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What Is Your House Like?

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I've been wondering what other people who play on this mod pack design their houses like. I know some people go for maximizing space, and others try and make their house look good. Sometimes both! My house is a Hobbit Hole in the side of a hill. I picked this design because it looks awesome ( :D), and I can build down underground without too much trouble. Here are some pictures. 



The Entrance Room: 


My huge 13x13 main room (This took forever to get wood for.) : 


I also have some of my machines lined up on the wall in the big room. There is a room behind it that is accessible by ghost blocks in the wall. 


Edited by iEmeraldGolem
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That looks really good, I normally do whatever my inspiration tells me to do. if I like a design i just roll with it.


In terms of your configuration, I think you should use the entrance room (or a empty room next to it) just to look good. Use the crayfish mod and microblocks and openblocks to make living rooms and kitchens and bedrooms. Theres some really cool stuff like TV's and couches, cabinets, stoves, coffee machines etc. Then the rest of your house for all the other things. Witching, Tinkering, Thermal expantion things. I like to dig down and make multiple floors, connected with elevators.


Anyway hope this helped!



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That looks really good, I normally do whatever my inspiration tells me to do. if I like a design i just roll with it.


In terms of your configuration, I think you should use the entrance room (or a empty room next to it) just to look good. Use the crayfish mod and microblocks and openblocks to make living rooms and kitchens and bedrooms. Theres some really cool stuff like TV's and couches, cabinets, stoves, coffee machines etc. Then the rest of your house for all the other things. Witching, Tinkering, Thermal expantion things. I like to dig down and make multiple floors, connected with elevators.


Anyway hope this helped!



Thanks for the suggestions! :D The chest and stuff in the entrance are temporary, as I recently made the house. I'm going to make multiple floors eventually. 

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Lies, Kalbintion!  From what I've seen of your house previously it's some kind of horror castle in a minefield!  (Unless I'm confusing it with someone elses images, could've been Halestorm actually)


Mine.. is a 4x4 chunk castle thing, though I didn't mine it all down to bedrock, I just go downwards as I need to along with all the slight miscalculations that go with that.


My intial log-cabin turned norman keep turned tower turned witchery area, now a sort of communal basic utilities area near the spawn.



Warthogs school of Witchcraft and Wizardry, along with its village (shots that miss on the archery range go straight down into the village, but they're muggles or at least squibs so it's fine).



The Skylab - this one isn't mine, it's basically a facility which slowly generates lava, makes a fair bit of power and rubber, has all the DNA stuff and some spawners so you never have to leave home to make lots of guns!



The little house belonging to my brother and his partner, the size is a little deceptive as the hut is like a hat on top of a base inside that hill.



You've got me here..?  Seems like a nice place to chill though.



The little town, lava thing is a dragon roost off the top of the screen and the derpy looking frog thing in the background is my powerplant. (I hadn't made the derp-frog association until looking at it just now, I swear it makes sense from inside)



My current abode, witchery stuff is in the blue tower, machines in the bottom left.  The out-building has a portal to the nexus room (which is a room full of portals) and a ladder down to tunnels leading to the stronghold.



Another one that's mostly inside the mountain, this one seems to have been abandoned.  I'm told the fugly dome thing looks great in the sphax texture pack.



Even the mountain opposite can't bear to look at that thing, and seems to have died



My nephew's powerplant.  That igneous extruder doesn't seem to do anything... I'll never understand the workings of some peoples minds.  It's got underground conduits feeding his base in town (some kind of rocket-launch-facility-thing).



A treehouse, a greenhouse, a hut, a monster spawner (that didn't seem to be working when I looked at it) and some kind of wall thing?  Under construction house?



And then I got bored.


You should get poisonfrog in here, I'm sure she'll have quite a collection of pictures by now.

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That would take a while to mine out. Did you use a hammer by chance? 


Yes actually, you can see my tcon tool setups on the server forum i setup for the server i play on, http://anthoniwiese.x10.mx/joac/index.php?topic=9.0


Lies, Kalbintion!  From what I've seen of your house previously it's some kind of horror castle in a minefield!  (Unless I'm confusing it with someone elses images, could've been Halestorm actually)


Mine.. is a 4x4 chunk castle thing, though I didn't mine it all down to bedrock, I just go downwards as I need to along with all the slight miscalculations that go with that.


...spoiler removed...


You should get poisonfrog in here, I'm sure she'll have quite a collection of pictures by now.


Diff person, i havent ever posted an image of my base here before, until now.













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The whole concept of that base was to literally make everything possible and efficiently in that area, which is more than doable. One thing i didnt show in those images is my witchery area which is built at the height limit and is only a few layers for all of that. This base being more of a super factory in all aspects will give me the ability to essentially have creative in survival by the end of it so i can go off and do fun decorative things that fit more my fancy without just being lame and using creative mode.

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The whole concept of that base was to literally make everything possible and efficiently in that area, which is more than doable. One thing i didnt show in those images is my witchery area which is built at the height limit and is only a few layers for all of that. This base being more of a super factory in all aspects will give me the ability to essentially have creative in survival by the end of it so i can go off and do fun decorative things that fit more my fancy without just being lame and using creative mode.

I would do something like that, but I have an issue if my builds have stone walls, floors, or ceiling. =P I made another floor that is 13x13x3 again, and it took me FOREVER to collect all the wood and mine out the room. Keep in mind I don't have a hammer yet. 

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I'm not sure how many people noticed, but there is a "30" in 7-seg displays, thats the number of chunks ive mined out with using a hammer. I made that counter so i could keep track of how many chunks ive mined out completely lol. I highly recommend looking at my hammer setups Emerald, if you want to make one that will last forever. Also keep in mind, in the first week of playing i had manyullyn, player interface, and a bunch of other end-game materials/blocks since i know how to do these mods quickly.

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Since Loader asked me so nicely, I guess I'll share my current home too. It's not entirely finished yet, mind.


External view of my farmhouse:




The 'attic' is mostly storage; lots and lots of resonant strongboxes and deep storage units, some crafting tables, a sync shell storage, that's about it. Middle floor is just empty; I've made a ton of furniture, but I haven't placed any of it out yet.  Ground floor is almost as empty, but I've started to convert part of it into a crafting area; 8 pulverizers, 8 redstone furnaces, fun with pipes and chests for automation, etc.


Sub-basement 1:


Power generation room. 52 resonant energy cells, 192 compression dynamos, fluiducts, tesseracts. Dynamos fed with water (produced locally) and LXP (produced by my king slime grinder elsewhere).



Sub-basement 2:


Witchery chamber, accessible both by elevator and by some stairs that come up on the side of the farmhouse. On the left: my Witchery clone, I like to use separate bodies for magic and science stuff because reasons.

On the altar: the head of the owner of my last server, courtesy of the owner of my current server who hates his guts.



I have another sub-basement under that, but it's really just stuffed full of a ton of different kinds of plants to boost my altar power. Got about 16k at this point.


I've also been working on a spaceship, but it's nowhere NEAR finished:



I'm going for a kind of steampunk stingray-like thing, but I've got a lot of work left to do on this one. The mining laser on the bottom has proven plenty productive, at least. The portal up top is only there temporarily; the plan was to move it inside the ship once I've sorted the shape of the hull out.






Then there's my actual workshop, where I started out before I built the farmhouse


Witch grinder:




King slime grinder (doesn't use MFR grinders, uses looting III cleaver in autonomous activator + LXP collector thingies; the small building on the left houses my portal)




Giant LXP tank:




Aerial view (top right thing is my TConstruct smeltery building; the middle thing is supposed to be a rocket, not quite done yet):




Workshop interior:






Sadly I'm not sure I'll ever get the chance to finish it all; the server owner has gotten all depressed over the declining popularity of the modpack and the EULA stuff making it harder to actually fund the server; so far the PayPal fees for donations has exceeded the actual donations, apparently. Makes me sad since the server has been running PERFECTLY, but it sure isn't free to run, so he's debating either switching to a different modpack, or just turning it into a DayZ server instead. Bleh.

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Demand a world download so you can continue working on it in SSP.


Oh, he's already offered one. I'll tell you what I told him:


I don't care about the world. I don't care about the house. I care about the COMMUNITY, and I can't download the other players. Playing single-player does not interest me. I don't mind having to start over and replace all my stuff with a wooden pickaxe, I just want to have a server to play on and other people to play WITH.

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I'm not sure how many people noticed, but there is a "30" in 7-seg displays, thats the number of chunks ive mined out with using a hammer. I made that counter so i could keep track of how many chunks ive mined out completely lol. I highly recommend looking at my hammer setups Emerald, if you want to make one that will last forever. Also keep in mind, in the first week of playing i had manyullyn, player interface, and a bunch of other end-game materials/blocks since i know how to do these mods quickly.

Impressive. I've really only played that world for a few hours IRL so far. I've been busy with other things, so not as much time to play.


@Poison, I have one thing to say: I want that power setup. lol 

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@Poison, I have one thing to say: I want that power setup. lol 



It took a while to set up, but it sure does work nicely. I plugged it into the laser drill on my spaceship (via 4 different tesseract frequencies, one for each precharger), put a resonant strongbox on the drill, and went on vacation for a week and a half. When I got back the strongbox was FULL, and so were my power cells. It had made a slight dent in my LXP reserves, but not much of one. King Slimes produce a LOT of LXP.


EDIT: On a slightly less depressing note, here are a few pictures of my shop at the market.



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It took a while to set up, but it sure does work nicely. I plugged it into the laser drill on my spaceship (via 4 different tesseract frequencies, one for each precharger), put a resonant strongbox on the drill, and went on vacation for a week and a half. When I got back the strongbox was FULL, and so were my power cells. It had made a slight dent in my LXP reserves, but not much of one. King Slimes produce a LOT of LXP.


EDIT: On a slightly less depressing note, here are a few pictures of my shop at the market.


That is awesome. What do you sell in your shop? 

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That is awesome. What do you sell in your shop? 


It's a hardware store, for the most part. Energy conduits, impulse itemducts, fluiducts, energy cells, enchanted books,  resonant strongboxes, openblocks tanks, chocolate donuts... that kind of thing.

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It's a hardware store, for the most part. Energy conduits, impulse itemducts, fluiducts, energy cells, enchanted books,  resonant strongboxes, openblocks tanks, chocolate donuts... that kind of thing.


When you're working on your interdimensional transport system, don't forget to pick up a chocolate donut. They're essential for tightening up the nether-rifts and stabilizing the energy flow.


True science facts!

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When you're working on your interdimensional transport system, don't forget to pick up a chocolate donut. They're essential for tightening up the nether-rifts and stabilizing the energy flow.


True science facts!


It seemed appropriate. All the hardware stores around where I live IRL also seem to sell cookies and the like. I guess construction workers need something for their coffee breaks.

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It's a hardware store, for the most part. Energy conduits, impulse itemducts, fluiducts, energy cells, enchanted books,  resonant strongboxes, openblocks tanks, chocolate donuts... that kind of thing.

So, a lot of things that are annoying to get unless you have a really good machine setup. 


When you're working on your interdimensional transport system, don't forget to pick up a chocolate donut. They're essential for tightening up the nether-rifts and stabilizing the energy flow.


True science facts!


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