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Everything posted by jakj

  1. Thanks for my time? I want my time back!
  2. The blunderbuss sounds more awesome when firing than rocket launchers in most FPSes I've played. It's a really great sound clip.
  3. Because your username is already right the fuck <--- there. We're not blind.
  4. Part of my new mod I'm working on includes a different implementation of a portable crafting table, so all soneone would have to do is adjust it for smp. Wouldn't be difficult.
  5. Why would you remove something that people can just turn off? Are you trying to save download bandwidth?
  6. I approve of being ready for a new release early, but I don't approve of encouraging the "average joe" even further to use the dev build. It really is for testing only.
  7. From what I've seen, that'd be enough to run...fewer than five people. But I haven't seen everything, I suppose.
  8. Don't give a peace offering. We don't give a fuck. If they want to be stubborn, let them. Donate if you think the mod is good and deserves your money.
  9. Wasn't related to the thread. Was just poking me and I finally mentioned it. That avatar is just so pleasant and relaxing.
  10. I miss your butterfly avatar.
  11. This is the essence of it. Imagine if life in general actually worked this way, if nobody cared who you are, what you've done, where you've been, where you're going, what you look like, what you sound like, or even what your name is, but only cared about the content of your communication. Think about that. Really think about it. Wouldn't that be a really nice world to live in?
  12. Oh lord, you have to go slow with these people. Save the comma for the second semester.
  13. jakj

    Update Failed

    Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. I have seen that avatar before on some weird forum. That is way too unique to be coincidence. Where do I remember you from?
  14. Out of the goodness of my heart, I will tell you now that trying to outdo this forum's denizens with "the bite of your flame" may be one of the least wise decisions you ever in your life will make. And I don't even mean myself: I'm just an adequate passer-by.
  15. Ways to not cause the ridicule to stop include...
  16. Everything you just explained just made me more confident that what I said was the appropriate response to your statement. So, perhaps, it is -I- that -you- did not understand.
  17. Well, yes. It's called "supporting the community". The moderators and administrators have finely-honed senses of irony and wit, and they use those tools to great effect. It's a beneficial expenditure of time.
  18. The forum does not exist for your enjoyment. I don't want to go to "ANY OTHER FORUM". Other forums suck. This one has a good feeling to it and makes me comfortable. You know why? Because those forums pander to jackasses and morons. I don't find that to be a congenial atmosphere.
  19. That page tells you exactly what you have to do to fix that error.
  20. Oh, is that what you meant? It's so clear to me now.
  21. The only excuse for poor language I accept is non-nativeness, meaning not familiar with the language. The number of colloquialisms used here shows that isn't the case.
  22. What in the crap did I just stumble across?
  23. The words not helping you is not demonstration that the words are inadequate.
  24. Kids these days.
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