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Everything posted by Backplague

  1. Make sure you have all subsets chose in the top bar. Also it is not TMI. Its NEI (Not Enough Items).
  2. Yes, the server needs to be updated. No, you cant join outdated servers.
  3. You can setup many in a row or on top of each other.
  4. Use the Tunnel Bore from RailCraft.
  5. Next time post in the Bug Section with the correct format just so people can tell you to get Java 7.
  6. It would seem your Java is incorrectly installed. Reinstall it.
  7. Get Java 7. Next time use the Tekkit Bug Section.
  8. When you disable them, it means they cannot be crafted and placed. The change will not affect already placed blocks me thinks. You will just have to ask players politely to remove the anchors they may have.
  9. Did you use /reload? Never use /reload.
  10. What is this Gem armor you are talking about? I always thought the Quantum armor was the only end-game set. Edit: Sorry, found it.
  11. It seems NEI is malfunctioning. Clear cache at the launcher options and login to redownload Tekkit.
  12. Backplague


    You copy them to somewhere safe.
  13. Backplague


    Yes, thank you. The log doesnt seem to show anything, so backup your saves at '%appdata%/.techniclauncher/tekkit/saves' and then remove the '.techniclauncher' folder. Run the launcher to redownload it, then login to Tekkit.
  14. Its either a bug in BC or a problem with your graphics card. Try updating your graphics card drivers.
  15. What you do is go to the Launcher Bugs section.
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