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Everything posted by Nentify

  1. I think Essentials /fly is currently broken altogether. I did notice a plugin called SimpleFly the other day however. Maybe you should try that out and get back to us to see if it worked or not. :)
  2. If you use WorldGuard and AlienX's fix, you can add the computer block ID to /plugins/WorldGuard/tekkify.yml. Then just create a region around the computer and no one should be able to access it.
  3. There's an item buffer option in NoLagg which does that. If there's 200 drops in a chunk, the rest wont appear until the first ones are picked up.
  4. Who's topic? As far as I can tell, that's yours. I added a bit of information about teleporting to the location and punching them, or using a WorldEdit command for a radius. I've never experienced a "crash" with BuildCraft pipes being the cause.
  5. If it's just items being on the floor, I'd recommend a plugin to stack items. I haven't heard too many good remarks about NoLagg, but I've heard there's a plugin called "ItemStacker" which does a similar job. I personally use the built-in item stacker in CraftBukkit++.
  6. Can you give us a list of the plugins you use? Would help.
  7. Added a bit about BuildCraft pipes. matejdro: The fixes are lying around in this section or the General Tekkit SMP section somewhere, I'll find them. 5000kit: The only thing I can think of is another process using port 25565. bwblazerkid: NoItem works fine for me, make sure you've set the permissions up correctly. 'noitem.nocraft.x123'
  8. What version of Java are you using? Tekkit requiers Java 7.
  9. Some users won't agree with your decision, that's for sure. Like you said, probably someone who watches the Yogscast. But you may bring in more experienced Tekkit users who know about RedPower. It depends how you do it. If you explain what alternatives there, how it works, what the benefits are and then at the end, say "so for this reason, we have disabled BuildCraft", I think users would be happy to try out RedPower and see how it goes. ^^
  10. 1. There are various configs scattered around the files. If you go to the directory your Tekkit.jar is in, there should be a "buildcraft" folder, which has the BuildCraft configurations in, a "config" folder, with most of the plugins configurations, a "redpower" folder with RedPower's configurations in and "mod_ee.props" with the EE configs. 2. Plugins are installed the same as you would with Bukkit. Make sure you download the version for 1.2.5-R4 for them to be compatible with the Tekkit version. You shouldn't have many issues with plugins, if any. At least I haven't during the time my server has been up. EDIT: Is there anything in your "config" folder? You seem to be missing buildcraft, redpower and EE configurations. Make sure the mods are in the "mods" folder. If so, you'll need to upload the configs for them. EDIT2: In fact, did you just select the Tekkit jar? If so, you'll still need to manually put in all the mods, configurations ect. from the server download as it looks like only the .jar was downloaded by MultiCraft (not too sure how MultiCraft works). Just download the server files and re-upload all the files.
  11. Well, in my opinion, there's two ways you can think about it. In the server operators eyes, you'll dislike BuildCraft mainly because some of the issues it causes. That's it. However, in the users eyes, most will first learn the basics of Tekkit through using BuildCraft pipes, only after I heard about RedPower tubes I was able to compare them and go "Wow.. I'm never using BuildCraft again!". It shouldn't really cause you many issues, maybe put a tutorial at spawn showcasing the benefits and drawbacks of BuildCraft compared to RedPower to get users to switch. Lots of popular videos/tutorials start out using BuildCraft pipes, and it's one of the first items I learnt about in Tekkit, and I'm sure it's the same for many others. By all means, you could disable it and simple show the RedPower alternative at spawn and convince your users to switch over. I'm sure if I heard about RedPower first, I'm sure I would have learnt it first.
  12. You could use WorldGuard to disable creeper explosions, you may also be able to disable creepers through that, can't quite remember. However, if you want to completely remove them and not just their block damage, I'm sure there are other plugins if WorldGuard can't.
  13. The chest is where your dust/ores would go, which are put into the top of the furnace. They're taken out by a filter/transposer (filter takes stacks, transposer takes items 1-by-1). The filter/transposer take a redstone single to pull out items, so you'll also need a timer and some redstone/red alloy wire. The transposer/filter on the right then takes out the ingots and they'll go into the chest. You may also want a lever to disable the timer when you're not using it.
  14. Server slots increased to 200! I'm pretty sure you can donate, as long as PayPal accepts that method of payment.
  15. I've removed the NEI mod from my server.
  16. Server upgrades are now complete and everything is back to normal!
  17. Punish them if they don't? Enforce a rule about it. Talk English in global chat, other languages in private. Mute them if they start talking in a foreign language and tempban if they continue?
  18. If items are disappearing, you most likely have ItemBuffer enabled. However use ItemStacker, or even Craftbukkit++/Spigot if you're still experiencing some lag issues. ^^
  19. You need Java 7. ^^
  20. I wouldn't go as far as giving out red matter and end-game items out for free. I'd stick to simple, but fun plugins like hats. You could also work with the plugins you have and give them a few other bonuses, maybe an extra home or the ability to use new classes in MobArea, or PvP arena. These are just examples, obviously it varies depending on what plugins you use.
  21. It seems a little messy here, maybe you should work on putting all into the original post and formatting a bit more instead of spreading it out amongst the rest of the thread? Anyhow, seems like a decent start!
  22. We handle all appeals and applications over on our forums at tekkify.com/forum
  23. It's from immibis tubestuff and the automatic crafting table mk. II. There was a post with a fix for it, can't remember what it's called though, I'll take a look. It's fixed in later versions of the mod, I think it was just some debug code. EDIT: Here it is: http://www.technicpack.net/forums/threads/upgraded-to-3-1-2-now-lots-of-console-spam-fix-inside.18092/
  24. Are you running another server on port 25565? If not, open task manager and close any processes called "java.exe" or "javaw.exe".
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