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Everything posted by KakerMix

  1. Shame it doesn't work for you because up until now its worked for everyone else.
  2. This one is a dear friend of mine
  3. Or you can do what all the 'cool' and 'in the know' and 'I read well' people do and simply read the current bug list and see that a solution to this issue
  4. I never said it wasn't compatible, just that its important information. We personally don't test or run with Spout at all, so we can't hope to try to troubleshoot someone that uses it as well as Tekkit.
  5. Try adding 256 to whatever item number you have. So take the IDs you put in there and add 256 to them, then see if it works.
  6. RedPower can output to tubes just fine, you need to set up the proper retriever system is all. Its hard to shake how you build things in Buildcraft when working with tubes, but its totally possible. Liquid and Energy pipes are just fine, its Buildcraft's Item Transport pipes that are outclassed, this is why I specify 'item' pipes.
  7. Advanced Buildcraft Objects and Logisitc Pipes are in, however you guys should *really* try to break your Buildcraft item pipe addiction and really delve into Tubes. Tubes do all these things without mods and with a much cleaner interface.
  8. It is a poorly-built mod, code wise. People who've examined the code directly described it as 'scary'. We've ran into some serious issues with stability in our testing so removed it. The original creator is also kind of a douchebag and as since stopped maintaining the mod. You can always attempt to add it back in yourself, but it isn't worth bringing down the rest of the pack.
  9. Yeah but you posted what I was looking for. :)
  10. Cable length, jesus. You are using gold cables, and then have huge lengths between them. http://wiki.industrial-craft.net/index.php?title=Cable#Cable_Efficiency Tin Cable Copper Cable Gold Cable HV Cable Fiber Cable Read up on IC2 power, loss over length and wiring techniques here
  11. Goddamnit Cheapshot! I outta cuss you out!
  12. I've plundered the depths 4 u~
  13. Changing a seed mid-map with have that behavior with the chunks lining up and biomes changing, since that is exactly what changing a seed is expected to do. Your second complaint is an IC2 thing, since the items work off damage values you can damage an item and have it 'break' aka disappear. Wearing a batpack, its empty, you get hit, that last 'damage' to the pack breaks it. Your last is a problem with Buildcraft, it starts pumping water then will pull from as far as it can. This is default Buildcraft behavior, this is why the Water Strainer that is a part of Power Crystal's mods was made.
  14. Nah this place is just fine, at least you are dealing with a bug. About to share a super secret trick. First, delete both "MinefactoryReloaded_Client" and "PowerConverters_Cliet" zip out of your current Tekkit 1.0 client. The newest version of Tekkit has those files you seek. Simply download the 1.1.4 Tekkit, take out "MineFactoryReloaded_Client_1.4.0p2.zip" and "PowerConverters_Client_1.3.0p2.zip" (\mods\required\Core Mods and Settings\resources\mods is the path) and put those in your in your tekkit 1.0 /mods folder, being sure to cut the [1] off of the front both the file names. You should be all set.
  15. Dude brahs, you need to a fat spliff you know and just chillbrax. 8)
  16. This was a change we made, correct. It makes sense and we decided to make it the default behavior. The new version of IC2 has this behavior as default as well, no more Industrial Diamonds, any diamonds you create will now be vanilla diamonds, no mods needed.
  17. Right, if you are using Spout that is *very* important information, since Tekkit isn't given out with Spout. Any alterations or deviations made need to be reported.
  18. KakerMix

    forestry bug

    DO NOT spam the boards with your stuff. I already deleted this exact post in a thread that had nothing to do with what you wanted.
  19. Compatible with what? Technic or Tekkit? You say Technic but rotzhocher here is replying with Tekkit things. Depending on what you were looking for this should really go in the Technic/Tekkit boards.
  20. No direct adf.ly links. Linking to a page is ok, but we will not allow any direct adf.ly or adcraft links at all. The proper way is like this: "I use the Soartex Texture Pack!"
  21. We *might* be getting support for at least IC2 from a big-shot texturer but no promises as of yet. SMP has given me some unreleased material to use, so I have a sort of proto-SMP texture pack thing made using those textures he's provided. He's ok'd me to release it as well, so here you go! Note this is NOT complete.
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