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Everything posted by Gio²

  1. Don't sign posts Read the rules. But I really agree, it's a great mod that adds lots of good stuff (like actual good tanks). No reason not to add it imo. I'm pretty sure all the Technic devs have to do is just to drag and drop it in the mods folder...
  2. Got ma iPhone 5 YEAAY!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. disconsented


      Firefox OS > Android

    3. TheBytemaster


      Microsoft BOB > all

    4. Gio²


      Still, Apple beats all in terms of sexy-ness. :p

  3. I like it. It has more options than the other forum, so gj. Also love the design, it's really good.
  4. Kewl, this forum lay-out is just the same as another one Im on. Me gusta. Good colour choices too. Gj.

  5. Nvm, found out the Cyclic Assembler exists :p
  6. Hi,so I want to autocraft the creation of Enderium Ingots using AE, TE and the MFR LiquidCrafter. But it doesn't work, whenever I request it from my network, it doesn't do a thing. Only when I place a chest or something next to the ME Interface it starts crafting and transfering items. But even then, it will continuously export the items required for the Enderium blend into the chest... amidoinitrite? ME Interface > Ender Balls are whitelisted for the Magma Crucible, the rest of the crafting stuff goes into the Liquicrafter. In the back there is a MFR Rednet Controller set as a timer for the LiquiCrafter. > ME Basic Import bus exports the Enderium Blend.
  7. Build this: But seriously. Try to set up a factory using Thermal Expansion. Sort out your inventory space and such with Logistics Pipes and/or Applied Energistics. Make a Modular PowerSuit (read: become Iron man!)! Lots of stuff to do. Just watch some ytubers.
  8. Im pretty sure they could add OpenBlocks to the pack. That mod adds elevator blocks and a good amount of other kewl stuff...
  9. Mkay, I noticed Yea, I learned my lesson, gotta make those back-ups, especially with custom packs. Thanks! Yay I fixed it! The Data_Old file was missing C:
  10. It is tekkit but customized But okay. I was hoping someone would've had the same issue before and that they fixed it some way... I guess it's back to rebuilding my world. Unless... I create a new world with the same seed and copy and past some files in that one. I dunno lolz might work.
  11. I know I know, but I don't think it's the main problem. It just chrashed a few times and after another random restart my world didn't show up in the world's list.
  12. Anyone have any idea what to do? Please?? I'm desperate(ly doubleposting) :(
  13. HELP (again Dx )! I was playing on my SSP world when a bug with Tinker's Construct occured. I tried to fix it and such and it was annoying, but after the game chrashing again, my world didn't show up in the world list (after clicking "singleplayer")! But it isn't gone, it is still in the "saves" folder and it looks fine inside... Anyone knows what the problem is and how to fix it? I really don't want to rebuild my world. Again. :"(
  14. Hey guys, I need some halp :x I want to have a timer that I can turn on and off with a lever to drain my TiC Smeltery automatically... But my problem here is that I can't turn it off, it's always pulsing. What did I do wrong? The black and red blocks the wire connects to are abyssal and blood stained blocks (railcraft decorative blocks), for some reason they connect to them...
  15. Gio²


    I know I know, there isn't a single forum that likes 'em, but I just couldn't control myself :p
  16. Gio²


    It's over 9000!!!!1!!!1
  17. Chests in Nether Fortresses don't seem to contain any mod items, just Vanilla loot.' EDIT: Another very odd bug. Magmatic engines connected to fluiducts... If I place an Ender Tank (already configured, set to output) on top of them to connect it to the fluiducts the game crashes and when I restart the tank has transformed into an Enderchest with the same colours :?
  18. Hmkay, didn't know of that machine yet, but isn't there any way to do it through the config files?
  19. I get it, I guess bye bye MJ... Too bad tho, I loved the engines just because of their awsum animation when working... but ehh, does anyone know how to do this?
  20. Ow. Sounds kinda childish honestly. "Ew changes we didn't want, screw you MJ, we're going elsewhere" :l What about everyone just using 1 powersource (except for IC² cuz it's nostalgic), is it so difficult to accept a powersource not made by yourself??? It is only becoming more stupid.
  21. Weird that TE did that, there's no real reason for it... But okay, apparently Steam and Compression dynamos are as efficient as Combustion and Industrial Steam engines, so I can survive C:
  22. Herpderp. You need wooden/emerald kinesis pipes to get power out of em right? I dumb EDIT: WAITWHAT? I CANT CONNECT THEM TO MY ENERGY CELLS ANYMORE?!? FFS WHY?! I'm really sad now, what can power my stuff now D: I know the steam dynamo can be me steam power replacement and the compression for my fuel, but are they as efficient? And is there any way to store power from engines?
  23. BUG Engines, every kind, won't connect to energy transport pipes/conducts. Wrenching them does nothing at all. They also aren't able to output any power in any way. Might be because I have installed quite a few of other mods, but I that seems unlikely.
  24. Hm, that's not what I'm looking for :l Too bad.
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