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Everything posted by Gio²

  1. O my god, am I that big of a noob. I made my nether portal 5 (3) wide. *facepalm* I suck.
  2. Title: Can't create/place Nether Portal. Version: 1_0_4 OS: Windows 7 Java Version: Java 7 Update 21 Description of Problem: Basically, I can't create a Nether Portal, when I make one and light it on fire/place some lava on it, nothing happens. However, I can spawn in some nether portal and place it, but when the portal touches other nether portal I placed it just disappears. All I did with my Hexxit is installed Optifine. Error Messages: Error Log:
  3. LOLOLOL, bitch please! Already beat one, had some great loot including some cloud boots! :D
  4. You know what would be cool, a mod that made it possible to make, out of a big block of Energy cells, 1 big multi-block energy cell where you can have multiple in- and outputs. Would look awesome too. But I do agree, something better than Redstone energy cells. Maybe "Blustone" or something. Redstone crafted with lapiz would be able to store more energy.
  5. Nah, you should kill spiders and get their string to make wool from...
  6. Unless you make them hard to craft. IC² solar panels were easy to make (it just took lots of rubber). And imo should they also be affected by what biome they are in (works better in Deserts and worse in Taigas).
  7. You could do what I've done. Download all the patches from the Sphax forums and manually place them in the textures of Sphax 1.5, works fine (except for the backpack mod... Which sucks cuz the regular textures are ugly.)
  8. I love these kinds of threads :3 Hurray for CanVox! :D
  9. No you don't. When you have a farm of some kind of food, you won't ever have to explore for food again... :l
  10. Damn, the mobs look really reaaaally good. THEN PUT IN THA AETHER NAOW! Jk, it is still too much an alpha version to be used in modpacks. Really buggy and such. But it definitely fits in the theme of the modpack.
  11. Just saying. Just ban the items that make people spawn Meteors. And you never have to explore to find food :L You'll need to explore however to find enough cows for your soul shard. Then you've basically got a spawner of cows what doesn't need wheat... And Dim doors are kewl :3
  12. How to make a Waypoint in 5 easy steps! 1. Press "M" to open the map. 2. Right click on the place you want the waypoint to be. 3. Name it. 4. Press "Enter" a few times. 5. There ya go. Waypoint set!
  13. Doesn't work trainman. I deleted the MetaInf folder and dropped the files in there --> White screen.
  14. Awsum *high five* Thanx One last question, how do you install Optifine? Deleting the Meta-Inf folder and dropping the Optifine files inside the Minecraft.jar doesn't work... :x
  15. Hm, weird, every time I want to start up Hexxit with my texture pack (sphax, I added lots of extra textures, like Tinkering, Extrabiomes etc), I get a gray screen. But when I delete the textures, start up, and put the textures back in again, everything works fine...
  16. Really? Awesome! Are there then biomes too where you can find diamonds at the surface? :P
  17. Another problem, the ore spawn configs are screwed up. Don't know in what map they are. But I'm finding redstone and lapiz at 60-70 height in a XtraBiomes XL biome...
  18. I don't know most of these mods. Love it already :3
  19. Weird, never happened to me. You should always get 1-2 saps from rubber trees, don't think their chance of dropping saplings is (much) lower.
  20. http://imgur.com/a/Z9siq Not my pics. But this is the best way. You'll get loads of rubber this way.
  21. Just download the 1.5.1 sphax textures and then look here: http://bdcraft.net/patches-list Download the patches for the mods in Tekkit and drop em in the vanilla textures of Sphax. Should work I think.
  22. I trust them, when I put a gate on them saying to only emit a redstone signal when the engine is blue or green... I've never had an explosion with combustion engines, never.
  23. On my single player world the BC pumps work fine. I use 4 redstone enignes per pump. Then with golden pipes to 4 tanks. Every tank gets pumped out with 2 redstone engines per wooden pipe (that's 8 engines). Maybe that will work, but using an Aqueous Accumulator is waaaay easier :p
  24. Well, those Buildcraft pumps aren't that consistent, I also had problems on a server. What you could do is add even more pumps, OR use an Aqueous Accumulator. That's basically an unlimited water source, place water source blocks around it to make it generate water even faster. And just connect golden waterproof pipes directly to your engines, you won't need wooden waterproof pipes to pump the water out. And if you want to be 100% safe, use the gates ;)
  25. Well, first, you haven't installed your sphax textures correctly. You have to install the 1.4.7 normal Minecraft textures from sphax, put them in the textures folder and then put all the files in the sphax for tekkit lite inside the folder of the normal textures. And it seems that there isn't enough water being pumped out. Could you make a picture of the pumps and such... AND, with all the power these are producing, you should be able to use the Assembley table. With that you should make some Iron/Gold gates and put them on the pipe adjacent to the engine. Right click on it and you can make them say that they only emit a redstone signal when the engine is blue or green! No explosions ever, guaranteed
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