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Everything posted by Flextt
We should try and collect the information. Atomic Science documentation is lackluster at best. This whole thread helped me more than any video guide
Thanks for the great reply! I did some numbers crunching. Due to massive steam surges from time to time - I highly suspect the turbines' saturation here is the culprit, if there isn't something like a heat build-up period longer than a few seconds - the turbine steam consumption is incalcuable. I will try to find some sort of entry in the code, but the classes have foreign (chinese?) names... FR = Fusion Reactor LT = Large Turbine T = small Turbine Anyhow, using a multimeter and little testing setups, these are the results: FR power consumption: 200 MJ / t LT power production: roughly 20 MJ / t. It doesn't matter whether the liquiduct is full or half-full or if you attach 9 conduits to it. T power production: roughly 2 MJ / t. Since an LT consists of 9 Ts, an LT is roughly 10% more efficient. That also means, to have a meaningful way of obtaining MJ, you have to build at least 10 LTs and 1 T ( == 91 Turbines == 364 Bronze Plates == 1456 Bronze == 2184 Copper and 728 Tin, not including RECs and the Reactor itself), which net you exactly 2 MJ/t in the end + the small surplus production when the liquiducts are still filled. It is also meaningful to point out, that many video guides put a REC below the FR. This is a great tactic to make sure, your FR starts after a down-time, if you are running it in batch-mode. Unfortunately, RECs can only output 100 MJ / t at maximum, which means you need at least 2 per Fusion Reactor. I cannot imagine a 50% downtime being great, although finding out exact numbers is difficult. Due to highly probable network saturation, the 2 RECs should be dedicated solely to the FR. I will break down my existing setup in a more efficient electromagnet setup for higher steam yield, since I basically only net energy from 4 Turbines in the end^^
Hey guys, first of all: Thanks for the great design ideas to Charliechop. It is a huge difference in power gen if you use the liquiducts. However, I am having some issues with my rather simple design. The design has space for 2 more Fusion Reactors (without any regulation setup like Thermometers btw^^). After doing some testing, I decided to go with 7 Large Turbines per Reactor, because of several reasons: - The Reactors need huge amounts of energy, effectively cutting net MJ production in half - The buffer system often seems useless, because sometimes the liquiducts fill up to 70000 mB with 100 mB/t throughput and feed excess into it and in another run, they do not fill it all and seem to be in a constant state of equilibrium with a steam amount of 500-1000 mB inside the liquiducts, 0 in the tanks and a low throughput of 50-60 mB/t - The Fusion Reactor runs in a batch mode. A continuous setup is currently not feasible for me due to Tin constraints and simply because I do not need such huge amounts of energy. - The turbines feed energy back to the Reactors, which are MJ-independent for a while by filled RECs connected solely to them - The design works, but needs optimization, so any help is appreciated. My questions are: - Is there an improved geometry for the Reactor design? (Pretty sure there is, because 2 plasma spawns are basically unused) - Is there a viable, functioning buffer system? I tried it with TE Portable Tanks but did have even more problems with constant equilibrium. Is it even necessary? What is the limit of the liquiducts inherent storage capacity? Should I cut down on piping to improve distribution? - Some Turbines produce less than 50 MJ / t even though steam is available, which I observed by the respective REC not filling up with an I / O MJ-ratio higher than 1. Does someone have an approx. value of steam consumption / t of a large turbine? - Should I increase the number of Turbines per Reactor? - Does the Reactor increase steam production over time, like a ramp-up time? - Do I need to take care of heat even without plasma leakages? I know it's a lot but I hope I have given all the information someone needs to answer them. edit: did 2 16 cell runs, in one run the liquiducts were below 1000 mB, in the next I am exceeding 82500 mB in the ducts and feeding excess in the buffer... switched to using the diagonal setup for better plasma usage and did it in quick succession. luck or heat related? edit2: I increased the Large Turbine per Reactor ratio to approx. 13-14 with a small excess of steam. The buffer system also works fine. The magical number seems to be 16 cells, after which the steam production either massively increases or the turbines are saturated. Given the 200 MJ/t energy requirement of the Reactor, things are looking up now.
it worked in Tekkit Lite with RP2 so i do have hope. edit: Got it working with an MFR Ejector (could have thought about that) and a simple redstone clock. I will however need to test its viability when the chunk unloads
Hey guys, quick question to the Auto-Enchanter: How can I pull enchanted books from it? I tried it with usual Wooden Transport pipes w/ engines and autarchic gates. Have not yet come around ME for more sophisticated stuff and do not intend to for a while, so any help through BC or vanilla means is appreciated. The auto-enchanter is fed via a Chute (BC) with books.
The pattern seems to be: - Every transport system which has a visual representation of its filling grade is detrimental to your FPS. Arguably liquiducts are being advertised as performance-efficient, whatever that means. ==> avoid BC pipes whenever possible. Especially avoid piping huge amounts of items or at least stack them beforehand. For item transport, avoid networks by using clever TE machinations or ME networks, if you can afford them. - Every transport system has to calculate its content and its dynamic along its whole way or at its destination points, which can easily cover a number of additional chunks. Which means, huge networks put a huge stress on CPU and memory. Even TE and ME can do nothing about that. Use e.g. Tesseracts, economic designs, spread the load into other dimensions if you can so they load up on demand. You can also migitate the effect by adding logic to your network, although I do not think this will improve as much as the first two advices. - Running, automated plants (number of machines in succession) are a huge lag-factor, because you likely have to implement the first two points on top of running machinery with additional graphic effects. Try to put them into unloaded pocket-dimensions or otherwise unloaded chunks. This is more time-intensive, as you have to be there for it to be running, but will significantly ease your performance issue. - Derived from the previous advice: Spread your machinery. Ore-processing, different auto-manufactures and your fission reactor in the same chunk on different y-levels will kill your performance in no time. Spread out your base into different, possibly unloaded chunks or dimensions. This was an especially severe mistake in Tekkit / Technic / Tekkit Lite. - Avoid having several computercraft terminals, that wait for events to happen, e.g. passworded doors. Like it is a nice gimmick, CC / RedNet should be used for complex logical operations, e.g. combined ICs. - Avoid using huge amounts of Redstone. Redstone currently has 15 different visual representations & corresponding signal strength. Large amounts of redstone will kill your performance as well, because each of these has to load up with their specific signal strength. Use RedNet cable instead. I do not know, how you can see the culprit in your case, but I doubt it is going to change much, if you do not rework parts of your base as a whole. What mod would you deactivate for example? With my tips you will be able to avoid worsening the issue. Minecraft is a mess, code- and performance-wise. That is not going to change, because Notch likes Java and nobody else in the world likes Java for a good reason.
Thanks for sharing your design. I am also using it at the moment, because I used Geothermals with IC2. Unfortunately, at an output of 4,0 MJ/t I consider it to be prohibitively expensive, since you need 11 Invar ingots per engine. One ferreous Ore vein has approx. 2-3 ores and is quite rare. Pulverizing 1 stack iron ore grants you about 6,4 pulverized Ferreous Metal on average (10% chance). 1 Ferreous Ingot / Pulver grants your 3 invar ingots, so you have to at least exploit one vein or half a stack of iron for one engine. My advice: Exploit dense ores + cave world ages for huge amounts of Iron. If possible, older Spontaneous Explosion ages often have nice tunnels near Bedrock level, since Ferreous Ore only appears quite deep.
I found the problem. The Modular Power suits axe attachment recognizes chests as wood when you increase its radius. damn mess.... EDIT: This also happens when digging dirt or destroying stones, as long as wooden blocks are in the radius.
Title: [1.0.5] Chests self-destroying Version: 1_0_3 OS: Windows 7 64-bit Java Version: 7 Update 21 Description of Problem: Hey guys, it seems vanilla chest of mine are constantly self-destroying, spilling their items and themselves on the ground. This is both happening to chest attached to TE advices and the ones used as normal storage. Any help is appreciated. Error Messages: None Error Log: None
I could enchant my Power Armor torso with Protection II, at least in creative.
Title: Crash upon looting Mystcraft page from Shrine in age Version: 1_0_3 OS: Windows 7 64-bit Java Version: 7 Update 21 Description of Problem: When I tried looting a page from a receptable in a Shrine in a Mystcraft random age, the game crashed. (Tekkit 1.0.5) Error Messages: Error Log: -- Head -- Stacktrace: at java.util.ArrayList.rangeCheck(Unknown Source) at java.util.ArrayList.get(Unknown Source) at com.xcompwiz.mystcraft.inventory.SlotCollection.merge(SlotCollection.java:54) at com.xcompwiz.mystcraft.inventory.SlotCollection.onShiftClick(SlotCollection.java:35) at com.xcompwiz.mystcraft.inventory.ContainerBook.func_82846_b(ContainerBook.java:315) at net.minecraft.inventory.Container.func_75144_a(SourceFile:192) at com.xcompwiz.mystcraft.inventory.ContainerBook.func_75144_a(ContainerBook.java:151) at net.minecraft.client.multiplayer.PlayerControllerMP.func_78753_a(PlayerControllerMP.java:468) at net.minecraft.client.gui.inventory.GuiContainer.func_74191_a(GuiContainer.java:856) at codechicken.nei.forge.DefaultSlotClickHandler.handleSlotClick(DefaultSlotClickHandler.java:17) at codechicken.nei.forge.GuiContainerManager.handleMouseClick(GuiContainerManager.java:559) at net.minecraft.client.gui.inventory.GuiContainer.func_73864_a(GuiContainer.java:586) at com.xcompwiz.mystcraft.client.gui.GuiBook.func_73864_a(GuiBook.java:76) at net.minecraft.client.gui.GuiScreen.func_73867_d(SourceFile:127) at net.minecraft.client.gui.inventory.GuiContainer.func_73867_d(GuiContainer.java:968) at net.minecraft.client.gui.GuiScreen.func_73862_m(SourceFile:111) java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index: 37, Size: 37 at java.util.ArrayList.rangeCheck(Unknown Source) at java.util.ArrayList.get(Unknown Source) at com.xcompwiz.mystcraft.inventory.SlotCollection.merge(SlotCollection.java:54) at com.xcompwiz.mystcraft.inventory.SlotCollection.onShiftClick(SlotCollection.java:35) at com.xcompwiz.mystcraft.inventory.ContainerBook.func_82846_b(ContainerBook.java:315) at net.minecraft.inventory.Container.func_75144_a(SourceFile:192) at com.xcompwiz.mystcraft.inventory.ContainerBook.func_75144_a(ContainerBook.java:151) at net.minecraft.client.multiplayer.PlayerControllerMP.func_78753_a(PlayerControllerMP.java:468) at net.minecraft.client.gui.inventory.GuiContainer.func_74191_a(GuiContainer.java:856) at codechicken.nei.forge.DefaultSlotClickHandler.handleSlotClick(DefaultSlotClickHandler.java:17) at codechicken.nei.forge.GuiContainerManager.handleMouseClick(GuiContainerManager.java:559) at net.minecraft.client.gui.inventory.GuiContainer.func_73864_a(GuiContainer.java:586) at com.xcompwiz.mystcraft.client.gui.GuiBook.func_73864_a(GuiBook.java:76) at net.minecraft.client.gui.GuiScreen.func_73867_d(SourceFile:127) at net.minecraft.client.gui.inventory.GuiContainer.func_73867_d(GuiContainer.java:968) at net.minecraft.client.gui.GuiScreen.func_73862_m(SourceFile:111) at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.func_71407_l(Minecraft.java:1499) at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.func_71411_J(Minecraft.java:834) at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.run(Minecraft.java:759) at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source) --- END ERROR REPORT 2143243f ----------
Title: [MPS] Power Tool enchant instantly deleted Version: 1_0_3 OS: Windows 7 64-bit Java Version: 7 Update 21 Description of Problem: I have Thaumcraft 3 installed in my Tekkit installation and found a Fortune III in an altar. I tried to enchant my Power Tool with ith and it dedacted 9 experience levels from me, when I tried to do it in an anvil. The preview showed a Power Tool with Fortune III, however when I picked the item out of the anvil output slot, there was no enchantment and the font was white as with normal items, not enchanted ones. Used version is recommended 1.0.5 (1.0.5 was not an available choice for the versions below) Error Messages: None Error Log: None
Thanks for the tip. I just tried it out and it works fine. on Machinemuses page it was still as to do.
Thanks to EE 3 diamonds are not that overrated. If you know where you want to go, you can use a lot of diamonds to craft your stuff This is however me talking about Tekkit Lite with IC2, where one HV Solar meant dumping lots of stuff.
At least on Win 7 I can install Optifine_1.5.1_HD_U_D1 (I am almost positive that it only works with Ultra versions rather than Standard. Light isnt even Forge compatible.) without problems. I also cannot see any mistake with your process. Is this maybe Mac specific?
Dont get me wrong, I am a Tekkit fan ever since it consisted of just about only IC2 and BC. At the moment, I just see this seemingly major mod (main image of Tekkit, first mod in the modlist and stuff) and it feels like just another Mystcraft age without benefits^^ Hence I was simply wondering, if I am hopefully wrong.
It's not about the speed but the lack of enchantability. Fortune 3 nets you pretty intense amounts of drops. Silk Touch-Mining Drill would also alleviate your lack of Grass. I love using the MPS, but the upside in Tekkit Lite was, that you could have a fully upgraded Power Tool and have the Mining Drill with several enchantments drain joules from your elite batteries to mine stuff like coal, redstone, diamonds etc.
Hey guys, After scouring through the Galacticraft wiki and its minecraftforum.net entry, several posts in this forum and watching a bit of the YogLabs episodes, I wondered: What is the core appeal of going to the Moon? (Except the vague advertisements: "Explore the moon" / "New dungeons!" / ...) Where lie the advantages of me construction a space station? I am asking this, because it seems to be the new iconic mod to the Tekkit pack and I am unsure, what makes this mod a great addition. To sum up my concerns: While the content seems innovative and fun, the actual usefulness of it remains doubtful to me. Is someone able to dispell these concerns through examples of what I can do once on the moon or is it simply another some-sort-of age? What are advantages of going there, except content (more resources / faster resources / better tools / ...)? Sorry for my highly practical approach to Galacticraft enthusiasts.
I too miss UU-Matter for crafting building materials or specific blocks. On the other hand, TE Machines are much much cheaper to craft and have an overall lower tech tier. This in turn allows for more time to spend farming those specific materials. The only thing I will truly miss, is the enchantable Mining Drill. Efficiency 5-Fortune 3 powerhouse with Minium Stone & Mystcraft dense ores == 64 diamonds in 2 minutes. Now I have to make do with some crappy Silk Touch enchanted tool...
How to charge the armor of fashion Modular Powersuits?
Flextt replied to aapeli5v's topic in Tekkit Discussion
Yes, sorry I did not notice it earlier. 1:1 Ratio seems a little harsh however, doesn't it? Considering it already had 3 EU : 1 J and MJ scale even worse power-generation-wise. -
How to charge the armor of fashion Modular Powersuits?
Flextt replied to aapeli5v's topic in Tekkit Discussion
Well, thats a huge bummer. basic components needs more coal for power generation and i think the pack should actually be self-sufficient. Is there any filler-mod coming to the pack? Edit: Self-sufficient because the modmakers seemed to really like Modular Powersuits on its introduction and now it is virtually useless. -
Does reinforced glass let in as much light as glass?
Flextt replied to milocricket's topic in Tekkit Classic Discussion
I think minecraft's engine only supports the distinction between opaque and non-opaque. there is no gradual difference. -
That looks like Mystcraft ages being visited by your players.
Modular Powersuits: Mining while flying impossible
Flextt replied to Flextt's topic in Tekkit Lite Discussion
Damn, I don't really know how to express myself more clearly. This is usual Flextt: Minding his own business, exploiting caves and such, using the Power Tool with Pickaxe-Addon and 15x speed, In-Place Assembler, Shovel-Addon, Axe-Addon, Diamond Pickaxe upgrade and 5 million Joule to waste. I literally use the Power Tool for everything: mining, fighting, crafting. Also, if I keep the Power Tool equipped, I can use Night Vision and the Jetpack. (Which means, more generally worded: Unless I actively keep my Power Tool equipped, I access other modules of the actual Power Armor pieces like, e.g., Goggles of Revealing, Jetpack, Flight Control, Night Vision.) This is Flextt when finding a Cave World through Mystcraft: Ohh sh*t, better craft a Jetpack to exploit all the nice ores waiting for me on the ceiling of the world. Here comes the but(t): - When Jetpack (+ Flight Control) are activated, I cannot mine a single block. The block gets damaged (not destroyed), but is usually instantly regenerated. Only in rare cases do I actually see the cracking animation on a block. When the regeneration is delayed for some reason (lag or whatever), the mining speed is approx. equal to flying / being underwater - Mining when Jetpack (+ Flight Control) are deactivated works fine, even with the Power Tool - However, the Jetpack (+ Flight Control) functionality is not accessible to me if I do not keep the Power Tool as my equipped item. That means, testing without the Power Tool is both irrelevant to my issue and unnecessary. Or this is a bug happening to me? Edit: I posted the same issue into MachineMuse's mod thread on minecraftforum.net. To resolve it, you have to delete the battery in the Power Tool. Because the Jetpack is constantly draining power, the damage to the block is resetted due to the way Modular Powerarmor calculates energy usage. He intends to change and hence fix this though. I now have my Elite Battery in my boots, and voila, works like intended. -
Yeah, but imho, they are not that cheap to make. They need diamonds, hardened glass and iron to make ender pearls or an End farm. Furthermore, I am unsure if they communicate between themselves and machines like they do with pipes. Considering 20-something Combustion Engines are not that much and considering, he would likely build more if he could or wanted, dropping numerous Tesseracts seems excessive, especially energy ones due to the loss.