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Everything posted by jeffreyvdelshout

  1. Basics: Just love attack of the b-team! In game name:jeffreyvde Age:14 Timezone: +1 (the Netherlands)
  2. IGN:jeffreyvde What is your favorite mod in the pack?witchery are you a builder, explorer, or tech genuis? builder,explorer How well do you know the mods?most mods I know pretty well Age:14 Youtube: no I do have a youtube channel
  3. Ign:jeffreyvde Age:14 Location:Eindhoven Why Would You Like To Join:I realy love Attack of the b-team because of the great things you can do in it and a withelisted server is more fun because it nicer than a big server. How Much Experience Have You Got In AOTBT:I have been playing since it is released. What Mod Are You Best At: Witchery Skype:[email protected]
  4. Skype (required):[email protected] Age:18 Gender:male How long have you played MC:since 1.2.5 How long have you played AOTBT: since it came out How often will you play on the server: 1 or 2 hours a day What mod(s) will you use & what you plan on doing: witchery and others Why we should add you:Because I realy like attack of the b-team! Extra Comments (optional)
  5. Minecraft Name:jeffreyvde Skype Name: [email protected] Age:18 Experience with Attack of the BTeam! (1-10):7.5 Favorite Mod:Witchery Do you plan to record?no What do you like to do in Minecraft? build amazing structures Why do you want to be in this server? Because I really love attack of the b-team and want to get some more friends on a withelisted server. What else should we know about you? I can speak alot of languages and own my onw server.
  6. username: jeffreyvde Age:18 Skype(If U have One):[email protected] Do Your Record?? Yes Or No:no If Yes Whats your Channel and : How Many Subs??: How Much experience Do You Have With The ModPack?? 1-10:7.5 Are You A Builder, redstoner, Explorer, or all of them: builder and explorer Are You A Good Builer?? 1-10: 8.5 Are You Going to be Active??? Tell Me How Long/When you can/will come on: probably more than 30 minutes a day Will You ever Donate (Wont Affect Chances Of Getting Picked): depends on the server Will You Help The Community?:ofcourse Why Should i pick you out of everyone else??: Because I am very active and like to build cool things!
  7. NG: jeffreyvde Age: 14 but very mature and trust worthy Skype: [email protected] Gender: male Country the netherlands Experience About the mod pack: I have played alot so I know most of the mods Rules Aprovance: Ofcourse!
  8. Ign:jeffreyvde Age:14 Location:Eindhoven, the netherlands Why Would You Like To Join: I realy love attack of the b-team and woud like to join a withelisted server! How Much Experience Have You Got In AOTBT:I played attack of the b-team first day it realeased for free What Mod Are You Best At: Witchery Skype:[email protected]
  9. Application IGN:jeffreyvde Age:14 Skype:[email protected] In game skills: I know the withcery and thinkers'construct real well and alot of other mods. YouTube(if you have one):no I do not have a youtube channel. Why you feel you should be accepted:I am a real mature player wo will not bully anything or grief anything. I like to build alot of cool stuff and hope to get some more friends from this.
  10. I love it ! best server in the world! ign: jeffreyvde
  11. Hi I added you on Skype I don't have my own YouTube or Twitch but I can play with you in you're vids and help in the server
  12. IGN: jeffreyvde Age: 13 But I act like a adult. Skype: [email protected] Average time you'll be on the server: mostly once a day. Will you follow the rules? Yes ofcourse.
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