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Everything posted by Sev

  1. Rythian? Oh Lord I haven't watched any of the Yogscast in forever! Well, I watch Sip's Sim City. I'll watch anything non-FTB/Tekkit of theirs, however. Also, no. I refuse to join someone who's friend tried to destroy the TARDIS. Poor Doctor.
  2. Delete .technic. Or .techniclauncher. Then back up your saves. Well, do the second one first.
  3. "Or your own health" What the hell is in that Launcher
  4. Need more than 500 Megawatts to catch the TARDIS buddy.
  5. This thread.. Technically I'm evil too. Look at my malicious red lines and code. You'll go mother freaking crazy over me
  6. I use Jungle Cave Ages now. Jungle Cave ages are cool.
  7. Those are pretty good. My computer is nowhere near that good :P
  8. Downgrade then upgrade again after you get rid of the modpack?
  9. It's called MystCraft Decay. Your world is going to delete itself over time. Get out of there, although in creative I guess it matters not.
  10. My modpack file is saved on my desktop. I mean, you weren't supposed to save it in .technic.
  11. Someone's in a good mood! ANYWAY. Did you install your modpack folder outside of .technic like you were supposed to?
  12. No, they hold the cure over the majority's heads and make some Fountain Of Youth serum and then creep into their lives with more than just subliminal messaging. Then the descendants think you're a good guy and you cure the disease. The Technic Forums: Where Bulls go to Controlling the world
  13. Bake a cake, delete system32 and also, make java make tea :)
  14. Delete your entire .technic, your whole modpack. The entire thing shouldn't be in .Technic, as 'Drew told you not to. You can try eradicating the launcher shortcts, and uninstalling it completely. EVERYTHING TECHNIC. Except your save/texture packs. I'm far from computer literate but I can usually get stuff to function, although I've never ever used a Mac.
  15. I've decided to watch you, and you're both rather good. Earned a sub.
  16. OP is dead.
  17. Ysharma, stop being so angry. We're likely going to update to 1.5; if andrew says so. I cannot see how it matters whether we update, just so long it doesn't commit mass genocide on items. Also, Quartz is nether quartz... It really doesn't matter, Andrew is the Server Owner, and therefore the ultimate authority on this manner. Our squabbles are meaningless. I apologize if I seemed like a jerk there, I am seething in the wrath equivalent pit of fire ants and liquid lead. Okay, I'm not that angry but still.
  18. Delete your computer and built a mac! Actually just start a new custom pack? Would that work?
  19. 'Kay. I must note that all ForgeLiquids are hardcoded, and cannot be Sphax'd. Also, water and lava will be default unless you install Optifine. When we get 1.5, this will solve all issues. :)
  20. Be very very careful around bullfish. I should know, as I have had an infestation. Make sure you have a good antivirus, and some form of RAID, and backups. If the Bullfish appear, spray liberally and toss sand on it, they also like grass.
  21. Holy moly, Otaku. Lot of text in that, like, more text than I type in a day. (Actually I write stuff so no.) Anyhow, 'Ndrew, Should I do that Sphax thing?
  22. Industrial Miner is banned for avatar cool levels, it'd overshadow everything else.
  23. Uhm.. What Munaus?
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