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Everything posted by Backplague

  1. I have to apologize that the showcase video may not come after all. There are several reasons; first being that i just cant find myself in a position to make it. Second being that Adobe Premiere hates me. Third being that i want to work on more projects, mainly focusing on stuff i dont have much experience from *hint hint, 200% better stuff coming sometime*. I know you want it, sorry.
  2. Helen Keller was a woman that was both blind and deaf. If you fail to read the rules, you are blind. If you continue to break the rules, you are deaf. Helen Kellering is a simple way of telling "Read the rules or go away."
  3. -ninja'd The wiki is wrong. Use copper cables, not gold cables.
  4. You can put covers between them to stop them from connecting or use cables.
  5. This is the correct link: http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?x3pehtvl87no3h4
  6. God dammit you make it sound so awesome i cant wait.
  7. Single engines powering pipes. Also you need a fucking shit-ass ton of them.
  8. I made my own version of the machine; . I am happy with the result, stuff comes in really good :)
  9. I knew someone someday will take inspiration from me I have to say, the factory is amazing. The overall feel and look is very clean and the fact that you made it be a real factory (the offices and stuff) is awesome. The quarry could be a tad bigger though. But in all other ways, this is one of the best (maybe even the best) Tekkit creations i have run in to!
  10. Then there should be no problems running the server unless you have given the server an insufficient amount of memory.
  11. If you are using the normal unmodified Tekkit server, it will use 1 gig of your memory. If ~15% of your memory is 1 gig, your server may be problems with the memory. You may need to get more memory, the server software should not have any memory leaks.
  12. It defaults at 1 gig, but the recommended amount is 3-6 gigs.
  13. They are Energy Links. They convert BC energy to IC2 energy and vice versa.
  14. I also have no idea how to make the video. With my voice, it will be very easy; i just write down a list of things i need to tell and just start recording. With text, it will be more like a slideshow of images with text planted on. The voice part would suck because i dont like my voice, it is too high pitched for what i want it to be.
  15. No its not that, i do have the software required. Its just that i cant force myself to do what i dont feel like doing.
  16. I have to admit, the video will not be coming soon. I have struck a video-creating-block, sorry.
  17. The CC disk drive is just like the computer so it is not difficult to distinguish the CC drive from the RP2 drive. The FORTH boot disk is required to get the RP2 computer working, the CC computer just needs you to start giving it programs. The CC wiki is a good place for help. You also should not go messing around with the config files.
  18. Energy links. Wont explode, work just like the electrical engines, can take massive amounts of power.
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