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[3.1.2]♅Ethereal Gaming♅Friendly Community|Multiverse|Economy|LWC


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Ban Appeal

Cmuff and Block,

Im very sorry for the trouble I have done to the server. I apolagize for all the things I have done. I did not know that dynamite would cause block damme. I thought it was disabled. Please unban me Cmuff. I will try my very hardest o restrain my self from stupid decisions. I would like to point out that very memebr i mighve trolled or done anything to I have helped. Fafman and Dragon and Hotrod are good examples. Ethereal gaming is the first and best tekkit server I have ever been on.

From, Terminator1422

This is going to be a one week temporary ban. Next Monday you will be unbanned and allowed back on the server, but you will not be allowed anymore warnings so watch yourself.

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On a tangentially related note, Anyone else get the feeling that Equivalent Exchange is so stupidly overpowered that is just sucks all the fun out of the game?

i've been on this server for 3 days, and once i got a power flower going it pretty much plays itself. being able to literally pull diamonds out of thin air, then convert them to anything else, destroys the entire aspect of gathering and exploring. there's no jockeying for resources, there's no tension between towns over border disputes. With everyone having everything they need and more on demand with no work required, the server becomes a utopia of peace and prosperity.

And utopia is awfully boring.

Tl;Dr: are there any plans among the admins to nerf EE into the ground? specifically the aspects that make the game play itself, such as collectors, relays and condensors. waking up to 100,000 marble worth of EMC and 16 Dark Matter takes all the pressure off that would otherwise force me to explore and *gasp* PLAY the game.

PS: this is still the best tekkit server i've played on, the press button to win of EE is outweighed by great admins, players, hosting and maps.

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Kenji, I COMPLETELY agree with you, which is why we have already blacklisted the mk2 and mk3 collectors/relays. I myself would think a complete removal of EE would be best, however I fear lots of players would disagree, and this would be a very harsh step to take...

EE also makes running a proper economy completely impossible...

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In-Game Name: aMannus

Age: 20

Experience with Tekkit: Yup, played on a different Tekkit server before this one, but I felt that one became too big. I basically know my way around all the mods in Tekkit, except for Computercraft and the Redpower2 computers (I mean, FORTH, really?). Anything else, and I'm your man.

Did you read the rules?: I did indeed.

Your personal http://whitelist.mcf.li/ link: I've never even seen this link thing, but I think I did it right: http://whitelist.mcf.li/check/result/53f53acb83fa0fa7ea6a8d95bfcfe7922e3d07a4

Why were you banned?[if not leave blank]:

Also, the dynmap doesn't appear to be working for me. Is it just me or is it really not working?

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continued off topic rant:

If you look at the cost of the EE power items and armour, it takes something like 30,000 diamonds for a full set of Red Matter.

so i think a complete removal of condensors, relays and collectors would solve most of it's problems, as it's the free money that's the biggest issue to me.

Condensors are such easymode that they prevent people from actually building and designing machinery, which iirc, is the point of Tekkit.

case and point: setting up a lava cell factory in the nether is pointless, because a condensor will get you more cells, for less cost.

why create a factory chain to produce water cells, then snowballs, then ice to feed your reactor, if a condensor will work ten times as well?

I don't think a complete removal of EE is right because it does provide a lot of utility through power items and transmuting building materials.

also converting between iron, gold and diamond is useful and fairly balanced, imho.

but klein stars with enough magic juice for infinite flight, or to transmute 800,000 BLOCKS in one go at the second tier, is kind of ridiculous.

most of EE still works, if you actually have to pay for it.


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