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I was trying to put together a small, easy to get your head around, modpack for Minecraft, for the lulz, you know? And then I see that more than 50% of Minecraft's modders are really, really concerned about their adf.ly money or something, what with their childish attitude towards redistributing their mods. No other game has this. It seems most other games' modders are in it for the joy of it, but Minecraft's modders seem to be all anal-retentive. Anybody have a guess as to how that came to be?


it's a valid point and one which I'm not sure anyone has a definite answer to. the stark contrast between the MC modding community and the mod community for pretty much every other game out there is perplexing to say the least. some of it may have to do with the demographic that the game attracts, but I doubt that can explain even the majority of it.

somewhere along the line someone convinced enough people to be all, "oh noes, mah copy writes!", and the "license" that minecraft comes with is loose enough for people to think this is a valid position to take. no idea where that started though.


How many people would be really pissed off at me if I just went ahead and did it anyway? 90% of my pack is made up of smaller, relatively unknown mods that don't care. I mean, could I just whip up a script that downloads and installs Railcraft and Redpower from the modders' official links? They couldn't give me any copyright crap then, but it feels kinda underhanded.



What is your mod pack?

I can't distribute it, until I get the permissions, but if you want to install manually:



RedPower 2


Steve's Carts

Smart Moving

Equivalent Exchange



Wireless Redstone ChickenBones Edition



Portal Gun Reconstructed

What's My Light Level?

Unofficial Better Enchanting


Inventory Tweaks

Advanced HUD



Minecraft Forge



Sounds cool might download it when it gets done. But what about IC2 and BC.

I don't like them. Honestly, they seem too magical, and not as inventive. Yes, I know, EE. I just put that in for the transmutation tablet, and would love to find a way to nerf it. With Buildcraft, for a quarry, you place a block. For Redpower, you design your quarry, build it, program it, and keep it powered. Redpower seems to have more of the Minecraft spirit than IC2 or Buildcraft, where everything is done for you. But, any other suggestions to try?



Will it be easy to add other mods?

If you can get the configs to work, most likely. I'm considering adding the 4096IDs patch so you'll not run out of room. I won't be able to get permission for a lot of the big mods, so I'm considering using a script to download the mods from the modders' official links and just assemble them. If I can get that to work out, I'll turn it into a mod directory and auto-installer system, and if it's good, maybe everyone (except FlowerChild) will start using it. But, most likely not.



I have no idea what you mean, ima noob. And Do you know of any other mod packs?

Um, I know of all the ones in the launcher. Also AMCO, MCMMP, etc. You can find a lot of them at minecraftforum.net: warning, extreme stupidity.

And as for what I mean, yes. It should be easier to install other mods than ever before: all you'll need to know is the mod's name.


I'm just squishing in my opinion about the behavior of the modding community here.

I think it has somewhat to do with the mentality of the average minecraft player.

So pretend you build a mansion, then someone takes it and post a video about it, with credits and link given to you.

Then, you'll get all defensive and stuff, claiming that it's your mansion, etc.

I really don't know how to put this into better terms.


Honestly, I hate copyright in all its forms, because all it does is get in the way, and authors and corporations that abuse it get even less respect, ruining the chances that I'll ever listen to them.


I've said it too many times, but Minecraft's modding community has unwittingly turned into a pissing contest.

Every modder has at least some form of a desire to be known for what they do, and no matter how much of a philanthropist they seem, will protect their work in order to still be recognised in the community.

Ad.fly is becoming less of a problem, but over protectiveness is still very much prevalent. I have no quarrels with modders wanting ownership of their intellectual property as a matter of principle, but the Minecraft community is becoming a battleground for attention.

If the modding community doesn't get along, it will become stale due to lack of new development, and Minecraft will die.

There comes a point when modders have real life catch up to them. But no batons will be passed on in our current state, as the Thought Police will have had every new modder taken out and shot.

Go and have a look at FutureCraft as a prime example. No new updates for a totally independent and brilliantly programmed mod. But the outcry that he was 'ripping off Buildcraft, IndustrialCraft AND RedPower' forced him to curl up and throw away all of his ideas.

The modding community will spell the end of Minecraft. My fear is that nothing will come to replace it fast enough.


Yeah. I just hope that everyone can just get over it. I mean, I'm coming up with what I think may be the solution to all the modpack/intellectual property problems, and when it comes out, I (and others) will be able to make modpacks with just a simple config file. Anyway, I hope the modders can realise that modpack makers don't want attention, they want convenience.


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Go and have a look at FutureCraft as a prime example. No new updates for a totally independent and brilliantly programmed mod. But the outcry that he was 'ripping off Buildcraft, IndustrialCraft AND RedPower' forced him to curl up and throw away all of his ideas.

The inverse of this is to simply tell people to fuck off. Take it from me, :smug: *~KakerMix~* :smug:.


Really? I can do that? Honestly, I'm kinda liking LazDude's AutoMod. It's going to be my summer coding project, and probably make life easier than ever for anyone who wants to make a modpack or just install mods in general. Would you mind if I set up a dev thread here, in Off Topic or something, and maybe give you guys pre-beta and beta code to test? Cause, I mean, it started out with frustration and them became a project that I would both love to do, and sounds like it would help the people who don't know how to install mods, cause you know, mod directory and one-click install.



I don't know much about code, but I can test the installer.

The installer won't be ready for a day or 2, and at first, all it will be able to download and install are the mods listed above.

When it's fully ready, it will be able to download any mod listed on the MC Forums. Yay for regular expressions!


It will probably be somewhat like that, yes. At least at first. When I get the advanced features coded, (revert to Vanilla, split .minecraft, save and open mod install scripts, etc) it will be so much better.

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