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About Gallazzia

  • Birthday 06/10/2001

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  • Gender
  • Location
    England - Uk
  • Interests
    Hockey, Football,Rugby and games.
    Play field hockey for England international u14
  • Minecraft In-Game Name

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Grass (2/9)



  1. 1.IGN: xbulletx11 2.Skype Name: If you don't have a Skype its not a big deal: xbulletx11 3.Reason you would like to join my server: I would like to join your server because I have been searching the internet for a MindCrack like server. I also want to be in a server without being griefed or stolen from, I do like to have some fun so I think being allowed to prank people will be great ! I know all most everything about B-Team so I can help people out whenever needed to. I'ma talented builder so I can assist In building the spawn town. I will stick to the rules and not cause any havoc within the server. 4.Age: 13 But Mature == Thanks For Reading == = Bullet =
  2. When will you be answering the rest of the applications ? I've been waiting for a day or 2 now...
  3. Minecraft Name: xbulletx11 - Age: 13 But Mature - Skype: Max Gallazzi - Why you want to join me: I want to join you because I watch Chimney Swift etc and I would love to part of a small community ON AOTB like he his and here is my oppurtunity, I will follow the rules entertain the viewers on your Youtube and can bring a whole lot of knowledge on B-Team to you guys. I'm a good builder therefore I can assist in helping the world look attractive to the eye. - Youtube channel (I don't care how good your content is): I currently don't have a Youtube channel but will have soon, I will be focusing on Call Of Duty, Minecraft, MMORPG's and Attack Of The B-Team. - How dedicated are you?: I'm a dedicated person, I will work hard to achieve what I set out for, I will stick with the server no matter what and help you out when in need. - Why should you be picked?: I should be picked because I will follow the rules , entertain you viewers on Youtube. I may be 13 but I am a mature and dedicated player. I can bring lots of knowledge and fun into the server. Thanks For Reading =- Bullet -=
  4. IGN: xbulletx11 First Name : Max Skype : Max Gallazzi About you : I'm 13, a mature player who is a dedicated player who likes to have fun and mess around with friends, I have a good sense of humour and helpful. Why you want to join : I want to join because I want a group of 2-3 people having fun on a server and entertain other people on Youtube. I will help everyone out and can bring allot of knowledge about every mod on board. I can build infinite resource machines and sophisticated and efficient grinders and machines to make the gaming experience more easier. In addition to this I will follow the rules to not cause any chaos within the group. I'm also a chatty person so I will not make the Youtube videos boring and quiet. Comments? : I do not have a youtube channel atm but will be soon! I hope I get Picked! Thanks For Reading =- Bullet -=
  5. Sorry, are we going to be told if we are whitelisted or not ? ...
  6. Ok, sorry if i offended u anyways
  7. I'l call you "rat":P jk ,hi
  8. Name: Max Gallazzi Age: 13 But mature In-Game name: xbulletx11 How much do you know about the Modpack: Near enough all of it, a tiny bit on Witchery. Why should i pick you: You should pick me because I am I hard working dedicated person, I will not break any of the rules and help people out when needed to. Are you a Adventure/Builder/Crafter: All 3, But mainly a builder. I love to build all the time I prefer to build old witchery orientated builds due to the ammount of detail you can put into the build to make them more attractive. Thanks For Reading =- Bullet =-
  9. IGN: xbulletx11 Skype (will contact you with this if your accepted): Max Gallazzi Do you accept the rules?: Yes, I will follow the rules to keep peace within the community. Age: 13 But mature and a serius player dedicated to doing good ona server. Youtube: Do not have one, I would like to be a dedicated player allowed in. How active you will be: 5-6 hours a day. Why should I pick you?: You should pick me because I will follow the rules and report members to staff if they dont , I'm a mature person who will help people out and not be annoying. I have played Attack of The B-Team since it was released so I have allot of knowledge on this mod in addition to this Im a helful person. Thanks Fpr Reading =- Bullet -=
  10. Age- 13 But think I'm mature enough to join a server with 14+ yr olds on. IGN - xbulletx11 Reason - I have been looking for a small friendly community to join for Attack Of The B-team for around 3 months now. I would love to join 'Naughty Ville' because of the ages of people which proves that no griefing or stealing will happen on this server. I will follow the rules and help members out when ever needed. I'm also talented at building therefore I could help with the spawn and future projects on the server. In addition I will be mature and not annoy any older members on the server. Country/Timzone - Uk ( GMT ) Skype - Max Gallazzi Thanks For Reading, Hope I'll get white-listed =- Bullet-=
  11. IGN: xbulletx11 Why you should be accepted?: I should be accepted because I follow the rules, very helpful and have great knowledge on Attack Of The B-Team. Also I would like to be part of a small friendly community who just talk and chill out. What mod do you plan to focus on?: Mostly Thermal Expansion, Thinkers Construct And Maybe Witchery. What do you like to do in Minecraft/AOTB (ex. Build, Explore, etc.): I love to build, out of 10 i would give my self a 8 maybe 9. I build all the time and can help members with their own bases aswell. I love to explore searching for new places to build a base and to just know the whole map so I know where things are. Thanks For Reading =-Bullet-=
  12. Ign: xbulletx11 Age: 13 But Mature Are you a good builder ? Yes! Around a 9/10 I love building. I prefer to build modern futuristic bases or witchery orientated buildings. If needed I will help build the spawn for you why i should choose you? You should choose me because I will follow the rules, help players out and have a great knowledge base on Attack Of he B-Team.. I also want a small friendly community to join, to enhance my experience no attack of the b-team. where do you live? Uk Have you ever got banned before? No, I allways follow the rules. Fav. mod? Thermal Exspansion Witchery Thanks For Reading =-Bullet-=
  13. IGN: xbulletx11 Age: 13 But Mature Timezone: GMT (UK) About You: I'm max 13 years old, prefer modded minecraft to vanilla and I play national filed hockey for England Why you Want to Join: For a small fun community to have fun and explore all the mods that forge Attack Of The B-Team, I also want a lag free server where I will not be griefed or harassed by annoying people. What are you good at in this modpack: Building, Thermal Exspansion, Archaeology , Tinkers and Crapenters Blocks. How often will you be on: 4-5 Days a week maybe more if hockey practice isnt on. 6-7 hour plays with a 1-2 hour break in between.
  14. Name (No last name, please) : Max Username : xbulletx11 Skype (optional) : Lost my account but I have Teamspeak. Age: 13 But Mature I will follow the rules, and not create any fuss on the server. 2 reasons why do you like to play AOTBT : The main reason why I love "AOTB" is becasue of the ammount of items/mody yiu can do and enjoy playing about with. I love tinkers and Thermal Expansion due to the array of mechanisms and things to create to give you more loot in game.
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