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Im going to bump this and ask if anyone has a solution for adding the latest version of forestry to tekkit 3.1

Client: http://bit.ly/Q9Hz9V (Put it in your mods folder with a Z in front of it, then go into your EE2 zip file and delete the forestry folder in there)

Server: https://d186ocprvpb7jc.cloudfront.net/mods/forestry- (put a Z in front of it as well, and go into your EE2 zip file and delete the forestry folder once again)


So I've placed the client version in my client tekkits mods folder, put a z in front of it, removed the forestry folder from the ee2blahblah.jar, started up tekkit, and it loads up fine, no block ID conflicts. Things are looking good! Start new creative world. Check creative menu for forestry blocks. None. Search NEI for apatite ore. Nada. It's almost like the mod didnt load up , and I'm checking the logs now to see what happened.

EDIT: the logs agree, its as if it doesn't realise forestry exists. Am I being stupid and missing something really obvious, or is something amiss here? It's a clean installation of the latest tekkit rec build as of the date of this post.


get the NEI mod for forestry. it's on the same page as the forestry mod.

If youre talking to me, which i presume you are, despite you not replying to my post, the forestry part of NEI only adds the item subsets at the top of NEI. the blocks would still appear in the pages, they would appear in the creative menu, forge modloader would actually load the file.


forestry works just fine. i have 1.4.8 with tekkit 3.1.1. need to rename it and put a Z BEFORE he makes the config file. and delete the forestry in EE zip. i just deleted the EE zip . don't want that mod on my server


I'm about to install that Forestry thing on my 3.0.4 and tried both version from mcportcentral on my server I follow everything here, and I get an error saying forge is too old and need 3.3.8 how should I update this one, can't find it in mods folder... Do I need to upgrade to Tekkit 3.1.1, what are the risk that something goes wrong here ???


I'm about to install that Forestry thing on my 3.0.4 and tried both version from mcportcentral on my server I follow everything here, and I get an error saying forge is too old and need 3.3.8 how should I update this one, can't find it in mods folder... Do I need to upgrade to Tekkit 3.1.1, what are the risk that something goes wrong here ???

i think you need tekkit 3.1.1, the dev build, im testing it now.


Yup because of the Forge new version, I saw that on Forestry website, will try to find the old version ( found the server bukkit port and just found out on the Forestry thread for the old version of the client, will report shortly, don't want to upgrade to the 3.1.1 yet, will wait at least a week or so.

edit : I got it working fine on 3.0.4 with the edition, if you need the files and if its ok with the devs here, I could link them here, but I don't think it is allowed, so send me a PM and I could share the files if you don't want to update your server to 3.1.1 yet.


got it working on 3.1.1, had forgotten to remove forestry folder from ee2.jar.

remember guys: set the last 2 lines in the forestry config to false! you dont want both IC2 and forestry tin and copper spawning in the world!


Thanks for the headsup, didn't know that, will have to do it quick I found out some new tin, should I also disable register tin block from Forestry or will it conflict with the other tin block from IC2...


got it working on 3.1.1, had forgotten to remove forestry folder from ee2.jar.

remember guys: set the last 2 lines in the forestry config to false! you dont want both IC2 and forestry tin and copper spawning in the world!

Hello, what version of forestry are you using?

also, did you try it on smp?

cheers :)


Just a quick headup found out that once macerated, the new ores from Forestry are the same once in ingots form so no worry about theses, but its a good thing to disable them before exploring for new world with the forestry ores like apatite and some bees.


also, you dont want ore creep, where you have more ores than stone. also, if one mod trys to spawn a ore blovk where another one does, its makes a real mess of your save.

I dont play multiplayer tekkit because SGTekkit was as laggy as hell, and thas supposed to be one of the best ones :/ my experience of mods on a vanilla server is that it might alow you to conect, and as long as you dont use any modded blocks, only vanila ones, it works fine.

Thee buildcraft 2.x that tekkit uses is both ssp and smp, so i see no reason why multiplayer still shouldnt work.


Hello, what version of forestry are you using?

also, did you try it on smp?

cheers :)

the one in the link on page 1, or on the foresty download page, just scroll down and find the forestry for buildcraft 2.x.x and minecraft 1.2.5 :)

See my above post for the SMP stuff.


Just a quick headup found out that once macerated, the new ores from Forestry are the same once in ingots form so no worry about theses, but its a good thing to disable them before exploring for new world with the forestry ores like apatite and some bees.

once disabled, they wont spawn in new chunks, its just the forge ore dictionary has messed up one or two recipes with the forestry ingots, and the IC2 ones are generally the ones used. and dont get me started on how ugly the redpower ones look -_-


hi everyone please i need hel with installing forestry to tekkit i download forestry clined and what i should copy and paste to tekkit? sorry band english :)


So I added forestry to my tekkit server and client, but when I try to make any forestry items, when I put the last item needed in the crafting window, the item I want appears for a fraction of a second in the crafting window, but disappears before I can grab it. what's going on?


today there was an update for tekkit. afterwards, your minecraft will freeze after the mojang screen. to remedy this problem, remove he forestry folder from the ee2blahblah.jar again. also, all the mods that are included with tekkit have been redownloaded. so if you've been dicking bout in configs, they've been reset. luckily, it hasnt affected the forestry mod or its configs, so you dont need to turn off the tin and copper again :)


I noticed the update all my achievments are reset again, quite annoying to see them again and again... Is there any secret option to prevent any update of any kind without warning, already setup to choose my version manually and still some updates are done anyways.

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