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Everything posted by iPSY

  1. Hey guys ! *Solved* Mods please delet ! Thanks.
  2. Hello, can anyone please tell me how to create a Tekkit Classic Server with hamachi, just for me and 2 friends ? Thanks !
  3. going to try it now ! :D
  4. I would go with Classic, much easier, much simpler.
  5. Wait until the numbers reset and compare to actual numbers ...
  6. They are bugged at the moment and corrently don't work, tesseracts are highly adviced.
  7. You can go in the config files if your that desperate ... And just make 8 big air tanks and have 4 of them refilling while using the other two.
  8. http://www.technicpack.net/tekkit http://www.technicpack.net/tekkit-classic Just check the mods tab and see for your self, also, tekkit classic is in 1.2.5
  9. Im using this in my lan world with my cousin, and he doesn't understand computercraft, so ya, no problem in that. If i do want to stop the loop, I just need to type this os.pullEvent = os.pullEventRaw at the start of the program, I did my research.
  10. If tekkit had ICBM, maybe we could use radar ...
  11. Hmmm, really ? Strange.
  12. Hi ! So i've just made a simple piston secret door design and place a computer has the opening mechanism, for some reason, it keeps giving me "bios:337: [srting "startup"]:11: syntax error. I've checked line 11 and found nothing wrong in it. Can you guys help me out, maybe im missing something. Also, wen it did work the first time, it gave me an Error in line 5 saying couldn't reach nil or something like that. correctpass = "PortalRoom123" while true do term.clear() term.setCursorPos(1,1) write("Welcome ! Please, enter Password Now: ") pass = read("*") if pass == correctpass then write("Access Granted !") redstone.setOutput("back",true) sleep(10) redstone.setOutput("back",false) else write("Access Denied !") sleep(2) end end
  13. Ya, it actually worked so, yupii.
  14. So there is a 50/50 change of working or not ? ...
  15. Having the same problem over here. In my singleplayer world, I placed a computer to make a simple password lock door, but it just won't boot.
  16. Im having a bit of a problem ... I've just placed a turtle (and then a computer to double check) and for some reason, it doesn't appear to boot, I can't type anything at all.
  17. Hi, i've just started looking into ComputerCraft, and has such I would like to get help setting a tunel mining turtle that returns to refuel and unload.
  18. Is there a way to decrease the detection range ?
  19. Or just play tekkit classic
  20. iPSY


    I kinda skiped Steve's Carts, a bit confusing for me, that and ComputerCraft. And making an automated Tree, Wheat, Potato or Carrot farms are super easy using MineFactory since they actually give me the machines for it
  21. Made all the automated machines I could think of, and may I say, I do play singleplayer ... can't go PVP and stuff ...
  22. After a while there is nothing more to do in the Overwold, and setting a base in the Moon or a space station is really easy, so its pretty boring now ...
  23. Hi ! Has the title say, does anyone know wen the GalactiCraft will be updated ? I've already made a moon base and a space station, but now I want to go further and explore more.
  24. Already setting a liquid transposer near it.
  25. How do I extract it from the laggoons tho ? Pumps don't seem to work.
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