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Everything posted by TheBytemaster

  1. Ever heard of a compression bomb? Those can be quite nasty/destructive. They are literally compressed folders that you run nothing inside, but they can still cripple your system. ON topic now, I will most likely give 'er a whirl when I get some time.
  2. ...Maybe. EDIT: Gah, I just actually watched the video I posted. Really doesn't do the game justice. Can someone else verify that it is actually an amazing game so I seem less lame gushing about it?
  3. So. I just re-read your OP, I feel like an idiot for suggesting Imscared now. Must've missed the non-horror part the first time around. Sorry about that. Anywho, If you want somthing free that is a great mind-bender, go get Perspective. It's by the same guys who made Nitronic Rush and holy crap does it bend your brain in ways it wasn't meant to bend. Lots and lots of wonderful brain-busting puzzles and such. Reminds me a lot of portal. The ending is also amazing and reminds me of Inception. I seriously walked around for a week after I finished the game just showing the ending to everyone I knew. You control both a 2d and 3d character in conjunction with another. Moving the 3d camera alters the terrain of the 2d character. But I suck at complaining, so have a video instead.
  4. So... cubeworld's still down... I have a new theory. Jeb has secretly placed a remote control LOIC client installer inside of minecraft, and is DDOSing cubeworld because he sees it as a threat.
  5. So if I used chunkloaders, and the teleporters could be activated via redstone, then there's nothing to stop my nether automation?
  6. Would that be automate-able? I'm imagining some kind of automatic lava-gatherer that goes to the nether and then drops off lava at your base.
  7. She IS part of touhou. Look at the first boss of the new game. http://en.touhouwiki.net/wiki/Wakasagihime Wait, then what was it?
  8. Was that Touhou music I heard in that video?
  9. Ph33r the Big dog, it can now throw cinderblocks. LINK Have a smaller, cuter version as well. LINK
  10. Minecraft, real life, same difference. Functional real-life-use mech suits now are basically limited to frames that support existing humans and augment their strength. As far as "real" mechs go, the Japanese have created -THIS- It may lack real weapons, but if you're spending that much anyways, I don't think that should matter too much.
  11. Are you talking about making a mech suit using frames? Because jajk has a nice mod that might just make that dream a little less of a dream. http://forums.technicpack.net/threads/1-5-x-redstone-in-motion-redpower-frames-1-1-1-1-july-3.47048/
  12. Actually, no, his second sentence is a useful hint to using these forums. Dupe threads tend to be frowned upon here, he's trying to help you learn what you did wrong so that you can avoid your mistake in the future. Your attitude is a tad uncalled for.
  13. My best guesses are either it has somthing to do with the pocket dimension. Not really sure though, that is odd. Do you have any odd/lightning related armor or items on you?
  14. Pshh, having either or even both of those is a terrible excuse to act immature. It sickens me when people blame their own personal failures at being decent people on somthing like that. Part of me wonders if this post was really just a last-ditch attempt to get his account deleted.
  15. Personally, as long as I'm playing with mods, I'd welcome that change given that it didn't scale up too fast. It gets boring when you can one-shot everything with your nanosaber/uberdiamond sword/what-have-you.
  16. No joke. I was literally on that site an hour before it launched, and probably 30 minutes after the store went down.
  17. I recommend Imscared then. That game.... that game messes with your head. See the Creepypasta thread on this very forum for proof. The only person who played it all the way through (besides me) had already seen a let's play ahead of time, which kind of ruins pretty much any game. Or did you mean that in more of a puzzling sense? (Although I suppose Imscared has both, plus it's free.) On another note, cubeworld seems like it will be good, the shop was opened recently for alpha, and was brought down by the sheer amount of traffic that hit it within hours.
  18. Ever heard of thefreebundle.com? Kinda like the humble bundle, but free. Lots of little gems in there, and pretty much everything in there, (exceptions exist), can be run on minimal hardware. Mostly for windows, but there are some mac/linux titles too. New pack should come out friday. My favorites are: Nitronic Rush, (need decent hardware for this one, great little racing game, looks beautiful), Imscared (very well done creepy-awesome game. Also where I got my first avatar here from. I highly recommend it.) 8-bit megaman deathmatch, (FPS, exactly what it sounds like, also has multiplayer. Good crazy fun.) Turn and Burn, (nice little packet of arcade fun) Celestial Mechanica, (short, but a great platformer) The witches house, (another great puzzle/horror game) Meyhem Triple, (great side-scrolling shoot-em-up. I still play this from time to time.) Mad Father, (another horror/puzzle game) Super Smash Land (esentially smash bros for the gameboy, but on PC) Or, if you don't want to get them at thefreebundle.com for whatever reason, you can just get them at the various websites the authors have set up.
  19. I am tempted to quote something a mod said, but I think I'll pass. Personally, nothing really. I was more rolling my eyes at the other half of Soupa's complaint.
  20. I am rolling my eyes SO HARD at devientART right now then. You make great art. You do commissions, right?
  21. My old avatar wins everything. Should I go back to using it? Also; that is some nice art-art there.
  22. Hey now, I love fish. I had a lot of fish as a kid.
  23. Haha, nope. Still here. As for you creation, I think it just needs a home. (Maybe in Tokyo?) Oh my goodness. You just said that. My pun-detector just broke.
  24. Moltres? (Heeheehee. articUNO, zapaDOS, molTRES.)
  25. These are really good. I like the shading, and the way the figures come out is way more striking than the original designs, especially on that Feraligator and the Gardevoir. Bravo. Er... Deoxys, (mostly the speed/attack forms), has always been one of my favorites... Kinda complex, but do you think you could draw it?
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