I am writing schematics with the machinist's workbench, to use with the cyclic assembler. As I said, the schematic writes fine, it is just the wrong result item (iron sword instead of iron spike), and the CA produces the wrong result just fine. This is the only recipe where this occurs.
Maybe just an item ID typo somewhere, but I have no idea whom to report the issue to. That is why I am asking on the forum.
To clarify, the very same recipe that produces 4 iron spikes on a vanilla crafting table produces 1 iron sword on a machinist's workbench. I thought the workbench was just an automation device and therefore should produce the exact same items the vanilla workbench does, given the same recipes.
Here is a picture of the problem. The result item should not be an iron sword, but 4 iron spikes, the item that can be seen in NEI in the top right corner of the screen.