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Everything posted by KakerMix

  1. http://forums.technicpack.net/forums/mod-makers-market.43/ This is where you want to go good buddy.
  2. Everyone is a big mean jerk and I am telling my mom!!!!!
  3. Why do people feel the need to ask if they can? Make whatever you want bro, it's cool. We can't stop you even if we tried, and all the other literal thousands of people never asked, so even if we WERE all stuffy and fat idiots like that we still couldn't stop you. You are making the videos doing the things with them, do people have to ask Lego before they show off what they built in a video? Do you have to ask Kraft's permission if you use Ritz crackers in a recipe you share online? Nope!
  4. Well well well, I see nothing has changed at all. A nice chat we've had here, please join us next time when we all say exactly the same thing, but perhaps with more drama and maybe even a case of amnesia! I'm KakerMix, goodnight.
  5. Go check again bro, Dirwolf20 absolutely has ads on his videos.
  6. Here pls forgive
  7. It's clear you are quite the fan of Direwolf20 since that's the only thing you are talking about. Also you don't seem too keen on Technic considering your ~slight~ negative, uh, tone, I guess. It's pretty not-subtle passive aggressive. Direwolf has a good thing going, and is unique in the respect that he sort of takes explaining mods seriously and he kind of is like a dad figure. I am simply pointing out the fact that he seems very open about 'those illegal modpacks' but is willing to tag his videos with those tags anyway in hopes of drawing more views. Claim something is bad, yet profit off of the traffic it brings. To me it seems like he keeps that attitude to keep on everyone's good graces, and that's fine. I'm just pointing out the less-than-honest approach. Also, we don't need Direwolf bring us more traffic, we appreciate it sure, but the Yogscast and every kid in the world seemingly doing some sort of youtube lets play whatever.
  8. Dear sir or madam! I unbanned you! Please do not talk with a solicitor! I ask forgiveness!!!
  9. I already talked with ~MY~ solicitor and he said 'Tell him he smells like a butt and his butt smells like two butts'. This seems like solid advice, what do you guys think????
  10. I always got the impression that he either he truly 'hates' Technic or he is just pandering to that sub-set of the community. Either way, he's being dishonest somewhere because he'll simultaneously deride "illegal modpacks" (without saying names of course) but tag his videos with "tekkit" and "technic". I suppose he is all about the money above all else, but it really rustles my jimmies when people are lazily dishonest about things. Maybe Direwolf isn't popular enough and is afraid of alienating his group that watches him. His loss, the Tekkit videos the Yogscast are doing right now are the most popular ones they are doing, even beating out their Shadows of Israphel series.
  11. It's just straight-up terrible across the board. There is a reason adf.ly is blacklisted on many sites. There are lots of ways to make money on the internet, adf.ly isn't one of them.
  12. Also this thing is nuclear, it will still have something like 80% of its power left when it hits 15 years old.
  13. Yeah we don't allow signatures here. They really are a terrible thing. However, they show on your profile page!
  14. I plan on giving it a thumbs up if it lands correctly, and being really sad if it doesn't.
  15. Nothing is changing with how mods are handled. There is still the same client/server modification needed, just that the single player version is now just the SMP client doing some weird single server thing.
  16. NEVER use the /reload command on Tekkit. It will break all the things. Stop, then start. Never /reload.
  17. We don't know because there is no Tekkit for 1.3. This is a silly question because there is no answer, and we won't know till mods start to mature into Minecraft 1.3.
  18. Like I said, he made it very clear what he thinks about his fans. He is never going to be in Technic/Tekkit ever again because we don't trust him, and neither should you. By all means, if you want to use Forestry we aren't going to poorly-code in some sort of backwards-assed DRM in an attempt to punish Mr. Sengir (somehow) by trampling all over the taken-for-granted trust between us and you and your worlds and creations. Probably.
  19. u r the beast :3:
  20. Buildcraft isn't originally his, is open source, and is shared with Krapht. Krapht is a great guy and a very skilled coder, so no worries there.
  21. The 'issue' was caused by him, intentionally. This 'issue' is also not removed, it is merely disabled. Mr. Sengir made it very clear what he thinks about his fans.
  22. The only issue with adding these mods to a Tekkit server is they HAVE TO BE BUKKIT PORTED. No excuses. They must be converted to Bukkit in order to function at all. Installing them is usually you dumping them into the mod directory on the server and going to town. The downside is you now have to get those same mod files (client versions, of course) together and push them to your clients that you expect to join your server, with the configs that you manually set up yourself (since they must match between server/client) since if you add something to your server, the normal Tekkit client can't connect to your server because the client won't have these mods installed. The config bit it the really, really important part, they have to match between client and server. Doing this is fine, but you destroy the biggest reason most server ops elect to use Tekkit in the first place, and that's ease of use because you can simply go 'yo go get the Technic launcher, punch in this IP, play game'.
  23. This place is for server operators to talk about how many RAMS they have, what are the cool Bukkit plugins to use, how neat it is to do this sort of event for your community, that sort of stuff. It's like Cheers, but on the internet and nothing like Cheers at all.
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