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Everything posted by FlipSide

  1. IGN: Flipmister Age: 17 Tekkit Experience: LAN servers for around a year now I agree to all rules. EDIT: Also, mcban check link http://whitelist.mcf.li/check/result/28289f30a39a6eec06098697df9d3b820daf6791
  2. The main post... It's beautiful...
  3. Better sort out that download link, but from what I have seen it's a solid texture pack... From what I could see...
  4. Looks nice for a HD pack, will try soon and report back. You know, when you give a download link ;D
  5. The buildcraft pipes are perfect for this pack, great work it feels so close to complete :')
  6. The pack would have to be completely remade, so I'm guessing no.
  7. That is as big task, and I doubt anyone would commence such a task just because you asked... I do like the pack though, you might be able to combine the 32x version with sphax or something, but otherwise don't expect much.
  8. My grammar is correct, STOP TORTURING ME!!!! If you don't, I will hit you alot a lot.
  9. Never noticed, must have mis-typed. A lot. Happy, HAPPY?!?!?
  10. The scaffolding, THE BEAUTIFUL SCAFFOLDING! Don't know why have such an obsession with it, however good job on the RedPower stuff, especially the gem tools.
  11. Pretty sure they do, it's just a dark texture so it's a tad hard to notice.
  12. Good work on the "bugs", I'm looking forward to scaffold textures, as you might be able to tell, I really like scaffold.
  13. Haven't checked the latest version, but the top of the wooden scaffold also has some stray pixels on it, easy enough to fix, either you slipped or they were in Faithful when you began editing it :P
  14. This looks real nice, may use it eventually, when its closer to finished :)
  15. Connected textures support is built in to the original pack, and the mod is built into most of the Technic Launcher mods.
  16. I meant the core like you said, I aldo prefer less "magical" looking things, but I feel it would look better on the base or moving segment of the engines. Just my opinion, and I like the glowstone texture, we can use redstone lamps if we want easy lights now.
  17. You may be running out of memory, try running Tekkit with more RAM (memory), you can adjust that through the Technic Launcher in "Options"
  18. My only complaint at the moment are the dusts being a bit hard to see, and the grey part on the buildcraft engines, both could be simplified a tiny bit more Otherwise great start.
  19. Machines look brilliant, good job on this.
  20. On Scullyking's post, why not have the red button/light thing on the face of the machine different for every one? Or even a symbol on top, like a water drop for a pump, or a gear for a macerator, even a flame for the electric furnace? Really looking forward to this, whatever you decide to do.
  21. Thanks! I'll try it out, one thing I already know is the grass is just a bit bright ;D
  22. Always room for more Tekkit/Technic Texture packs, I like the feel of this one, simple yet enough detail to work properly in Tekkit. I'd probably use it :D
  23. HAve you followed the instructions on the Sphax forum/website exactly? (aside from the Tekkit folder)?? Chances are you are overcomplicating the zipping of the file.
  24. Looking forward to it, can't stand other messy pixels ;D
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