long as you got the minium version the mod needs, like for example a mods needs build .82 and you got .98 the mod will still work, unlike in minecraft :thumbsup:, just be aware that lots of mods are depentant on other mods so you will offten have to go through the arcives in the mod forum to fide the old mods, for example lots of mods need the fire or wool mods and those are in the arcived mods section, so you should get to know the forum, also minetest now has an online mod repo, just know it does not work correctly as of yet. Minetest is available for OSX, widnows, linux, freebsd, solaris, andorid (unofficle, and officle as whell as illegal forks), openindiana, PC-BSD, and there is an OUYA port as whell.


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  • 3 weeks later...

So I'm going to reiterate my interest in minetest.


Why? Because the modding API uses LUA, and I bet it would be a weekend project to convert Blockly to output LUA in the correct format.

Wouldn't even have to know LUA to mod at that point. Just drag&drop blocks, make the correct connections, and enjoy new content.

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https://github.com/espertus/blockly-lua has a Lua code generation backend for Blockly, although it has the ComputerCraft API baked in. That shouldn't be too hard to change, though.


I don't know about Minetest. I really want to like it but something just doesn't quite feel right. Maybe it's that running scripts only server-side rules out client-side prediction and makes the game feel a bit choppy, or maybe it's the lack of mobs making the world feel a bit dead. Caving is a pain, what with the current default lighting table - you need to spam torches on almost every available surface to be able to see anything.


I looked into implementing the MT Lua API on Forge, but I didn't have the knowledge or the time and it never went anywhere. Maybe a Blockly backend for Forge mods would be a better use of the time.

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It could be done with java and forge, but it would be MUCH more complex and round about. You'd either have hundreds of function call blocks, or a small amount with hundreds of mutator selections. Not sure how reflection would work.

Maybe terasology? It's java and their modding uses gradle so deploying mods would be easier.

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  • 2 months later...
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I feverishly search through steam queue for a new M&B game clone but instead I find voxel games, this one is worth mentioning:

One Last Day http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=302340274

it's Minecraft + DayZ. not much else to say, but it got greenlit so who knows what the future will have for this one...

two features to note:

Dynamic weather system with consequences too, you can see the stormy clouds coming from the horizon

Vehicles! Right now you can drive a 4x4 car, motocross bike, quad bike and a helicopter

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  • 2 weeks later...

as soon as you copy all the links to the games mentioned here to that one, I might actually notice it. But for now, I'll stick with this thread

​Fair enough, but the forums editor in its current state is a bit lacking unfortunately, I'll try my best but right now I'm struggling to insert images into posts with plain BBCode, which is a bit of an issue.

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I could merge the two threads.... but I can't predict what a mess that would create...

​No worries, after some blood, sweat, and tears I've made the formatting all fancy! Here's to hoping it doesn't break, let the suggestions continue!

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  • 8 months later...
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and we are back in business! Thanks Bochen!

So, next meal on the menu is called Total Miner. A rpg, open world voxel game that looks, feels and smells exactly like Minecraft.

But this one has skills and ingame-tools for those who want to create an adventure for others. Even dialog trees for NPCs.

It's Early Access so look for it whenever you're on Steam to see if it changes to its own thing.


It also allows mod support with C# programming. Perhaps something to look out for for those that still don't java.


Edit. Someone has made a good yt video of this fairly recently, voiced by Braveheart.


Edited by Munaus
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There's also Ylands that came out recently.
I have it, and I've messed about with it. It could be something!

It has a survival mode, but it also has a game-building function where you can make your own (mini)games.

Here's Keralis playing it:


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that looks like something I could get into. I've seen siege machines in there. And sailing boats, which I bet wont lag or explode when they hit water lily's.

Made by Bohemia Interactive, the guys who made Operation Flashpoint that I was fond of.

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