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Everything posted by Meems33

  1. You could try temporarily removing red power and see if that fixes the issue (be sure to backup). Are there too many chunks loaded with active machines?
  2. I don't know if it is possible without a player nearby. Try using an auto spawner machine:http://tekkitlite.wikia.com/wiki/Auto-Spawner
  3. Is the latency still high if you run vanilla? It might be your host.
  4. Try playing with the default texture pack
  5. Possible, yes. Practical? No. You're better off just starting fresh.
  6. This mod is for Minecraft 1.5.1. There is an older version for 1.2.5. Neither are compatible with 1.4.7 which is what tekkit lite uses.
  7. Check the logs. Are you using a comparable version? Are there any item is conflicts?
  8. Did you use the most recent mcedit 1.7? The old one doesn't work well with mods.
  9. It's not a memory problem. What were you doing before the crash? Did you put optifine in the modpacks jar?
  10. Does it go away with f6? Go into Options > Controls and see what keys are mapped to the two chunk loading options. If those don't work, then try deleting options.txt in .technic/tekkitlite and restarting the technic launder.
  11. Could you post the error logs?
  12. Download Java @ http://java.com/en/download/index.jsp
  13. * double post due to lag, removed *
  14. I'm not familiar with MCPC. When you say the console reads 0% CPU usage, is that from some UI, or is it what the operating system actually says it is using? In any case, your server should definitely not be using 0% CPU for 10 seconds with people on. Does a vanilla server or a fresh tekkit lite server without plugins or MCPC work? This should help you determine if it is MCPC related or your host. Are there any errors in any log files?
  15. I doubt this would be an easy task. You would have to first find item mappings between classic and lite for every item. Then you would have to either change the classic item ids or change all the items in the map data files. Basically, a reverse process of http://forums.technicpack.net/threads/how-to-convert-tekkit-classic-world-to-tekkit-lite.34915/ (note the patch.txt file) There is more to this then just missing blocks... more then likely you will have severe incompatibilities because of backdating mods. They might store their own information which may have changed between versions. This would be a nightmare to try to address. I doubt this would work.
  16. I don't think technic launcher works well with Java 7 on a mac. Check out this forum: http://forums.technicpack.net/forums/technic-launcher-bugs-problems.10/
  17. The issue is with Balkons weapon mod. Have a look at this thread: http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/1590528-help-with-my-vanilla-server/ and http://forums.technicpack.net/threads/i-seem-to-have-a-problem.45196/
  18. java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 4 at cpw.mods.compactsolars.CompactSolarType.makeEntity(CompactSolarType.java:66) The CompactSolars mod is making you crash. Unfortunately tekkit lite 0.6.5 has the last 1.4.7 compact solar build, meaning that if this problem was fixed the fix wouldn't be for 1.4.7. Backup your world. Try removing compact solars from the mods/ folder in the server, and if that doesn't work, in the server and the client.
  19. Repost your problem here with logs: http://forums.technicpack.net/forums/technic-launcher-bugs-problems.10/
  20. Repost your problem here: http://forums.technicpack.net/forums/technic-launcher-bugs-problems.10/
  21. You might not have Nei configured for forestry. Another possibility is incompatability of the forestry version with the forge version.
  22. It kind of looks like ddos... Have a look at http://forums.bukkit.org/threads/random-i-p-lost-connection-spam-in-console.136035/ You can try turning off enable-query. You might also want to contact your vps provider. Perhaps there is something configured wrong. Perhaps they are disconnecting you because of all that web traffic.
  23. Yes, use Steve's carts with a drill, track layer, chest, and hull/shields for lava. http://stevescarts.wikia.com/wiki/Galgadorian_Drill
  24. Does this happen with a vanilla server too? Monitor your ram. I wonder if an out of memory exception is being thrown but not printed.
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