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Everything posted by Azeryn

  1. Then transmog them away. I make all my dirt and cobblestone into diamonds.
  2. agreed. I never used the mod before I saw this thread. I added it to my Tekkit Lite. It's crap. Was not worth the time it took to make it work with Tekkit...
  3. No. Just no. Please stop this useless trolling now. If this isn't just plain trolling, I don't know what is... Aurrin, great post. So nice to see something actually thought out and logically argued instead of the, "well it's fun" reason... I agree with almost everything that you said in that post. "Getting resources is a grind that becomes frustrating as it takes away their time while giving back ultimately very little. Taking away EE artificially stunts the scope and size of their creations, and causes resentment toward the people who seem to be championing the limiting of their creative potential, hence the perception of kill-joys." Sure getting resources can be a grind, but if there isn't some bit of work involved, isn't it just creative mode? And I believe that this is what EE3 is trying to bring to the table. It will give us that other play style that a lot of us love, but without the overpowered/cheating feeling that came with EE2. Items will still have EMC. Transmutation tablet will still be there. Collectors and condensors will not be though. No more being able to create everything from nothing.
  4. Again, you are thick. "no EE2 signs" because it was OP. Yes it was popular... but that's not the reason... Buildcraft is popular too... by your logic every fucking mod would be banned then. Do you even fucking listen? Can't you comprehend a simple fucking concept? Get over it, EE2 was OP therefor servers didn't have it enabled. EE2 is discontinued. EE3 is being developed now. Stfu. End of discussion.
  5. still on the first page in the Tekkit Lite forum... looking is hard. http://forums.technicpack.net/threads/nuclear-reactor-hull.35196/
  6. seriously, just stop talking. You have yet to post 1 valid reason to why EE2, condensors, etc. should stay or be maintained to the current minecraft version. You have heard from us EVERY single reason as to why EE2 is no more and the problems that came with EE2. All the information that you needed to make a logical and rational conclusion were spelled out for you here. Like Teraku said above "You are thick." There is really nothing more that needs to be said on this issue. We heard your so called "points" and you have heard the real reasons for no more EE2, so just drop it... If you still have more issues with this matter, take it to the EE3 thread located http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/1540010-equivalent-exchange-3-pre1f/ There's nothing that can be done about this on the Tekkit Lite forum as you're talking about a mod not even in Tekkit Lite. You have a problem with EE2, take it up with the people who create/develop/maintain EE2.
  7. If you want diamonds without mining, there's plenty of ways to do it where you still don't get them for free. And it's included in EE3. You already stated you use quarries for resources. Transmute all the crap into diamonds then. EMC will still be around, all they're doing is taking away collectors so you cannot get absolutely free things. Condensors are being removed so the process of transmuting wont be automated and abused. So yes, you'll be able to transmute just like you did in EE2, it just wont be as OP. Transmutation tablet is staying. Plus there will be other ways. Any thread with EE2 or condensor/collector in the title should just be deleted imo... all they are are flame was of people whining about EE2 and people telling those whiners to stfu.
  8. I noticed that too. There are 2 types of rubber, and I have no clue how to get the 2nd one...
  9. read through this thread. http://forums.technicpack.net/threads/optifine-with-tekkit-lite.34597/
  10. What part of "It's not part of the modpack so why the hell should users who want to add it own their own be punished and not be able to" do you not understand?
  11. Exactly. It's one thing to ask for permission for your mod that you create to be distributed with modpacks. But for the users of a modpack to not be able to install extra mods on their own? That's just stupid. So to be in a modpack you have to have permission. To use it when not included in a modpack, you just can't use it at all. Brilliant. It's not included in the modpack, so they don't have to have permission...
  12. Because the Technic team doesn't want that mod included in any of the Technic packs. So they don't ask for permission. The real problem is with the developer though. Sure, here's a free mod guys, install it all you want, just ask to be in a mod pack first. But oh, if you use tekkit, fuck you, I crippled it so it wont work.
  13. Haven't used it in Tekkit at all, but from the FTB wiki "Ferrous Ore is an ore that is found in lower layers. It is a primary source of nickel; It can be smelted into Nickel Ingots or macerated into Nickel Dust."
  14. 3 pages in this thread, and not one reason to why EE2 should have just been updated and kept in besides "it was fun", "Why the hell should I care what their opinions are?" /sigh... amazing discussion. 50 reasons stated as to the issues caused by EE2. 0 reasons for it to stay...
  15. BTW, I love how you're so butthurt over the loss of EE2 and going on about having options and crap... Yet, you're the one spamming in like 20 different threads about your mod pack that you put together. You know, the one where you CHOSE the OPTION to use EE3 in it... You could have easily chose to play with minecraft 1.2.5 and EE2 still. I guess you just kinda proved a point, when people have the option, they'll stick with the non OP option.
  16. "they" being the creator of EE. It was HIS decision to resign EE from the ground up. EE2 didn't turn out like he planned. If you don't like it, then why don't you go bitch on his forums about it. There's nothing that can be done about it here. And no. Most servers would not run it if it was an option. WIth EE2 around, almost every server out there had it disabled, or most of the crap banned. What's the point in a multiplayer mod that either no one uses or almost all the items are banned? Again, that's not just my opinion on the mod, that's the creator's opinion, and probably most of everyone's opinion that uses the mod. "I'm not saying EE2 was great for servers, I'm just saying that's why options exist. " You're right. Options do exist. And almost every server out there choose the option to NOT use EE2, so yes, obvisouly there was a balancing problem. If you think otherwise, do some damn research and you'll see for yourself how many people/servers did NOT use EE2.
  17. The latest build isn't always on the launcher yet... latest build is probably a version of 0.5.2 that they're working on tweaking.
  18. No, the fact that you can start a new world and within an hour have a machine producing infinite EMC is OP. Then within 2-4 hours, having a machine that pumps out Red Matter every second. For free. That's OP.
  19. Just like I said in your last thread you made in the incorrect section, head to the bug report forum, and CLICK THE LINK THAT SAYS "SUBMIT A BUG REPORT" You'll be able to post a report and get the proper help that you need...
  20. When in the bug report forums, you click the big huge link near the top that says "Submit a bug report"
  21. Yes Yes. Look at the most recent news on the Technic website. Look near the bottom. On another sadder noteā€¦ Railcraft will be regretfully removed in the upcoming version of Tekkit Lite until we can meet the requirements set forth by CoverJaguar. Server owners please be aware that in the upcoming version of Tekkit Lite (0.5.3) RailCraft will be removed. Thanks!
  22. try the newest version, 0.5.1, if it still doesn't work please post your error log, else no one can help you...
  23. Looks like there is/were 2 versions of Tin Ore. I think the new one was from factorization? It's the same with the SIlver, there's 2 ores for that one still, and I know that that extra silver is from factorization.
  24. Tekkit Lite is only like a day old. There can't be too much built up, I personally would just recreate the world, not like there's much there to lose. As to why it's doing this or how to "fix" it, no clue...
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