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Everything posted by Backplague

  1. You can put any kind of covers in one of the frame block's sides to stop it from moving blocks that are touching it on that side. Edit: Sorry, did not notice the other thread :)
  2. EE2 in my opinion makes stuff too easy. The fact that you can create diamonds out of dirt is awesome yes, thats what the mod basically is about. But when we go to the tools, i think its kinda foolish to be able to fly just like in creative with just the power of dirt. I always have been a technician type of person, as you may have noticed. When comparing the EE2 tools with IC2 tools, IC2 tools are better in my opinion. You have to actually get a realistic power source for your drill and chainsaw, not just have a magical star in your inventory filled with dirt to chop down a whole tree with a tool made out of some red magical shit. You get my point.
  3. Forestry isn't even in Tekkit unless you have it installed yourself. The rubber trees are from RP2 and IC2, the huge ones are from RP2 and the ones you get sticky resin out of are from IC2. As for the texturepack, it doesnt contain textures for Tekkit items.
  4. We make bonemeal with a condenser right now. The chickens are quite slow on laying eggs, but it was one of the first things we built in there so the double chest if pretty full of eggs.
  5. Everything here is automated. All you have to do is to press a button, wait 10 seconds and get cake. The automated wheat farm is a block breaker and two deployers. Block breaker takes wheat, deployer #1 plants seeds and deployer #2 grows seeds with bonemeal. There are three of these "modules". Sugar is simply two sugar canes with block breakers to take the sugar cane and turn it into sugar at an automatic crafting table. And last, there is a 3x3 chicken pen with 4 chickens in it and a transposer at the middle to collect eggs.
  6. The midbase of Plague Corporation presents you the Cake-A-Tron 9001. It makes cake. Infinite amounts of it. One cake can be made every 10-15 seconds, depends on the supply storage. This time the whole thing is made in SMP. Tiny bits of creative had to be used for filming of the video. This the production facility. Built in about 2-3 hours, designing took 2-3 hours. Designed in creative, rebuilt in survival. 1. Get milk from cows. 2. Get cake. 3. Replenish wheat, sugar and egg. 4. ???? 5. PROFIT. As for how the machine works, here is a simple step-by-step. 1. 3 milk is taken from cows and transferred to chest. 2. Cake is made. 3. Restore buckets to cow milkers. 4. 3 wheat are taken and transferred to chest. 5. 2 sugar are taken and transferred to chest. 6. 1 egg is taken and transferred to chest. 7. Done. The automated wheat farm is a block breaker and two deployers. Block breaker takes wheat, deployer #1 plants seeds and deployer #2 grows seeds with bonemeal. There are three of these "modules". Sugar is simply two sugar canes with block breakers to take the sugar cane and turn it into sugar at an automatic crafting table. And last, there is a 3x3 chicken pen with 4 chickens in it and a transposer at the middle to collect eggs. Here is our production team. Going left to right, there are: nuppih; contributed to building the machine, designing the machine and filming video. Backplague; designed the machine, built the machine and made the video. storm7; contributed to building the machine and filming the video. Here is a simple showcase video, made with the style of the Plague Corporation showcase video. As always, all feedback and commenting is appreciated. cake
  7. The server probably has EE incorrectly installed. Do a fresh install of the server.
  8. Optifine has set your rendering distance to negative. Set it to something else in the options.
  9. The Technic team is waiting a week or so to see if any major bugs pop up. After none has, it will be pushed to the recommended.
  10. Place a chuck loading block (World Anchor or Teleport Tether) close to your machines. This is because when a player is in the server, a set of chunks is loaded around the player. Of course, this takes memory so to reduce the memory usage, the server unloads all unused chunks. All machines in an unloaded chunks of course will not work. Chunk loading blocks force-load a 9x9 grid of chunks, the chunk loading block is in the middle.
  11. Problem with your internet connection i would say. To fix, get a better internet :)
  12. Very. Edit: I feel like the last few posts i have made are useless. I probably should think before posting.
  13. I love seeing people make different kind of factories But storing 670,000,000 EU? Holy fuck. Also, the emergency circuit breaker switch in my opinion should be in the control room, makes it easier to handle and also cooler.
  14. 100% chance it will not come back. SirSengir didnt want the Technic team to use Forestry so he decided to be an asshole and added malicious code to fuck your shit rather than politely asking the Technic team to remove Forestry. Edit: Thanks to whoever corrected the incorrect name i used.
  15. EE completely ignores protections, so correctly configured plugins can stop the usage of OP stuff in EE. Unless you want to go with the easiest way and completely remove EE from the server.
  16. The "nuked" parts may not be nuked. Block some EE items such as the catalysts and Evertide/Volcanite Amulets.
  17. What plugins were you using? Plugins such as PEX, LogBlock and WorldGuard are able to stop/revert all griefing if correctly configured and used. And all servers use bukkit, there is nothing else you could use.
  18. Did you really think someone here will give you 10 dollars just so you can host a small server? Also if you get 100$ a day, dont you have money saved somewhere? PS: Dots are the best thing ever.
  19. What part didnt actually work? The frame building? Digging?
  20. Because the mass fabricators are fully charged. I think you only misspelled it but the MFSU outputs 512 EU every tick and can store 10,000,000 EU.
  21. Some Bukkit plugins (cant remember any, haven't used any) can be used to block the crafting, placing and using of all items and blocks.
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