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Everything posted by Nentify

  1. Have you tried a new world? Or deleting the end world and trying a new seed? (May cause your main world to start generating differently). If it works with a new world (remember to backup your old world), then it's probably just an issue with your seed. Have you tried the seed in vanilla Minecraft?
  2. Windows x86 is 32-bit.
  3. Any host that hosts Minecraft probably hosts Tekkit too, just send a message to their support. I originally used BeastNode before we went dedicated.
  4. I don't think many servers are still on 2.x, I may be wrong but I'll add it in. As for 3.1, I think that'd be fairly straight forward anyway? I'll add it in for now however. Edit: There's also information when you go to "Tekkit" on the main site, then click the "Server" tab and it explains the steps required to update.
  5. The latest version of IC2 fixes this, which is also in the latest Tekkit pack. So you won't see these when you update. But as previously said, you can just ignore them.
  6. I'd say NoItem, disablecraft configuration can be a tad confusing, NoItem has a tonne of other features you can use as well. http://dev.bukkit.org/server-mods/noitem/
  7. Even easier - In the latest version of RedPower, there's a configuration for what deployers can deploy. There's already a configuration for block breakers in the Tekkit version. I can't link you right now as their site seems to be down. But there's a link on http://mcportcentral.co.za/.
  8. I think that can be ignored if it was just an IC2 error. It's fixed in later versions of IC2. Glad it worked though! ^^
  9. Try installing and unzipping the files from the server instead of uploading them via FTP. You can use the wget function to get the archive, then use the unzip function to unzip it. Seems to be the solution on the thread I find also having this issue where the config files encoding changed after being uploaded or something. If that doesn't work then I'm not sure what's causing your issue, never seen it before myself and there doesn't seem to be too much information around about it. Also - If it works, let me know ^^
  10. Plugin Name: ecoCreature BukkitDev Link: http://dev.bukkit.org/server-mods/ecocreature/ Description: Allows you to reward users with a rare custom drop for killing mobs, also allows you to disable things like spawner camping. Tekkit Compatibility: Custom object names when killing a mob are displayed as their ID, other than that I've seen nothing else.
  11. Thanks for the suggestion, added them in. ^^
  12. I've decided to write up a list of general issues or fixes of many issues users have while running their Tekkit server as a central area users can look for help first before posting a thread. General Issues Quarries, block breakers, deployers, IC2 miners, etc. not working correctly Make sure that BuildCraft's fake player, [buildCraft], has permission to build. Plugins like modifyworld and protection plugins can stop BuildCraft destroying/creating blocks in certain areas. You can do this by adding the modifyworld.* permission as an example to [buildCraft]'s permissions. You can also /op [buildCraft], but cautious if doing so. The same applies to [RedPower] and [industrialCraft]. Unable to craft items, other miscellaneous things going wrong If you have used /reload, restart your server. The main cause of mainly the inability to craft is because you used /reload. You should reload plugins by restarting the server. Preventing use, crafting, placing of items etc. If using PermissionsEx, you can use modifyworld. However, I use NoItem which can be found here. You can assign permissions such as noitem.(noplace|nocraft).x(100|200.*) which would stop users with this permission from crafting and placing a block with ID 100 and blocks with 200 and any damage value. There is more information on the BukkitDev page. What is the best block logging plugin? My personal favourite is HawkEye, found here, as it enables you to log many functions, even chest transactions (although it doesn't work for machines). It also has a web interface you can use to look at records from your MySQL database. If you can't use MySQL (which I would highly suggest), I've heard good things about CoreProtect which can be found here. Other alternatives you can look into involve LogBlock, SWatchDog and I'm sure there are many others. How do I install extra mods into my server? First of all, you need to go to the official mods ported for Bukkit list, found here and find the mod you're looking for. You then simply put the file you download into your mods folder which is in the same directory as the server .jar. You only need to touch your Tekkit.jar if the mod says so, but it's up to you to make sure there are no ID conflicts for example. Anyone who wants to join your server will also have to install the mods on their client and have the exact same configuration/item IDs. Missing mods: ______ You must make sure your users are using the correct version to connect to your server, perhaps put a post in your main thread, forums or your website displaying what version of Tekkit the server is using. If a user connects with the wrong version, they won't be allowed in. If they still get this issue, then they have done something wrong clientside. 'CONFLICT @ ___ item slot already occupied by __ while adding __' error! If this error is just one line and comes from IC2, it can be ignored. However, if it is a larger error and stops the server from functioning, there is a solution here. Upgrading from version X to version Y? If you're having issues or are unsure what to do, you can go here and click the 'Server' tab for information on updating. slotChanging() flooding the console This is just some debug code in immibis tubestuff mod with the automatic crafting table mk. II. There is a fix here. '[buildCraft] Error creating pipe type 0 (class=null)' error This error means you have rolled back or spawned in pipes (block ID 166). It could be through WorldEdit, HawkEye, LogBlock, you name it. To remove them, simply go to the location which appears in the message underneath, such as '[buildCraft] Pipe failed to load from NBT at 384,67,353' and destroy them. You can also use WorldGuard's '//removenear' command, like this '//removenear 166 25' which will remove all BuildCraft pipes in a radius of 25, so be cautious. '../modNetherOres : Unsupported major.minor version 51.0' crash on startup Simply put, get Java 7. http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/index.html Duplication Glitches Tin Buckets Some may not consider it duplication, but it can reduce the value of iron. Users can turn tin into buckets, and use an alloy furnace back down into iron. 3 tin -> 3 iron process. Fix: Disallow crafting of tin buckets in /config/IC2.cfg Steel Minecarts You are able to use blast furnaces to create steel. Using 5 steel will make 2 minecarts instead of one. Users can then turn those 2 minecarts back into 10 iron ingots. Fix: Unknown Immibis Tubestuff - Block ID 194 All block 194:* block IDs that have inventories can be abused to duplicate items. A user can place down an automatic crafting table 3 for example, and put a stack of diamonds inside. They can then use a block breaker to break it and they will receive 2 stacks of diamonds and the crafting table 3 back. Fix: Add 194:* to your block breaker blacklist Equivalent Exchange Vitaliy wrote this out for the thread, so a big thank you to him. Here are some EE dupes you may want to be aware of. Other Resources/Patches WorldGuard Tekkit Fix - Machines inside regions NEI Fix - Stop users spawning in items (can just delete the NEI mod from your mods folder) If you know of any other common bugs, issues or fixes, do let me know.
  13. You could do that, the chest option was my second suggestion if you wanted to keep the tubes for the block breakers.
  14. I would also agree with this, I was talking with the creator of this and have been using it from about v5.2 and got many of these features added in fixed. He's a very active guy, listens to all suggestions and works quickly. Never seen such great support for a plugin and would also recommend this. I would also recommend this plugin - my favourite for disabling items. Plugin Name: NoItem BukkitDev Link: http://dev.bukkit.org/server-mods/noitem/ Description: It allows you to easily disable crafting, placement, breaking, brewing, cooking (furnaces), dropping and even more of items or blocks. There is a full list of permissions on the BukkitDev page. If you have PermissionsEx and want to disable a filler for a new user, you could simply add noitem.(nocraft|noplace).x155 and they won't be able to craft or place it. I would recommend it over using ModifyWorld and disablecraft as it does both their jobs in one place, and does it well. Tekkit Compatibility: It's semi-compatible - You can't block cooking certain items in machines or any other machines in Tekkit, but you can block picking up, dropping, placing, breaking, holding, wearing, crafting and using of any Tekkit item.
  15. If you put an obsidian pipe above (or beside) the block breaker (or transposer/filter, if you're using tubes on the block breakers), it will just shoot out the output and the obsidian tube will pick it up. You could put the cobblestone into a chest and pump it out with a wooden pipe.
  16. We handle applications and appeals on our forums. There is a link to the specific forum in the original post.
  17. You can use the "NoItem" plugin to limit crafting to certain groups using the "noitem.nocraft.x<itemID>" permission node. It can be found here.
  18. We now handle moderator applications on our forums, here, if you're interested in applying.
  19. It means you can't reload the server on a forge Bukkit server, as reloading is known to break things like crafting recipes. Just restart your server instead.
  20. We are updating to Tekkit 3.1.1 in half an hour from now, you can view the changes and updates which will take place with Tekkit and the server and how to update here.
  21. Nope, I'm currently using R11. Just drop it in the mods folder and delete the old version.
  22. Update to the latest version from MC Port Central and it'll be fixed.
  23. Should be sorted now, @above ^ In other news... Update! The building competition ends on the 14th July at 8PM BST! Get your creations in now! You have the chance to win a swiftwolf's rending gale! Here's the information:
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