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Everything posted by KakerMix

  1. It's a honeypot meant to show if people *really* read the rules or not. :ssh:
  2. I don't, what? It's completely optional for you to use any 'services' that we may provide. If you don't want to use the Platform, then don't. If you don't like how our launcher works, fork it yourself and do with it what you want, it's completely open source. All Platform does is give a 'platform' (see what I did there) for people to show off content. You are more than welcome to distribute your modpack in any way you want. We don't want nor need your 'data' nor do I make a good Steve Jobs. We might both have shaved heads, but I don't trust homeopathy like some billionaire scrub. I do apologize for the downtime today, but Platform is far more popular far more quickly than any of us could have imagined, and the first Saturday it was open hit pretty hard. EDIT FU ICEWOLF
  3. And here we have, ladies and gentlemen, the standard internet user. This one is identified by it's ~explosive~ use of the word 'nigger', lots of caps lock, and various spelling mistakes peppered through out the post.
  4. RIP Technic, you had a good run.
  5. Thanks for trying to start some sort of argument, uh, thing, but it's an index. Like Google, or Bing, or the Classifieds in your local newspaper! Reading is fun-da-mental!
  6. sct would be the designer yeah, with feedback from the rest of us. Cheapshot drew the logo :3:
  7. KakerMix

    Helen Keller

    Hey guys lets please calm down, there is no reason to be hasty! Right guys? heh? Just a little joke! I'll have this nastly little 'keller' problem fixed by the end of the week there Sparky. Don't you worry.
  8. can someoin sand me minecraft
  9. The honiest of all pots
  10. more like abuse of MADMIN powers!!!
  11. Are you telling me................................................. TECHNIC IS REAL?!
  12. REAL DAD™ with REAL KIDS®
  13. Noway is someone this dense, petty, and just overall ignorant of reality an actual father. Noway! Right guys? :ohdear:
  14. i dont vaxcinate anymore bcause it causes autsims
  15. Yeah but what about chemtrails????????????????
  16. No, because classic is Minecraft 1.2.5 because of bukkit. Since there is no forge/bukkit hybrids stable for use with the new versions of Minecraft there is no true tekkit past 1.2.5. This will change, it will just take time.
  17. Sure. Just uh, use RedPower.
  18. You have a bias, you are just trying to wrap it up in an unbiased wrap. Everyone here can see through it because it's what people do all the time, you aren't the first, I doubt you'll be the last. It's the same reason slowpoke was banned here, because he was a moron and thought if he said "I don't want to cause drama" and then proceeded to cause drama in the very next line we'd somehow buy it. We have rules, they are meant to be followed. You don't follow them, you get punished. Nobody cares who you are, nobody is safe from the rules we've put in place. If you'd like, you can start on about how we are censoring you, even though we never edit anything anyone says. Turns out that idiots and morons will happily dig their own grave if you leave them alone, I see you have a nice start on yours!
  19. Dear Bytas: I am very sorry that your recent purchase of 'Tekkit Lite' has not been up to your satisfaction. I trust you filled out your warranty card within 7 days of purchase, yes? If that is the case please contact our customer service hotline with your serial number ready. 1-888-MAD-ABOUT-BLOCKS. Thank you.
  20. Your ideas of 'them' and 'us' don't jive with what happened last night between slow-of-pokes and Calc of UE, on either legitimacy, foolhardiness *or* hurt feelings.
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