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Everything posted by thrillrider78

  1. hey buddy, you alive?

  2. NEW Server IP: . Server website: http://unified-networks.enjin.com/home Rules: No Griefing: Don't be an idiot, we can see the logs. Don't place your buildings too close to other players existing building: Someone may want eventually to expand their base, and the world is infinite ! Go explore! No Hacked Clients: There's not much here to explain,just no hacked clients and thats it. Respect Staff: Staff are there to help you but,you must respect them. If you just ignore them then you will be jailed. Don't ask to change the time or to get admin rank/items: You can indeed pm me with your mod application,but you may only be admin when we think you are ready to. Use of adult language is not allowed: This is a server for all ages,if we find you using it, you will be muted. No harassment: Same for the rule above, you will be muted if you don't follow it. PvP is only allowed in certain areas or events: This is a mainly PvE server as of that, you are only allowed to hit other players where it says you can do so. Have fun! Yes it is the end of the rules
  3. hey id love to play, my skype is thrillrider78 feel free to talk to me on there and ask any questions
  4. Minecraft Username: Thrillrider78 Skype (not necessary but preferred):thrillrider78, but prefer teamspeak, which i can host for you Why do you want to join?:because i love playing with others and am very bored What aspects will you bring to the server?: alot of knowledge about near every mod, the only mod i dont know well is factorization, every other one im cool with How often can you play and timezone: whenever i get home from work if i work day shifts or weekends, australia easter standard time +10 Anything else?: i am staff on many server and know how to run a server as i have many times with myself and others
  5. 15 i very bored, and want to do stuff, im really good at server administration if u need. and my skype is thrillrider78, also im austrlian
  6. IGN: thrillrider78 AGE: 15 MATURITY LEVEL: how to i even measure this, i thinkk it will be best for you to decide this FAVOURITE MODS: IC2, Buildcraft and most of the mods found in Tekkit Lite WHY DO YOU WANT TO JOIN: I'd like to join a small server with a good group of people so that I can tinker with the Mods without being on a single player server.
  7. NEW Server IP: . Server website: http://unified-networks.enjin.com/home Rules: No Griefing: Don't be an idiot, we can see the logs. Don't place your buildings too close to other players existing building: Someone may want eventually to expand their base, and the world is infinite ! Go explore! No Hacked Clients: There's not much here to explain,just no hacked clients and thats it. Respect Staff: Staff are there to help you but,you must respect them. If you just ignore them then you will be jailed. Don't ask to change the time or to get admin rank/items: You can indeed pm me with your mod application,but you may only be admin when we think you are ready to. Use of adult language is not allowed: This is a server for all ages,if we find you using it, you will be muted. No harassment: Same for the rule above, you will be muted if you don't follow it. PvP is only allowed in certain areas or events: This is a mainly PvE server as of that, you are only allowed to hit other players where it says you can do so. Have fun! Yes it is the end of the rules Main Plugins - Essentials: http://dev.bukkit.or...ins/essentials/ - WorldGuard: http://dev.bukkit.or...ins/worldguard/ - LoginSecurity: http://dev.bukkit.or.../loginsecurity/ - GriefPrevention: http://dev.bukkit.or...ief-prevention/ - ModReq: http://dev.bukkit.or...plugins/modreq/ - TekkitCustomizer: http://dev.bukkit.or...kkitcustomizer/ - CoreProtect: http://dev.bukkit.or...ns/coreprotect/
  8. hey im looking to become staff again like i was on previous server, i did not grief generic-land!
  9. Server is back up after halloween crashes due to indistrialscraft 2
  10. I Know how to do that on enjin??
  11. Server is now hiring for staff, Mainly Admins and Moderators .... Admins Become Operator and get op after a few weeks of constant playing
  12. hey i messaged you on skype just read that
  13. Server is back up and running and i had forgotton that you were still op enderking
  14. hey voltz technicians i am looking for some members to join my voltz war server its a war so pvp is allowed and griefing is a go aswell IGN: AGE: Reason: The ip is Plugins: Factions Pex Essentials clear lagg and vault we plan on upgrading the ram and creating enjin webpage
  15. hey can you tell me on skype what i apparently did?
  16. i didnt hack that server i dont hack servers
  17. oh and i can make a website for the server ill just need a plugin installed and i can set up ranking systems through the website so users can register on website and get member rank my skype is : thrillrider78 just send a message to let me know if you want me to and stuff and if im an operator or not, and do operators get /op if not that doesnt matter as ill just tell you to put commands in if needed...
  18. so... can i be an operator to help with perms and plugins and stuff and just overall help the server as im always on when your asleep so you can always have some sort of helping hand on?
  19. does factions work? as /f crashes my client
  20. hey my ign is thrillrider78 i would really like to help your server so can i be an admin or an operator as i know everything about the plugins you have installed
  21. hey can i be a head-admin so i can make sure that what happened last time deosnt happen again?
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