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Possible solution for balance issues: ModDamage plugin for Bukkit

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The ModDamage plugin for Bukkit servers seems to work very well with Tekkit. I'm doing some exhaustive testing over the next few days, but the results are promising.

You can basically tweak every damage event (and a TON of other events) in Bukkit, based on an almost unimaginable combination of weapon held, armor worn, mcmmo skill level, elevation/depth, permission group, entity type (human, npc), time of day, apply area affects, even tinker with enchanting results.

I can, for example:

Have a nano sabre do 100 hearts in damage, 1 heart in damage, or heal the attacker (or target). I used this on my zombie survival server to have faction damage heal fellow faction members but damage opposing factions.

Double monster damage every X blocks from spawn, or below X depth. On my server I had zombies do double damage when in the sewers underground.

You can trigger area effect events. On my zombie server, attacking a zombie with a torch had a chance to set the zombie on fire, and that zombie would spread the fire to any surrounding zombies.

You can flag players with internal counters, and fire events based on those counters. On my zombie server, I would track the total damage taken from zombies, and when it exceeded a certain level you'd be tagged "infected" and deal reduced damage/take increased damage. Also, on death, you'd spawn a super-powerful pig zombie. Getting your stuff back was a serious pain in the ass...

And that's just the surface.

A simple example:

- 'if attacker.wielding.30198 and target.type.zombie': '*2'

That doubles a bronze sword's damage against zombies.

- 'if attacker.wielding.30148': '-2'

Reduces nanosaber damage by 1 full heart (2 half-hearts).

get it here:


And hit #moddamage on irc.esper.net.

Bukkit dev page: http://dev.bukkit.org/server-mods/moddamage/

Get the jenkins build though, I think the bukkit.org build is outdated.

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Okay, would you be able to change damage based on what the defender was wearing? What about damage events from blocks? I'd love to see a server where a specific weapon was a Quantum Killer.

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Yes, and yes. I just one-shot killed a skeleton with cobblestone.

let me try some Tekkit items though to see. Like a buildcraft pipe or whatever.


It worked for a buildcraft pipe, but not for a hollow wooden plank slab. It may need some tweaking, but teh dev is VERY receptive to fixes.


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You can create armor sets and aliases and modify damage (or avoid damage completely) based on those armor sets.

So, a full set of leather armor (added to the LEATHER alias) could offer, say, 50% evade capability with:

- 'if target.wearing._LEATHER and chance.50':

- 'message.target': 'You dodge!'

- 'message.attacker': 'Your opponent deftly avoids your blow!'

- '0'

And it would message the target/attacker with the text you see abovce, and set damage to 0.

You could give picks a knockback radius 4 effect to anything in the PICKAXE alias group:

- 'if attacker.wielding._PICKAXE': 'targeteffect.knockback.4'

Keep in mind I haven't tested these bits of code, they may or may not actually work...

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This is some of the coolest stuff I have seen in a while, I'd love to unban quantum chests and just make them less OP, as well as RM/DM/Infernal Chests.

If this plugin could provide a way to make these armors take greater damage from ALL weapons then I could see this going a long way in the Tekkit community.

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This is some of the coolest stuff I have seen in a while, I'd love to unban quantum chests and just make them less OP, as well as RM/DM/Infernal Chests.

If this plugin could provide a way to make these armors take greater damage from ALL weapons then I could see this going a long way in the Tekkit community.

It's entirely possible. I'll test it out.


Looks like there may be a problem with target.wearing.27549, I'll look into it. May need the dev to fix.


You could have anyone wearing a dark matter chestplate take an additional half-heart in damage from players only like such:

- 'if attacker.type.human and target.wearing.27549': '+1'

Bear in mind that moddamage only affects post-armor calculation damage, so if a mob would normally do .5 damage to a fully armored individual, and you added .5 heart extra damage to each piece, the end result would be 2.5 hearts in damage. I think it's possible to put a little sanity check at the end and say if the new damage is more than, say, double the original damage, cap it at double. That keeps things like zombies from accidentally doing 3 hearts in damage to someone wearing full diamond armor.

I may theoretically be able to apply durability loss to dark matter armor also, but I'm not terrifically optimistic about that.

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OK, dev fixed the issue.

I can now alter damage taken by someone wearing dark matter/red matter/etc. armor.

The following adds 2 full hearts in damage to anyone wearing a dark matter chestplate when they take damage.

- 'if target_chestplate_type=27549':

- '+4'

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Make sure you get the most recent dev builds from ci.forkofdoom.com/job/ModDamage

It looks hard to configure but it's pretty straightforward once you get used to it. I don't care if you add it to the server guide, but it probably needs some more testing before you do.

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