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Everything posted by Gio²

  1. Oooh, where did you change that ID? I want my Induction smelter to output a different kind of bronze (Thermal Expansion Bronze?), because it now outputs Tinker Alloy's ingot from Tinker's Construct (it works just like bronze but I don't like the name :c). Where do I change that?
  2. I do know that you can easily install Tinkers Construct without any problems (also in 1.6.4). You will have to disable their ore generation in the config. Ars Magica however I don't know, haven't tried it yet. But it has some new world gen which is pretty important for the mod.
  3. Either Tinkers Construct like Brian just said or Ars Magica have the best ways to clear out land quickly and precise. You'd have to install those mods tho...
  4. Watch some let's plays. Best way to learn Tekkit or any other Modpack. I suggest Direwolf, though he does use a few mods that aren't in Tekkit...
  5. You can craft, view inventories and request stuff cross-dimensions/bases. But kay, apparently LP does that also (but not as well C: )
  6. But can you request or view inventories cross-dimensions that way? You can with AE but I wonder if that's also possible with LPipes.
  7. That sounds like ==> Mother of God...
  8. Jesus Christ Tony that's one epic spacestation. GfuckingG. Gonna do that next I guess, since I'm kinda done with earth... But isn't it a pain to wait so long for the items you request in such a big base? Isn't it better to use Applied Energistics then? And what's that huge red thing on top of your base? Never used the mod that's from...
  9. It's not the Power Suits mod that isn't in the pack, but an addon mod for it that hasn't been updated. Although in my previous post I posted a link of the MPSAddon that someone else updated...
  10. Finally! Gonna try it out. Btw, about MPSAdd-Ons; maybe this works: http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/2287651-164-modular-powersuits-addons-mpsa-requires-modular-powersuits/ Gunna be a pain to also update some other mods I added, Railcraft, Tinkers Construct and all my Thaumcraft 3 stuff can just go away for TC 4 :c EDIT: Currently got the pack working with these extra mods (not my world yet though ): No spoilers?
  11. A gate can see if the quarry's work is done, use that Im pretty sure that should work.
  12. I can't live with just BC tanks... I simply installed Railcraft. But openblocks sounds good
  13. You watched FTB vids didn't ya? They are fine, but for the fact that they can't let go of Industrial Craft². That mod isn't in this version of Tekkit. If you want to start with better ore processing you want to use Thermal Expansion. See the wiki the guy above me posted.
  14. They seem bugged, the water counter drops below zero What normally should happen is that the engines "break" and that they have to repaired with a wrench to make them work again.
  15. Well, it would be useful to know your specs... So far I can only advice not to use a texture pack since those can decrease your FPS a lot. Also install Optifine. Currently with those settings I'm getting around 100 FPS with normal render distance, fancy, maxFPS and 1% smooth lighting.
  16. Well, I think you had it on spawn exact copy. Having that off makes the spawner spawn regular skellies in the overworld. By placing it in the Nether and having spawn exact copy off, you save essence and power :)
  17. Isn't it annoying that you have to be within 16 blocks of the spawners for them to work? Cause I don't think a chunk loader works... Btw, do Grinders drop Wither Skulls when the kill Wither skellies? EDIT: Just found out, you do get Wither Skulls . Although you do have to place the Auto-spawner in the Nether to make it spawn Wither Skellies.
  18. Install Soul Shards Or do what the other guys say.
  19. Lol, nvm, found it already.
  20. You're a boss Thanks alot. All the cookies for you :D
  21. Mkay, here are the logs. Tekkit with Optifine, TConstruct, Thaumcraft, Thaumic Tinker and only Forestry Part 1 Part 2 Now with Extra Bees and Trees: Part 1 Part 2 Btw, I can just start playing without these installed ? Beehives spawn even after the world has been generated, right?
  22. Ow ty, but what do I look for? Warnings? Error? Something that says: "Binnies mods" or something?
  23. Derp me, where can I find my forge logs :p
  24. Well, I kinda want to add more mods to Tekkit so I installed Thaumcraft, Tinkers Construct and Optifine, but I also want to play with Forestry and Extra Bees and Trees. Installing Forestry goes fine, but when I add the Extra Bees file things go wrong. I can open Tekkit, but when I open a world, it stays open for a second and then crashes :L I don't have a crash-report because when the game crashes it just freezes and I have to close it with the task manager... Anyone who successfully has installed Extra Bees and Trees with Tekkit? Or do I have to go on an ID-hunt?
  25. That. Is. Impressive. Really good job.
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