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So I am new to all this modding, bukkit, and plugin stuff so keep that in mind when you read this. My question is I was wondering why for example mo creatures, EE, Millenaire, or the Zeppelin Mod do not come with the tekkit pack. I have looked around and couldn't find anything besides a question about EE (that was more about it not fitting with the "Technic Theme"), so I interested from a technical not a thematic standpoint why those mods aren't included. I am asking because I am hoping there is a chance they will be added later, but any explanation is appreciated.


Well; if you would take the freedom of looking up each mod on various forums their authors may have posted them, you would see that they lack a multiplayer variant. I cannot take the liberty of speaking in the name of the Technic Pack team as I am nothing near a person of authority, but they mostly rely on each mod's authors when it comes to updating and/or releasing multiplayer versions in this case. This is one of the reasons I could think of, I'm sure there's more to it in cases.


and that makes sense for the now, but id have to imagine once they have all the muiltplayer mods working together nicely (and give Vanillia minecraft enough room to grow as far as block Ids go) then the only way they can add content is to take SSP mods and add them to the pack

at least, im hoping, i dunno im dreaming of a future were Tekkit is...everything (includding aether mod, i know thats a long shot but one can dream)


You are not alone on that thought; I'm sure it will be accomplished one day, by the development team. Our unending support can only further the progress towards that goal.


i haven't started to put bukkit mods into Tekkit yet (i dont even know what 'version' i should consider tekkit as far as bukkit goes 1200? 1400? RC1?) i do know some of the bukkit plugins do work and others work mostly (but not with the, new stuff) and some not at all (possibly due to version's mis matching)


Mo' Creatures used to have a bukkit version in 1.8.1 beta, but unfortunately the person managing the SMP port became too busy to continue updating it beyond that (according to the Mo' Creatures thread). As for the others, there's really nothing like them, except perhaps the zeppelin mod, I think there might be a couple bukkit plugins that are similar, search the bukkit forums/bukkit-dev thing; I suspect Tekkit is whatever the last Bukkit RB (aka "Recommended Build") was for Minecraft 1.0.

If only Notch hadn't made SSP and SMP so wildly different (code-wise)... ...


It's not just lack of multiplayer versions it's a lack of common code that would make them much easier to run together and add a lot of functionality. We'd love to include more of the Technic mods in Tekkit, but we can't for the same reason that Technic exists in the first place. Mod makers don't want to work together.

We go "Hello mod maker _____. We are interested in making your mods available to play in conjunction with many other mods." And they go "No. Why should I care if people want to use my mod with others, they should only need my mod."

Then Technic is born!

  • 3 months later...


This is the most outdated topic on the entire form. Therefore I post.


This is the stupidest user i've seen in days, therefor i ban.

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