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Everything posted by Melfice

  1. Here's a fun thing you might want to know: If it is textured and shaped to look like something from popular media, it being a bug is impossible. That said, it's from the Darwin mod. Try feeding two of them wheat and wait for the offspring to grow up. (if you don't want to do this in your SP world, go into a new world, type "entity" in NEI and spawn two (they may not be Pikachus or Squirtles. They come in several shapes)) Then come back and give me your genuine reaction.
  2. If the mech suit and rockets do not work without IC2, something may be very wrong and it would be a good idea to file a bug report before fiddling around with new installations of Forge. How about you first explain what the precise problem is? As far as I can tell in my installation, everything is in working order.
  3. Well done for not blowing up on me. Kudos for that. But can I ask you something? What makes you think people are going to be motivated into doing this when you yourself can't be arsed to do it since it's a lot of work? The intrinsic motivation is extremely low.
  4. I would help you, but there's over 1600 blocks and items in this modpack, and I don't have the time to sieve through them all since I'm not using the mod. HOWEVER, I've got midterm break coming up, and if you're willing to pay me, oh... 50 Eurocents per item, I would be very motivated to help you out. Alternatively, go ask in the mod's thread?
  5. It seems like the Galacticraft wires are a bit bugged. Use Thermal Expansion Dynamos and wiring to power your Circuit Fabricator.
  6. Make sure you avoid posting twice in a row. There's an edit button on your post that allows you to change what your post says, in case you make a mistake or want to add some information.
  7. http://imgur.com/ After you've uploaded an image there, to the right of the image you'll see all kinds of links. Choose the one that has "BB code" above it. If all went well, your image should show up just as the image down here did.
  8. Have a talk with him. Tell him it's okay, you're buds. You're just sharing what you have. Tell him that if he's really up about getting it for free, maybe you can trade it or he can pay you back? In the mean time, how about you give us some screenshots of how you've got things set up? Or describe it. Maybe you have the machines backwards, or the wires wrong.
  9. Shaders change the way the game draws the pictures. It puts a lot of strain on computers. So, it's most likely not because of a mod conflict but because your PC can't handle it.
  10. On top of that, the aspect research is so huge, it would transform the pack from "Attack of the B-Team" to "Attack of the I NEED MORE ASPECTS!"
  11. It doesn't look like there is a recipe involved. If you still want it without cheating too much: The armor seems only slightly better than leather armour, so get yourself enough leather to make a full set of leather armour,then spawn in the Spetznaz or Marine armour and get rid of the leather.
  12. You are very much correct. Didn't do the correct math.
  13. A minor necromancy: If you're still strapped for clay, go find a Badlands biome. If you're lucky, there will be enough regular clay amongst the hardened and coloured clay to last you a good while.
  14. No, the problem is that you're installing a 32x texture pack. Using bigger textures means you're using more memory. Minecraft standard uses 16x textures. You're essentially doubling the memory needed to run the new textures.
  15. Probably never. The b-team did not want the planes in.
  16. We are not developers. We are fans of the series with a limited ability of help. If nobody helps, assume we don't know the answer either. It doesn't help your cause to be passive aggressive about it.
  17. There's Project Red, assuming it has an analog for RedPower's Frames.
  18. Check the date, Poryy.
  19. Just out of curiosity, what exactly drives you to remove it?
  20. Hover over the item and press "r". If you want to see what recipe the item is used in, press "u". You can change the setting of NEI by clicking in the left lower corner and then it pops up a menu. I don't offhand know the button names as I don't really fiddle with the settings.
  21. Hover over the pattern. Some parts need more than one resource.
  22. I agree with the power generation. Either we need some way to pump lava from the Nether (also useful for Tinkers Construct, I suppose) or BigReactors. But beyond that, I am quite happy with the way the modpack is set up. It's just as crazy as Hexxit, but in a more fun oriented crazy way; it's just as techy as Tekkit, but it does so by going the mad science route instead of the industrial giant way.
  23. I don't know, but if I had to take a guess, I'd say Biomes A Plenty.
  24. Zum ersten: Die sprache hier is Engels. Bitte machen sie ihre nächste nachricht auf Engels. Hopefully you'll get what I'm posting now, because that was about it as far as my German goes. Secondly: Please read They state that signing your post is against them. Your name is already clearly visible next/above your post. Thirdly: I don't know what your keyboard looks like, but if it is a standard QWERTY keyboard, press either [ or ] to open the menu and use the same key to go through the list of morphs you've gotten. Press Enter to change into the form you've chosen.
  25. Not sure. But there's always the Magma Crucible.
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