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Posts posted by disconsented

  1. What sort of scope would you be looking at for agreements?

    Also yeay for an idea I head being implemented before I can work on it :P

    Edit: Just realized that this was a request

  2. Once you use the installer once you can update the server jar by itself (although there shouldn't be any more 1.6.4 builds after the current one). Cauldron (I believe) requires an additional library or two over the base Forge.




    I'll just put the installation process here because it is quite involved:

    1. Install B-Team server to a folder. We will refer to that folder as SERVER.
    2. Install Cauldron to SERVER.

    Hmm, guess we are done after only two steps. :)


    A couple items of note:

    • You are using Java 8. This may or may not cause issues.
    • You are using ClearLagg with Cauldron. This may or may not cause issues.
    • If you think the problem is coming from Cauldron (and not a plugin) then you may have better luck following up with the Cauldron author(s).


    Actually that is what the github is for

  3. Well I see TechnicPackMod on the server so i decided to post it here and I don't have a profile on Tpmgaming.com because they never sent me my password that is why i posted it here.

    That user is not a staff member, again technic has _nothing_ to do with that server

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