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Everything posted by Nentify

  1. Are you giving him your hamachi IP? I've never used hamachi, so I can't help you there.
  2. 1024.. Have you tried using the default texture pack? 1024.. I didn't even know such a thing existed..
  3. We had completely removed the mod as well, it was strange. There must be something to trigger it, maybe something buggy in the area they're in or logout in. Otherwise I have no idea. Sorry. ^^
  4. Or nobody here has tested it or knows how to help you. My guess it that it would work, as long as you reconfigure the IDs/configs to work with the other mods in the pack, as well as you install it onto your client with the exact same configuration.
  5. What did the user do before they crashed? I had a weird issue previously where a user managed to craft and hold a Balkon's weapon. It caused all entities within a certain raidus of him to go wild, only clientside though. And when he left and tried to reconnect, he was crashing.
  6. Your first chest will protect a 9x9 protection which can be resized using a golden shovel. Anything in-game will always be more up-to-date than threads/forums/sites.
  7. Then search on Google "Portforward Linksys"
  8. There are plenty of tutorials online, it depends what router you have.
  9. This is possible, have a read through this: http://www.mcportcentral.co.za/index.php?topic=929.0 - It may not work from what I've read in the replies. But it's the only thing I've seen which allows what you're asking for. I've heard it works with Tekkit 3.0.4 but not sure about 3.1.2. You could always setup a second server and just stop one and start the other when you want to switch. ^^
  10. Have you port forwarded correctly? The IP from ipconfig won't work, you'll need to go to http://whatismyip.org or Google "What is my IP" to find your public IP address to give to them. If you're using port 25565 and have port forwarded correctly, he should be able to connect using that IP.
  11. I like this plugin, just make your own! There's some scripts you can use in the forums as well. http://dev.bukkit.org/server-mods/votifierscripts/
  12. We don't deal with applications here, apply on our forums at tekkify.com/forum.
  13. BlockIdsRequiringAccessTrust: - 243 - 223 BlockIdsRequiringContainerTrust: - 137 - 138 - 150 - 161 - 166 - 169 - 178 - 181 - 183 - 187 - 188 - 192 - 194 - 207 - 208 - 213 - 223 - 225 - 227 - 233 - 246 - 250 - 253 - 254 That includes rubber trees and all machines. Pretty sure it includes everything completely besides EE. Just add the EE items to the bottom. Added engines/pipes which were missing in the last one.
  14. Can you give a complete list of banned items and mods? Have you made sure you've disabled them correctly? I think that'd be the easiest method to find what caused these explosions. My guesses would be nukes, nova catalysts or nuclear reactors.
  15. There's a warn-on-overload option you can disable in bukkit.yml.
  16. CraftBukkit++ will stack items for you. :)
  17. 1. Try giving them -gods.reload 3. modifyworld.* is what you should give to users who want to do everything, like build, move, walk, eat, kill, etc. 4. WorldEdit is fine, the only plugins I've seen give out permissions as default are Lottery+ and MobArena for the classes 5. Also only for ops or users with correct permissions I'd recommend a logging plugin like HawkEye for extra protection against griefers, if you plan on having an economy, there are plugins such as iConomy and BOSEeconomy available. I'd also recommend Essentials which.. gives you all the essentials.
  18. Only x-ray really, but it's not difficult to track them down.
  19. Both you're y co-ordinates are on the same level, did you remember to expand it?
  20. It doesn't show up when you log in?
  21. Try right clicking with string on the plot, what does it show? Can you paste your regions.yml file?
  22. You shouldn't use "build deny". No one can build in a region by default.
  23. You wouldn't need the password. I was guessing it would be for something like spawn which would already have a region covering it.
  24. Don't covers achieve this? Place a cover on the side of the pipe and it will stop it connecting with anything touching that side of the pipe.
  25. Have you set the parents up properly? /rg par <plotName> market /rg par market spawn
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