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Everything posted by Torezu

  1. Multi-posting the same crap for your server isn't getting you any brownie points. Quite the opposite, in fact.

    1. cjwild


      my mouse had an error and it clicked a bunch of times. Sorry

    2. Torezu


      Okay, just read the posting requirements before you submit something else.

  2. Next time double-check the date on the thread, then use PMs to see if it's still active or not.
  3. The features list for EE3 specifically states that the EMC system will remain. However, collectors and condensers are gone (among other things).
  4. Server owner has requested that this thread be deleted. I am locking it instead, in case something changes.
  5. There is indeed one there, and with that this thread becomes irrelevant except to point there.
  6. In case people look at this, it's been SMP for a while. It's just not in the pack because it's not cool enough to be worth the headache of overcoming its stability issues. You want it on your own server, add it yourself. If it becomes more stable, I have the feeling it will be considered.
  7. Nice? Meee? Never. Edit: I wasn't actually being nice. I was being patient. I've waited long enough for an explanation. Enjoy the temp ban.
  8. From the report on my post: Jarate95 Today at 8:40 PM Not a LP or recruitment thread. Then why does it resemble an LP? Recording for Steam, need people to participate...all that? And no, you didn't directly say you were recruiting, but the post says you need more people, which sounds a lot like recruitment to me.
  9. Gah. Locked.
  10. There's a reason we have an LP section, and the recruiting thread therein. Use it.
  11. Obligatory LotR reference: What about a woman?
  12. If you had a server post, this could go in the post/thread. Otherwise, it might as well be an LP.
  13. You wanted the LP section. I'll move this there.
  14. I said to use the recruitment thread, if you wanted to post this. Look at the top of the section and try again.
  15. Thread locked. This is not the place to advertise a server, nor to recruit for server help. There's a thread for that if you must.
  16. I added image tags, and the links don't work. Please show the images in your thread by using a working URL and image tags. Otherwise, it looks good.
  17. Didn't need to. It's Genesis, only that uses "dust" or "earth".
  18. Is it strange that I heard this in baby voice?
  19. Why would you post this here?
  20. There's no link. I'd recommend not putting one up. Also, you're in the wrong place. Come to think of it, there really isn't a place.
  21. Torezu


    Aaaaand...we're done.
  22. 'tis possible. Note that I'm not saying it's likely in this case, or what I'd consider "safe".
  23. Windows has a firewall, yes. You'll want to either shut it off or add an exception for the launcher.
  24. It's a good bug report posting, so I'll move it to the Tekkit Bug Board where it belongs. Now, there are two things that could have gone wrong, either of which is just as likely: 1) Your server crashed, either by a power cycle or simply a Java error, without saving correctly. You will need to a) load the world from a backup, load the world in MCEdit and save over it, accepting that you may have some chunk errors, or c) see about a map repair program if you have no backup or the backup is too old to be of use to you. 2) You have a massive item spill somewhere. This can be cleaned up by an item removal tool like WorldEdit (installed on the server) or a lag-reducing plugin that does it for you. Once the items are gone, you'll need to find out the source of the spill (usually a quarry or pipe (not tube) network) and fix it.
  25. Go for more info on your OS, Java, and AV software as well. We don't ask for that stuff for no reason.
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