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Everything posted by TheBytemaster

  1. I suppose that depending on how he's assembling the list of entities to be moved, that would allow you to jump out of the structure while it's moving and still be moved sideways a block. Quirky, but not too bad. Rebuilding the list every tick would probably be rather stupid though.
  2. Well done, but for whatever reasons, I can't get those steam engines to work. Tried both coal and charcoal, and messed with all of the configs, redstone signal, etc. No dice. Also, I feel like it lacks some sort of ultimate goal. And by goal, I mean "Place to get to" or "Put items in here". But maybe that's just me. Also, where is the wool for the lamps to go on?
  3. That would be amazing. Custom spawners, custom enchantments, mounting/attaching entities to one another, all in-game. You could just pause the game and say, Okay, this zombie now has 100 health, resistance 2, and invisibility for 5 minutes, and is riding this cart which is attached to a flying arrow with a velocity of 10 blocks/tick straight up. I'd imagine something like the portal gun would allow you to move entities around and mount them on one another. You'd also be able to control all of the data that could possibly be attached to an entity, velocity, damage, rotation isLiving, etc with a pop-up interface. Imagine the ludicrous builds that would happen with this mod.
  4. I see. Is there any way you could just increment the x/y/z coordinate of all entities once per tick in the same direction of the carriage to allow for movement?
  5. So, entities can't move on their own while the drive is going?
  6. We need a bytemaster/reality hacking mod that gives you in-game access to EVERYTHING, (metadata, nbt tags, etc.). BRB, re-learning java.
  7. Also, don't sign your posts. We don't do that here.
  8. So, entities inside of the moving structure will all stay in place relative to the structure? That sounds much better than having all entities sliding into the walls when I move my base.
  9. So, one interesting quirk I found for moving players is that you slide if standing on top of a moving frame, (which is fine), but you move along with the frame platform if you are less than or equal to one block away from a block that is moving and is raised. So, like this. X-*---- XXXXX Where is a moving block, * is the player, and - is empty space. If this structure is moved to the right, the player will also move to the right. If the raised block is taken away, the player will remain in place until the platform is pulled out from under them. This also works with dropped blocks, mobs, etc.
  10. *Readies thread shock paddles* CLEAR! ~bzzt~ Luke, you should love this one. Your class will probably hate you, lol. Note that the following is quoted wholesale from "The complete idiot's guide to string theory". I wanted to paraphrase, but the book makes much more sense than what I was going to post. Discuss.
  11. What do you mean by play-mode? Like building a base vs. wandering around forever?
  12. Considering that these beasts are made of nothing other than chunks of ones and zeros, wouldn't the class technically be a bytemaster?
  13. Not sure exactly what you are asking, but I don't believe there are any automatic mining machines that you can point sideways, with the exception of mining turtles, which don't really have a direction.
  14. !'/\/\ pr0[_]d 0f \/\/4+ +h!5 +|-|r34d |-|45 83¢0m3. 3DIT::ninja:
  15. ¢0/\//\P[_]+3rz N3v3r 8r34|<! +|-|3y 0|\|1y |\|33d /\/\0r3 10V3!
  16. \/\/3 C()u1d j[_]5+ ¢411 +|-|3/\/\ m00n3r5.
  17. i+ iz g00d. Joo n33d |\|0+ Ph33r T3h 3vi1.
  18. 1 Ph33r joo m4y c4us3 m4d xP15si0|\|z wit th0ze bi0f00l g3nra+orz. Joo wi11 Gi/\/\p a11 j00r m45|-|n33z. Joo mU5+ pu+ +|-|3/\/\ UB3R f4r fr0/\/\ ur b4Ce. ... 0. J00 m3|\|+ +3|-| /\/\FR Bi0f00l g3|\|3r4+0rz. 411 g00d +H3|\|. Edit. Also, I am aware that my first statement is incorrect. No need to correct me.
  19. theprolo is banned because he obviously needs to stop wasting time on the computer when an animal of dubious origin just bit his hand off. Seriously man, get to the ER!
  20. So wait, did Redpower do something other than just placeholder blocks when it came to moving up/down? My Idea would be to create some kind of entity to move the player/any other entity up or down gradually, but this would probably create a lot of unneeded overhead, wouldn't it? (DISCLAMER: I am not anything even approaching a modder, so this may be the worst idea ever.)
  21. I think it did, but whatever fancy snapshot service they have kept it up for me. EDIT: And now it seems to be live again.
  22. Thaumcraft would be nice, yes. But I don't know about that, given aznor's stance on modpacks.
  23. Like pretty much any dog. But we digress... I hope there will be some sort of way to customize your character in this besides just having different items/following different tech trees.
  24. Those eyes. They see my past. They see INTO THE SOUL!
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