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Everything posted by zarb

  1. Hi, Im experiencing what would seem to be some kind of UI glitch because I cannot fill the left column of the crafting grid in the project table because it doesnt hilight when I mouse over the column. HOWEVER theres a single hilighted slot a little bit to the left of it (not 3, only this one slot) Screenshot: Any ideas on what might be the issue here? I can fill the "inventory" of the project table just fine
  2. Im calling bullshit on that. Also you sound like /give and/or /gamemode 1 are well suited for you.
  3. I always start out with iron furnace, macerator, generator with charcoal. next up: extractor (rubber), compressor (plant balls --> bio fuel cells for turtles). this system typically stays in place until I got enough coal dust for 2 stacks of solar panels and its pretty much a done deal at that point
  4. nah those were from http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/856360-125bc2214-bc315rev213rev310-additional-pipes-for-buildcraft-teleport-pipes/ Previously I didnt even have logistics pipes since it was SSP only before (mc) 1.3 came out
  5. Theres SO many things from the advanced bc pipes addon thats not available anymore tho. going by the amount of special pipes I placed, the teleport pipes might have actually been the least important ones to me. advanced wooden pipes and insertion pipes tho... those were truly amazing. well and the chunk loaders were also kinda neat (with the amazing lines it drew and everything)
  6. the teleport pipes bc addon has (had?) chunk loaders. I think it was called advanced bc pipes or something? upon looking into it, that bc addon hasnt been updated since 1.2, what a shame. there have been unofficial updates to it, but they are extremely unstable to put it mildly(!).
  7. yeah youtube can definitely work out if you can frequently break 100k views for most of your videos. very much unlike adfly. I was wondering one thing tho. what the fuck is adfly.simplaza.net ? you can see it in links like this (found this in my browser history, thats why its not a recent version) The problem is that adfly.simplaza.net is a fucking non existant domain: ... theres no A record for that subdomain (no AAAA either), i.e. it will not work at all. also upon further investigating the link above: - first you have to remove the adfly.simplaza.net part because it doesnt exist - since the part after the adfly ID is another FQDN you can just remove the adfly part as well (or let your adfly skipper evaluate the neccessary javascript for you) - then you end up with a site that tells you its preparing your download request while not actually doing anything until it finally flips over to the actual download
  8. 4/10 on your trolling attempt. Dont let the door hit you on your way out... hm, well actually I think I would be ok with the door hitting you, even if just a little.
  9. shouldve said .0005c for 1000 clicks, because thats much more like it. youd probably make more money setting up a premium rate phone line and convincing your nearest elderly neighbour to call it once a month to indicate that hes still alive...
  10. slime surface spawning in swamps happens between layer 52 (i think, might have been 50 or 51 or 53) up to 69 on light level below 8. everything that happens below level 40 is an actual slime chunk which is best prevented by filling those chunks in completely or quarrying them out Y40 down to bedrock. since light levels dont affect slime chunk spawning... have fun with your new glass floor.
  11. right..... good luck on soldering a better CPU onto that thing and make that actually work. add some more memory chips too while youre at it.
  12. no they dont, its a server-side only mod, but yea LoginMessage v0.4 "for Forge Server" 1.4.6 is what you want. FTR: http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/482147-147-jan10-reis-minimap-v32-06/
  13. thats its not based on a very very very outdated version of minecraft?
  14. yes they are. if you place a microblock in such a way that it covers the top of a block (like, the from bottom to top, a block is 7/8 air and then a panel) they are flat blocks you can build normally on, yet theyre spawn proof (at least they used to be). furthermore if you set up shop in a swamp biome its pretty much your fault, but a 3 deep water trench around all your stuff will make slimes fall into it and drown. slime spawning on the surface is restricted by light levels just like normal mobs are. if you light everything up to light level 8 or above, there aint gonna be slimes on the surface
  15. apparantly the optifine guy still thinks that you can make a living from 0.0005c per click via adfly. shows how deluded he really is. luckily when he turned town mojang they said that they were simply gonna implement something even better, so you can probably expect optifine to die once mojang's done with their gfx engine rewrite, hoorray.
  16. full hardware virtualisation is ALWAYS bad to run anything taxing on, which is why vmware performs this badly. I would suggest either running it completely natively or at most under openvz (which is what im doing). openvz is somewhat of a super-glorified BSD-jails. also if you want to kick it up a notch performance-wise for your general virtualisation, Id suggest looking into KVM/qemu.
  17. If you stumble upon ANY information regarding forge basemods, please drop me a link, I couldnt find jack about it and I really dont want to supply my forge mod in the form of "drop this into your jar/forge-zip" because that kinda defeats the purpose of forge
  18. I feel like the following point has been neglected in this thread: please dont add gregtech, its a terrible mod that obscures ic2 for no reason in particular. if people want to cripple their game by themselves, fine, but Id rather not shoot myself or anybody else on the server in the foot like that. oh yea and also the author appears to be a buttmunch so he deserves for his mod to be ignored.
  19. +portalgun -railcraft -stevescarts -EE3 sadly BetterDungeons has been discontinued and so has NatureOverhaul :/
  20. >or cheating with the water reforming mechanic ie: [water][air][water] -> [water][water][water]. this is a feature of vanilla minecraft that has been in place since minecraft infdev and is by no means a cheat or exploit. also, whats stopping you from storing liquids in buildcraft tanks?
  21. that seems to be the bukkit side of things where some people are still fiddling around with merging the 2, theres even an attempt for 1.4.5. BUT a) bukkit is very much worthless until they sort the entities through portals thing out and the other aspects of vanilla 1.4 that they havent implemented and also still working with / relying on ports for / acknoledgeging bukkit seems like a politically wrong move as the current agenda should be to support forge instead of bukkit because... well its the much better thing and the odd bukkit guys need to get off their high horses.+ well and c) anything other than 1.4.6 is pointless due to being outdated
  22. the news article you probably read (because it dates to the 15th of november) also clearly says that "Tekkit 3.1.3 is still Minecraft 1.2.5! This version is basically finalizing our 1.2.5 builds" meaning its so horribly outdated that theres no point in working on it still. just wait for the 1.4 server for technic. since bukkit has declared itself dead(*) by not supporting forge in the slightest, its extremely unlikely that theres going to be another tekkit build (because tekkit = technic pack + modded bukkit server, hence the name) but instead (hopefully anyway) a dedicated forge-server build that accepts connections from technic clients soon-ish? (*) Nov 22 2012 - the day bukkit killed itself edited to add: consider this a plea for an official statement as to which direction "technic for servers" is going to take now that tekkit cannot continue. I do know its christmas and all. enjoy your holidays and revisit this afterwards.
  23. haha you go ahead and try launching the minecraft client on a server that has no hardware as has been described above. ill come back in a month or two to laugh at you. of course theres a server included in the client as of 1.3 for the LAN feature but you cant access it to run a dedicated server - that is a server that doesnt necessarily has the client its been launched from to be connected. lan mode obviously only works in a LAN setting, which is why its called LAN so youd need at least some VPN software to use that over the internet. however, you really dont want to do that (which tells me that you never tried, otherwise youd know) because of bandwidth and availability issues and then no VPN solution is flawless, not even openVPN. you only need "control" on a server if you dont trust your friends. if you dont - get new ones, seriously. please educate yourself before posting garbage and also assuming Id play tekkit (which I dont).
  24. the technic client is a client. meaning its doing rendering and sounds and everything you need to enjoy minecraft. you cannot run this on a server however, because a server either has no video hardware whatsoever or at least doesnt have any kind of graphics acceleration nor does it have sound hardware so the client wouldnt even start on a server. a real tekkit server will always be required to be able to run dedicated servers.
  25. ssh to the box, locale the folder the server is running from, remove him from the banned-ips.txt and "/reload" the server config from within the server console
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