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Everything posted by Nentify

  1. We are a non-PvP and non-grief server, so yes, we are a "safer" or "more protected" server in that aspect. Glad you're enjoying it.
  2. Update to Tekkit 3.1.3, select options and "select manual build". It's the top option on the list.
  3. There's a re-upload 7 pages up. ^^
  4. If the project is to succeed, is it likely Tekkit will use this to update to 1.4? It'd be nice to start planning/configuring new plugins and testing current plugins new features early and have everything ready for the update. It seems to be somewhat official on the MCPC forum/wiki now, we can only hope for the best. I'm sure plugin authors won't mind adding "a few lines of code" for Tekkit support if it is to become 1.4.
  5. It's not the items that spew out that are duplicated, just to clear this up. I found this out just recently when I saw one in a users house, a long with plenty of HV solar arrays, seems Sp0nge beat me to it.
  6. This isn't the place for that, however to answer your question - You can edit the items.csv file in /plugins/essentials. Just add 246,3,solar panel (I think that's the correct syntax) for example.
  7. I'm not having any issues with it, what problems are you having?
  8. We've been very busy sorting out various issues, updating the thread is something we will work on.
  9. I'd guess mainly because it's currently incompatible with Bukkit, which makes it difficult to give it unique features, use plugins or setup a proper "server" as such.
  10. I tested it on a local server with just GP, nuclear reactors and machine won't destroy surrounding blocks (afaik), only EE items will.
  11. Unless there's a Bukkit port hidden somewhere else, it needs to be here http://mcportcentral.co.za/wiki/index.php?title=Ports_for_1.2.5. Otherwise, I don't think it's possible.
  12. We handle moderator applications on our forums at http://tekkify.com/forum
  13. It's easier to either a) use in-game commands or use /pex dump mysql to convert your current (soon-to-be-working) permissions to a MySQL format which you can import. I'd get it working in flatfile first. Have you tried parsing it?
  14. Are you getting any errors? Should the moderater permissions be: - permissions.user.promote.* - permissions.user.demote.* What permissions plugin are you using? I'd guess PermissionsEx. You haven't given us much information to work with.
  15. http://dev.bukkit.org/server-mods/moddamage/ Does this do the job? It has a large variety of options you can choose to modify damage-related events.
  16. We are looking into re-implementing ComputerCraft as a permit. For example, if you're the trusted rank, you can purchase a ComputerCraft permit for $10,000 in-game to place computers for 24 hours. (Just an example).
  17. EE ruins the Tekkit experience, the author also stated it's not suitable in a multiplayer environment. We are slowly working to bring back some EE and CC items for experienced users which have some use, like the computer itself and alchemy bags for example.
  18. All crashing issues and connection issues are finally resolved! We thank you greatly for your patience and cooperation during these difficult and frustrating times. We hope to see you all back in-game soon! The issues were basically the DoS we had attack triggering a few security precautions at the datacentre which caused some issues. A user also had a corrupt data file, so the server crashed whenever logged in. Both of which are now sorted and the server is stable!
  19. They only generate in jungles iirc.
  20. If you mean rubberwood trees, they're in the world part of RedPower2, the only other 2x2 trees I'm aware of are jungle trees. I'm pretty sure RedPower in in Technic.
  21. We were just solving some issues. It appears a few of the top Tekkit servers are being attacked, we are doing our best to prevent it. Expect further crashes.
  22. I've added it in, thanks for the suggestion. :)
  23. As I said on another thread, I haven't used ComputerCraft to a great extent, it's only what I've heard and as a security precaution. If someone can prove to me it's safe, I'll happily allow it. Until then, it'll remain banned.
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