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[Closed for now] [1.7.10] Lucki Craft - The way modded Minecraft should be played

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Posted (edited)

Welcome to Lucki Craft!


Our goal is to have a small community without all the crap of big servers. We want to offer our players the best Minecraft experience, where you can trust your fellow players, build anywhere you like, be able to read the chat, and not spend 47 minutes trying to get out of spawn.

We offer the freedom of a single-player world with convenient commands and the ability to play with other people on an SMP server.

We are looking for several dedicated, mature players for a small, fun, no cheat, no-grief community. The server has only a couple of basic plugins (MyHome, MyWarp, LWC, Tele++, Colors, Colored Signs, Core Protect (Anti-Grief), and CommandBook) to make the server more enjoyable, but we are open to suggestions from all members. We don't have any over-powered or "Donor" ranks. Everyone is equal and joining gives you all the commands needed to play. The server does have a white list as we need to make sure the players are good people before letting them join. Leave us an application in the comments if you are interested!

You do not have to have to be an experienced modded Minecraft player to join. Most players on my server are more experienced than I am. We have a great community that will help you with any problems you may have in your build :)

Rules: No cheating, no griefing, and no killing. Other than that, just use common sense


IP Address: 


Are you ready for the best Minecraft experience of your life?




Answer the following questions when completing your application.  Please leave your application in the comments.

  • What is you IGN?
  • What can you bring to the server?
  • Why should you be added to the whitelist?

We do judge the quality of applications when deciding who to add to the whitelist so please spend some time on them.



Modpack link: http://www.technicpa...ck/lucki-server Just copy this link, go into technic launcher, click 'add modpack' and paste the link. It's that easy :) It does not take a good computer to run, just make sure you can allocate at least 2gb of RAM to the TechnicLauncher.


Mod List:

1.    Carpenter’s Blocks
2.    RailCraft
3.    Applied Energenistics
4.    Artifice
5.    Atomic Science
6.    Backpacks
7.    BiblioCraft
8.    Big Reactors
9.    BuildCraft 4.2.2
10.   Computer Craft
11.   DenPipes
12.   Dynamic Lights
13.   Enchanting Plus
14.   EnderStorage
15.   Extra Cells
16.   Extra Utilities
17.   Forestry
18.   Galacticraft
19.   Galacticraft Planets
20.   Gendustry
21.   Hats
22.   Hats-Stand
23.   Immibis MicroBlocks
24.   Inventory Tweaks
25.   Iron Chests
26.   Jabba
27.   Liquid XP
28.   Logistic Pipes
29.   Mechworks
30.   Mekanism
31.   Mekanism Generators
32.   Mekanism Tools
33.   Gliby's Voice Chat
34.   MineChem
35.   MineFactory reloaded
36.   Modular PowerSuits
37.   Mr. Crayfish Furniture Mod
38.   Nether Ores
39.   NEI
40.   Numina
41.   Obsidi-Plates
42.   Open Blocks
43.   Opis
44.   Pneumatic Craft
45.   Power Crystal Core
46.   Project-Red
47.   qCraft
48.   Remain in Motion
49.   Resonant Engine
50.   Resonant induction
51.   Soul-Shards
52.   Steve’s Carts
53.   Sync
54.   Thaumcraft
55.   Thaumic Tinkerer
56.   Thermal Expansion 3.0
57.   Tinker’s Construct
58.   TreeCapitator
59.   Twilight-Forest
60.   Universal Electricity
61.   REI's Minimap
62.   Simply JetPacks
63.   Equivalent Exchange 3
64.   Open Peripherals
65.   Open Peripherals Addons
66.   Optifine
67.   Chicken Chunks
68.   OpenCCSensors
69.   NEI Addons
70.   Ender IO
71.   Crafting Suite

And many extentions to these mods! 

Donations are welcome and help keep the server running!  Click to donate through PayPal.  We need donations to stay running and keep the server maintained.  Please feel free to donate any amount of money and help support our community!  


*If you attempt to join and get a mod incompatibility error, reset your modpack.  This means that we have released a newer version of the modpack and the old one is incompatible with the server.


Testimonial by AetherPirate:


Lucki Craft is the first server I've ever tried, and its been awesome. Players can build in peace and be undisturbed, if they wish. No one runs around shouting in all caps, and there's no drama. Its a nice, laid back place where people can hang out and build and chat. The admin is very receptive to player input, and responds to trouble quickly. I'd highly recommend this server to anyone who wants to play in a mature, totally non-griefing environment. Plus, the modpack is really cool, and it won't overwhelm older computers. Having fun, and learning new things, and sharing ideas is what this place is about. 

Edited by m1dude
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Posted (edited)

Hi i would like to join if possible.


My IGN is LordQbush


I can bring a nice guy that just likes to have fun surviving with others, a non griefing person that will help out if needed.


I would like to be added to the whitelist because im tired of play non whitelisted and all my stuff being taken after i work so hard to make the stuff.

and i want to be able to play with a community that is nice and willing to help out if needed.

and being able to play tekkit with updated mods sounds like alot of fun


My skype is lord-qbush if you need it


and i also have ts if you use it


thanks if im added


Edited by Qbush
  On 10/13/2014 at 2:49 PM, Qbush said:

Hi i would like to join if possible.


My IGN is LordQbush


I can bring a nice guy that just likes to have fun surviving with others, a non griefing person that will help out if needed.


I would like to be added to the whitelist because im tired of play non whitelisted and all my stuff being taken after i work so hard to make the stuff.

and i want to be able to play with a community that is nice and willing to help out if needed.

and being able to play tekkit with updated mods sounds like alot of fun


My skype is lord-qbush if you need it


and i also have ts if you use it


thanks if im added


Welcome to our Server!  Keep in mind that we don't have a spawn yet - we just converted from a tekkit server.  Build wherever you like!  Just use /help and /rules when you join!

Posted (edited)

IGN (Case sensitive): tubsy79


What I can bring to the server: Well to tell you the truth, I do not fully understand the question.I can not bring a lot to the server so I am not gonna give you some crap about being an awesome builder or being mature. (Although I am not immature, mind you.) I can be funny at times though and I think I could bring an essence of comedy and/or light-heartedness.


Why I want to be white-listed: I would like to be white-listed because I always like the prospect of new mod packs and I prefer multiplayer servers to single player. Vanilla minecraft bores me and I just want to have a laugh playing around with new mods in a friendly environment.

Edited by tubsy79
Posted (edited)

My Ign: Rapidresponder09


I would like to join the server because it seems nice I would like to try out the new mods with other people who don't just steal kill and greif. Also because the community seems small so that it won't be greifed land and be overly hard to find a build spot


I could be a nice guy who helps out when he can but might not always be able too but will try anyway

Edited by Rapidresponder09
Posted (edited)
  On 10/14/2014 at 6:51 PM, tubsy79 said:

IGN (Case sensitive): tubsy79


What I can bring to the server: Well to tell you the truth, I do not fully understand the question.I can not bring a lot to the server so I am not gonna give you some crap about being an awesome builder or being mature. (Although I am not immature, mind you.) I can be funny at times though and I think I could bring an essence of comedy and/or light-heartedness.


Why I want to be white-listed: I would like to be white-listed because I always like the prospect of new mod packs and I prefer multiplayer servers to single player. Vanilla minecraft bores me and I just want to have a laugh playing around with new mods in a friendly environment.



  On 10/14/2014 at 8:41 PM, Rapidresponder09 said:

My Ign: Rapidresponder09


I would like to join the server because it seems nice I would like to try out the new mods with other people who don't just steal kill and greif. Also because the community seems small so that it won't be greifed land and be overly hard to find a build spot


I could be a nice guy who helps out when he can but might not always be able too but will try anyway

Welcome to the server guys!  Good applications!

Edited by m1dude

IGN: PBlock96

Why I would like to join the community: I have wanted to find a nice community that I can join that isn't focused on PvP and donations  for a long time, and it seems as though I have found it. I have a large amount of experience with modded Minecraft, running modded servers, and being helpful in general. I have also been looking for a larger modpack that allows for large bases and a more enjoyable experience, which this fits nicely.

Posted (edited)

  On 10/15/2014 at 10:03 PM, PBlock96 said:

IGN: PBlock96

Why I would like to join the community: I have wanted to find a nice community that I can join that isn't focused on PvP and donations  for a long time, and it seems as though I have found it. I have a large amount of experience with modded Minecraft, running modded servers, and being helpful in general. I have also been looking for a larger modpack that allows for large bases and a more enjoyable experience, which this fits nicely.

Just out of curiosity, don't you own and run your own server?  If so, why join ours?

Edited by m1dude
  On 10/16/2014 at 12:47 AM, m1dude said:

Just out of curiosity, don't you own and run your own server?  If so, why join ours?

Yes, I run my own server, but it is not forge modded. I would like to join this community because here I wouldn't be expected to be an authority figure, and I could focus on actually playing the game instead of administering the game.

  On 10/16/2014 at 1:01 AM, PBlock96 said:

Yes, I run my own server, but it is not forge modded. I would like to join this community because here I wouldn't be expected to be an authority figure, and I could focus on actually playing the game instead of administering the game.

Added to the white-list!  Last night I was working on spawn and did not finish the spawn building.  I believe that I also forgot to add a door :P.  When you join, walk over to the side of the building and use /tp up.  Fall damage is negligible when you use that command :D

Posted (edited)
  On 10/16/2014 at 11:52 AM, m1dude said:

Modpack version 1.1 coming soon!

WOO! Please consider adding Sync mod if possible. Or EE if possible. Actually. Do what you want. Actually, please consider adding witchery if possible. Yeah. Witchery over sync….or morph. No pressure though….

Edited by tubsy79
  On 10/16/2014 at 7:31 PM, tubsy79 said:

WOO! Please consider adding Sync mod if possible. Or EE if possible. Actually. Do what you want. Actually, please consider adding witchery if possible. Yeah. Witchery over sync….or morph. No pressure though….

Sync is already in the modpack.  I am going to add EE3 and simply jetpacks.


A new version of the modpack is out, please delete all of the server files by pressing the - sign under the modpack in the technic launcher and re-download them.


  On 10/18/2014 at 5:29 PM, m1dude said:

What exactly does it do?

It allows you to transmute items like with a transmution tablet in EE1. You don't need a special recipe. You can just turn like 64 dirt to 64 stone with the item it adds.

Posted (edited)

I have installed a new mod called Gliby's Voice Chat on the server.  It is has also been added to the modpack.  You can either reinstall all the files or just download the mod here and install it yourself.

Edited by m1dude
  On 10/18/2014 at 6:23 PM, tubsy79 said:

It allows you to transmute items like with a transmution tablet in EE1. You don't need a special recipe. You can just turn like 64 dirt to 64 stone with the item it adds.

I will think about it


IGN: CyanSparkachu


Hello, I would like to join this server, because lately I'v tried to have fun on other modded servers, but I can't find an area or walk five minutes till meeting the world border. This server seems promising and i would love to join the small community.


IGN Name: AceSpades


Why I should be added to the server?  

I should be added to the server because this modpack and the type of server are exactly what I've been looking for. I say that because, If I were to build a modpack then I would have many of the mods in this pack, and I can't get one of those huge modpacks where there are an unreasonable amount of mods, because my computer would explode (figuratively). I've also wanted to play in a server where I wouldn't have to build underground just because someone might grief it, and to have a small community of players that I could actually trust not to steal my stuff would be nice too. I'm a bit tired of servers having the pay to win policy, and worlds with griefied spawns, so with everything this server promises, this server just seems too good to be true (in a good way) .  


What I would add to the server?

If I were to be accepted on to this server I think that I would add is a public farm. With Mine Factory Reloaded I'm pretty sure I could add a public farm around spawn. I think that a farm like this would be a fantastic addition to any server because, In Minecraft I've always had a food problem (Farming is not my forte), and with a small community of players, I could trust for it not to be griefied. I would also add a unique personality to the server, (but who wouldn't?). Other then that I think that I'm just you'r average Minecraft player.


I know that my application might seem a bit too good if you're one that finds it hard to trust people, but its all true! I've been playing Minecraft for for like two or three years and frankly Its gotten a bit dull, and I'm hoping that this server might breathe some life in to my Minecraft experience again. So, I hope you consider my application, and I hope even more that you'll accept it, so until then, goodbye. :D

  On 10/19/2014 at 9:48 AM, Spades said:

IGN Name: AceSpades


Why I should be added to the server?  

I should be added to the server because this modpack and the type of server are exactly what I've been looking for. I say that because, If I were to build a modpack then I would have many of the mods in this pack, and I can't get one of those huge modpacks where there are an unreasonable amount of mods, because my computer would explode (figuratively). I've also wanted to play in a server where I wouldn't have to build underground just because someone might grief it, and to have a small community of players that I could actually trust not to steal my stuff would be nice too. I'm a bit tired of servers having the pay to win policy, and worlds with griefied spawns, so with everything this server promises, this server just seems too good to be true (in a good way) .  


What I would add to the server?

If I were to be accepted on to this server I think that I would add is a public farm. With Mine Factory Reloaded I'm pretty sure I could add a public farm around spawn. I think that a farm like this would be a fantastic addition to any server because, In Minecraft I've always had a food problem (Farming is not my forte), and with a small community of players, I could trust for it not to be griefied. I would also add a unique personality to the server, (but who wouldn't?). Other then that I think that I'm just you'r average Minecraft player.


I know that my application might seem a bit too good if you're one that finds it hard to trust people, but its all true! I've been playing Minecraft for for like two or three years and frankly Its gotten a bit dull, and I'm hoping that this server might breathe some life in to my Minecraft experience again. So, I hope you consider my application, and I hope even more that you'll accept it, so until then, goodbye. :D

Great application :D!  Welcome to the server AceSpades.

Posted (edited)
  On 10/19/2014 at 3:55 PM, m1dude said:

Great application :D!  Welcome to the server AceSpades.


Edited by Spades
Posted (edited)
  On 10/19/2014 at 3:55 PM, m1dude said:

Great application :D!  Welcome to the server AceSpades.

Sorry dude i'm a complete retard. Just now I realized IGN name meant in game name............................ I'm Sorry for being such an insanely massive retard, ( can't believe I made such a stupid mistake.... I actually made an IGN account for this... )  :ughh:

Edited by Spades
  On 10/19/2014 at 5:35 PM, Spades said:

Sorry dude i'm a complete retard. Just now I realized IGN name meant in game name............................ I'm Sorry for being such an insanely massive retard, ( can't believe I made such a stupid mistake.... I actually made an IGN account for this... )  :ughh:

So what is your Minecraft account name?


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