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Everything posted by KakerMix

  1. What Tekkit version is this server running? Op hasn't been touched in a while.
  2. Dear friends, I am looking for servers to Deluxe. Here is one. Hopefully you'll be up to 3.1.2 soon :c00l:
  3. Because its rad as hell? Because it looks great, plays great, adds depth and is build wonderfully? Azanor is a total bro? You made they very classic mistake of seeing 'Technic' and going 'ONLY TECHNICAL'. Thaumcraft is just as technical as IC2 and RedPower, it just deals in Vis instead of electricity. Jumping boots instead of jetpacks. Void portals instead of teleporters.
  4. Oh no, I'm not going down that road, with you especially. There is a reason Norton has that reputation, but if you are happy with it then there is nothing me, nor anyone else, is going to be able to tell you to change your mind. I'd wager you are going to dig in and argue for Norton simply because 'its been fine'. It's kind of your thing :v:
  5. Out of all the spergy things you have ever said or done, you use NORTON as your anti-virus? I've got 12 years of cold, hard computer janitor experience that just can't reconcile that. There is a reason Norton is the joke of all anti-viruses, and it isn't because people like to root for the underdog.
  6. Not unless you use some sort of map convertor, but you are going to have to 'build' it yourself. People have used Midas Gold in the past to convert Tekkit maps, might be something you can use.
  7. As of right now they were dropped because it compromised the pack. You are free to dump them back in if you'd like, it should be almost completely painless.
  8. The number of bug reports have gone up because the amount of people using Technic/Tekkit has over doubled since the old forums.
  9. Yes it's the real SMP, and he's a total bro. We've made out once or 6 times so we cool. Bros. And no, he isn't going to do mod support, that's a fools errand and he already burned out on that.
  10. I have no idea what is going on in this thread, but it's completely and 100% terrible.
  11. Quit rewarding bad behavior! This isn't the Minecraft Forums! Exclamation points!!!!!!!!! If you keep helping people that can't bother to help themselves the quality of this place slides. What is the point of having titles of forums and clear definitions of what goes where if people are just going to ignore it, throw themselves in the first board they see, and go 'omg pls help' I'm weirded out that i have to explain this. Don't feed the wildlife, shepherd them to the correct areas instead.
  12. The code was not removed, just deactivated. It's still in the mod.
  13. Also just to be clear, there is no actual OFFICIAL Technic/Tekkit wiki, they are all fan-based. We tried a wiki, it didn't work out. Like sct says, use the official mod wiki's instead. No use trying to simply copy information that is already there.
  14. lol :p
  15. America is huge, and you are just in time for our Presidential Election! You will see America at her ugliest. I'm originally from Michigan, but from the western side of the state from a city called Muskegon. If you can make it out there, the beaches and dunes are wonderful, if the water is a bit cold. I'd see about seeing if you can get into a Detroit Lions american-football game in the winter as that's uniquely American. Heck if you can get to a NASCAR race I'd check that out too. The 'sport' is questionable at best but to actually be at the events is pretty awesome.
  16. In that case see the stickied thread at the top of this board, if you were so interested in this topic.
  17. I don't think you understand at all what we are telling you. If we did it your way we would instantly break every single Tekkit server running out there, right now. Not a single person would be able to jump on their server to play Tekkit because their server wouldn't have been updated. We don't have the ability (nor the desire) to update people's servers in the same way as the clients, so the way we do it is the "best" way. I suppose that your way is cool in a "I don't understand how to manage community releases" sort of way. Really, it's not difficult to understand why we release Tekkit as we do, it's server-operater centered. Unless, again, you just love breaking people's servers.
  18. If you have this error it means that you have a server/client mismatch. Make sure you know the version of Tekkit is running on the server you are trying to connect to, and then adjust your version accordingly. To select 3.1.1 (the latest): With Tekkit selected click Options and select Manual Build Selection, then choose 3.1.1| 1.2.5|Latest. The reason for this is because when we update Tekkit we can't just dump the update across the board yet because we'd break the game for anyone that plays on a server. We usually give Tekkit a week for the server operators to get their servers updated before we push the latest Tekkit client to Recommended.
  19. Let's do it Gr3n's way. Here, this is how it would go down: We push the Tekkit client update and whoops! Now everyone can no longer play Tekkit because all the servers are now out of date. Boy, sure is a shame huh. If only we would give a week or so for server operators to get their servers up to date, THEN flip the switch. Wait that's exactly what we do! The part you are forgetting about is the entire Tekkit community and the servers they run. We aren't about to disrupt everything that's already been established because you feel that it should be easier for new people to just slam their fists on their keyboard and be on their way.
  20. KakerMix

    IC2 wrench

    But that's just it, why the disconnect? If I have 60 MFSUs in my inventory I can whip them around, shove them through tubes, throw them in water, drop them from 200 blocks up, but IF YOU PLACE IT DOWN that suddenly changes things? The 'idea' that its heavy to move goes right out the window when I can haul around hundreds of them in my pocket. Not to mention as a pure gameplay thing its stupid. It punishes people for playing the game. If I want to re-arrange my place I should be able to do it when I want to and how I want to do it. Everything else in Minecraft is moveable, I can shift around all sorts of other modded blocks, why can't I move IC2 stuff? It's a stupid mechanic, just like their insistence on trying to keep recipes secret. I truly believe there is no way to defend it, because it makes no sense and it brings nothing to the game.
  21. KakerMix

    IC2 wrench

    I'm not a fan of it at all either. It doesn't make sense in the context of the mod itself (hey guys I totally assembled microchips and nuclear chambers on a work bench! I am carrying 64 uranium ingots too!), and it is annoying. Whoops, I placed my washing machine that I built by hand a meter away from where I really wanted it, whoops looks like it completely broke and lost materials somehow when I picked it back up. Whoops. You'd think that jumping in the water with an inventory full of radioactive, explosive, and electrical things on you would cause more problems, but, welp I guess not!
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