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Posts posted by disconsented

  1. I base that on the fact that no mod will ever work if MS blocks it off. It also makes sense that they would since they are not making money out of all the mods currently available, unless it is for the obligation to purchase MC first. It seems highly possible that they would find a strategy to gain money for modded play, and that would mean a great restriction on the creators of them compared to as it is now.



    First of all, I think you're just happy that you can abuse my words to speak for your cause. Just the fact that you mention hate, while there is none on my behalf, proves that you're the one who has that emotion. It's called Psychological projection. I think you know a lot of facts about MS and more so about computing. But this is not about that, I appreciate what MS does on the computing side. But this is about Minecraft and the possible end of good mods, and therefore mod-packs. Every time I try to state this, loud an clear, you start ranting like a wounded toddler who has no skill in dealing with his own personal problems. I'll react to your 4 statements for all the readers of this thread, not because I want to give in to your mutilated understanding of the issue here. I do not recognise your remarks on behalf of your personal discomforts. Period.


    1. You obviously understand the actual working of java and the engine behind MC more than I do. Unfortunately for your need of acknowledgement on this subject, it is irrelevant, because the end result is the same: MS can perfectly block of the participation of third persons or companies who make mods for the game. 1. Because it doesn't give them extra profit, and 2. it doesn't give them credit. In MY opinion it would give them great credit because they are A: noble in recognising the magnificent work of modders and B: keeping the general public happy and therefore giving them reasons to keep paying/buying MC. It would however only generate a small portion of money, and that is a good reason to doubt if they would leave the modding alone as it is now.


    2. A: I don't know and I don't care, it is irrelevant to this problem, this is about minecraft. B: the reason i just mentioned in point 1. C: I know, that's why I liked Mojang more at the end. And I'm grateful for that.


    3. This is where you totally don't understand me. It's not INITIALLY about "freely available user generated content" it's INITIALLY about "freely available content", and the potential of the "user generated content" being taken away. And there are plenty examples of "freely available content" being taken away. That's why I'm saying that when MS would cross the border of taking away the user generated contend, that they would shoot in their own foot as wall as in the heart of the gamers. And to give you an example: look at "Final Fantasy XIII-2". For generations (probably older that you) the Final Fantasy series have had no obligation to pay for completing the game 100%. In "FFXIII-2", you have to buy extra abilities. In past games of the series it was acquired trough gaming (that was real fun!). It is one of the cores of gaming to be rewarded for efforts, that's why every one would brag at school when we where young if we trained a pokemon to level 100 in pokemon red/blue, that's why we would feel satisfied when we defeated an extra boss or gained an ultimate sword. Nowadays, many of that great content is locked behind real money. It's a strategy for making money like every other: you take away what ppl want/wish and only give it to them if they pay for it. Actually if you just look at 99% of all the games in the apple's app store, almost all the extra content isn't free... (Oh no did I just shock you? I said something negative about apple, perhaps I'm not a MS hater...)


    4.It almost gives me a feeling of compassion to see you struggling to actually read what I say. I never said anything about the end of the world silly... Just the end of the current mod-packs of minecraft. (Perhaps that's the reason I'm posting this on the forum of one of the greatest MODPACK organisations) And to answer the real question: I don't expect anything FROM you or technik. I can't I'm an end user who is already grateful for what I've been given in the past, I simply ask. And what I ask is IF there is a way to secure the possibility to game the mod-packs that are existing now, then please do it. But as you said, that would be illigal, thus ending my plea.


    Hey and if you really mean what you say : "I for one am keeping options in mind as this plays out, ranging from "Ah good, MC is not changing in a significant way" to "Ah well, they screwed MC so I guess I'll go throw my support behind one of the clones.", I can totally say yes to that! I would even  say the same for crying out loud (dammit is it so hard to understand this?) So in stead of fantasising about what you THINK I said, just read what I say...

    Fun fact:

    Technologically there is _nothing_ Microsoft to do that will stop modding due to the nature of Java it is impossible. If they do anything we can just decompile it and change it.

    Quite frankly most of your speech is just fluff and you're analogy's that you are using are for games that at their core are drastically different to MC further more there is no precedent established that suggests that Microsoft is going to do what you are saying.

  2. It isn't about the people. It isn't about the clones. It's not about the DLC. It is about our last bastion of hope in this world reduced to nothing but yet another corporate pawn. Don't stress the future of Minecraft. Accept the loss of freedom, the memories of hope, the heartwarming story of the billion dollar indie company. It's all gone. All faded into the black void of corporate warfare. Do not mourn the loss of our expressionism, instead, try to understand what all this means. Nothing good can come of this, and, whatever your thoughts, especially the hopeful, you must learn to accept the overbearingness of truth. We have to live with all that this hateful, uncaring world forces us to live through.

    You are completely jumping the gun here.
  3. And since it has been taken down due to the DMCA filings, chances are you will not be able to find a legitimate source for it. (I'm sure people have stepped up already to offer their "versions" of it for malicious intent by now. Anyone with that kind of an agenda wouldn't let this type of opportunity go to waste.)

    On this note there are MD5 hashes so you can verify the integrity of the file
  4. Make sure your computer has the amount of RAM installed that you are allocating to your server, pagefile will NOT work as ram, and neither will your backing storage. Also preferably use Linux CentOS as an OS and not windows. Also don't play on the PC your running the server on.

    Getting better but irreverent

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