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Everything posted by mark332

  1. Oh, ok thanks, I'll look into it :)
  2. That's what I need i didn't find any explanation, overwiew or sth. like that, which could tell me, how mojang/dns/technic/ftb are authenticating their users ....
  3. Hi, I'm currently creating a custom Minecraft-Launcher, my only Problem is, that I don't know, how I can authenticate the user to minecraft.net to check, if he has premium, since the new Auth-System Because the techniclauncher is using an own auth., I'm asking my question here. I don't really know, where exact I should post this Question, so I've put it here Also: I'm german, so if here're mistakes, feel free to tell me Thanks mark332
  4. Where was this beeing said ?
  5. Do you have OptiFine installed ? If yes, whats your 'Chunk Loading' setting ? If no, try it, maybe it help minecraft loading the chunks...
  6. do you have OptiFine installed ?
  7. Try BukkitForge instead of MCPC+ Bukkit Port, and use ClearLagg then. (/lagg clear) this may solve this, if not... try in SP and look if the problem is the same...
  8. First: I know this is not really redpower, but it's a "remake" of it. I'm one of the guys, who can't live without RedPower2 in any Tekkit(-Lite) Version, so I just asked google for a possibility to use RedPower in 1.6.4.... AND I found this cool "Remake": MC-Forum: http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/1885652-164forge-multipart-projectred-v40512-10172013/ Website: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/46144650/website/projred/downloads.html Video: It's not completed yet, and the frames are missing too, but I think this could make a 1.6.4-TekkitLite-Update WITH RedPower possible And yeah... even if the frames are missing, it's possible, to add an update as 'Latest' and leave the 1.4.7-Version on 'Recommened' What do you (the TekkitLite-Community) think about this Idea ? mark332 PS: If you find mistakes in my english, feel free to tell me, because I'm german EDIT2: Frames might be possible with this: http://forums.technicpack.net/threads/1-6-x-1-5-x-redstone-in-motion-redpower-frames-2-3-0-0-october-8.47048/ EDIT: Here is the ModPack permission from the MC-Forum Page << Mod Pack Permissions >> As it states in the RPSL, you may use PR in any mod pack, as long as it follows the conditions outlined. Do NOT PM me about mod packs, i will ignore them. Those are the rules, follow them. READ the license before even considering including this. There are ONLY 2 circumstances from which PR may be downloaded. 1) legal mod pack. 2) original links from official website.
  9. Why are you don't using TeamSpeak ? it also pretty good
  10. did you deleted both ForgeEssentials files: There's one in "Coremods" and one named "...Modules" in mods
  11. Just syndicate your config files.
  12. I've read your Serverpost "[0.5.1] [bukkit] Charrdians LITE [Mystcraft Disabled]" and.... I read the "Bukkit".... So, is it real Bukkit?

    And, if yes: Could I have a copy of this craftbukkit.jar ? If you agree to send me this, it would be very very very nice.

    The only thing I can tell you is: "Please"

    And I promise I would use it ONLY for me!

  13. WOW I just though the same as I opened the Techniclauncher :DDDDD YAY
  14. Ouhh, I think that would be very difficult to write a code for this.
  15. Hmmm.... I am thinking about ComputerCraft (Example: Fully automatic Missle Bases) ... Yes it would be very nice, I think. PS: Sry, for my english, I'm german...
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